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ISFs (Import Security Filings) In Shipment Details

🎉New Feature Announcment

  1. ISFs now consolidated into the Shipment Details page for one holistic view of the shipment’s details, from the beginning of the journey to the end.

  2. Your customers can now see ISF in Logixboard, where previously they could not.

How will this improve things?

  1. ISF information is highly time sensitive. Having faster access to the details of the ISF can reduce time and stress on your team and customers.

  2. Your team, and now your customers, will be able to see the ISF detail information on the same page as all of your other shipment details, reducing clicks and helping them see the full shipment journey.

  3. This improvement can save you the time it previously took to click around to different modules to collect various pieces of information about the shipment.

👀 How is it going to look now?

Great question. Here are GIFs/images showing the previous experience ⏱ versus how things are going to look now ✨.

⏱ Previous

ISF Connected to a Shipment

✨ New

ISF Connected to a Shipment

⏱ Previous

Standalone ISF

✨ New

Standalone ISF


Have you added or removed any ISF data with this release?

No, the data remains the same. The value of this release is getting ISFs into the shipment details for faster access and fewer clicks, as well as providing ISF access to your customers.

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