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Hold on Placement [Retailer]


This card gives an overview of the Hold on Placement payment hold type. Currently, there are 2 different types of payment holds:

  1. Hold on Placement (HoP)
    1. This is when the whole retailer account is switched to HoP and every order placed is held.
  2. Pay on Shipment (PoS) Authorization Holds
    1. This is when a retailer account is on PoS, and our model deems that specific order high risk and places a hold on it.
    2. For more details on authorization holds, please review the Payment Authorization Hold card

Feature Overview

Hold on Placement (HoP) is a payment type used to minimize failed payments & past due balances. Faire will reserve funds on the payment card at checkout for up to 7 days or once the order ships, whichever comes first. This is often used after a retailer is unblocked and Faire is trying to give a retailer a second chance.

Identifying Holds on Placement in Admin

From the bo_token

To identify an order was placed on payment hold, open the order on Admin and review the Payment Terms field. It will say “HOLD_ON_PLACEMENT”

From the payments tab

From the payments tab, impacted orders will show as reason ‘hold_for_brand_order’ and state as ‘held’ or ‘hold_dropped’.

  • Orders in the ‘held’ state means that the hold was successful, the order was placed
  • Orders in the ‘hold_dropped’ state mean that the 7 days have passed or the order has shipped, and the hold was dropped. The hold is not an actual charge, the true charge will be initiated once the order ships.
  • Once Faire drops the hold, it usually takes 24- 48 hours from when the bank drops it from the card. The timeframe is dependent on the bank.

Unsuccessful Holds

If a hold is unsuccessful the order will not be placed, and the brand order won’t appear on the orders tab. The brand is NOT notified about the order.

However, you can still locate the order where the hold failed from the payments tab. If the reason is “hold_for_brand_order” and the state is “failed”, then there were not enough funds on the payment method, and that order was immediately canceled.

If you click into a brand order for a failed Hold on Payment, it will show all the details and at the bottom will show that it was immediately canceled.


If retailers writes in about a hold on placement, reference the following macros:

  • RETAILER::EMAIL::Payment issues::Hold on payment duration
    • Use when a retailer is asking if they were double charged/ how long the hold on payment will be on their account
  • RETAILER::EMAIL::Payment issues::Hold on payment reasoning
    • Use when a retailer is asking why we decided to place a hold on their payment and how the amount was decided
  • RETAILER::EMAIL::Payment issues::Hold on payment order cancellation
    • Use when a retailer is asking why their order was canceled and the cancel reason Admin is HOLD_PAYMENT_FAILED

Process Guides

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.