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Student Code of Conduct - 8. Housing and Residential Education Violations

All violations listed in Section A. apply to students residing in residence halls as well as their guests. The following additional actions are also considered violations of the Student Code of Conduct and are subject to sanctions imposed following the Non-Academic Disciplinary Procedures of the university. Residents are encouraged to review the Housing and Residential Education website for more information about university housing,

  1. Violation of the residential guest policy
    1. Failure to follow published guest procedures.
    2. Failure to accompany your guests in University Housing at all times.
    3. Failure to adhere to the established time parameters for overnight guests.
    4. Registering a guest who has restricted access to the University or University Housing.
    5. Failure to inform guests of University Housing standards and policies. Intentional neglect to manage guest behavior or actions.
    6. Misuse of guest privileges.
  2. Alcohol in Housing
    1. Use, possession, manufacture, distribution, public intoxication, and/or being in the presence of alcoholic beverages in the Residence Hall where alcohol is prohibited and/or in residential common spaces (lounges, hallways, laundry rooms, etc.)
    2. Drinking games, including the simulation of drinking games, are prohibited.
    3. Empty bottles used for decoration, academic projects, or other purposes are prohibited.
  3. Quiet Hours

Engaging in behavior that violates quiet hours and/or courtesy hours; any behavior that is disruptive and is likely to disturb other neighbors and community. Such behaviors include but are not limited to loud music/entertainment.

  1. Health and Safety
    1. Intentional interference with the rights, safety, and reasonable comfort of one’s roommate(s) or other students.
    2. Residents are prohibited from participating in any kind of sport or physically active game inside the residence halls, including but not limited to football, basketball, soccer, hockey, golf, rollerblading, skateboards, hoverboards, frisbee, bowling, wrestling, etc.
    3. Possession of prohibited appliances with exposed heating elements including but not limited to hot plates, indoor grills, toasters, space heaters etc.
    4. Possession of flammable liquids including fixatives, gasoline, or other hazardous chemicals in restricted areas including bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.
    5. Possession of candles, incense, or other open flames.
  2. Residence Hall Property and Furnishings
    1. Failure to keep bedrooms and common areas free of excessive trash and debris.
    2. Stealing, burning, destroying, defacing, or otherwise damaging university provided furniture or equipment is prohibited.
    3. Possession of unauthorized furniture is prohibited.
    4. Possession of any water filled devices, including but not limited to fish tanks and waterbeds, is prohibited.
  3. Failure to vacate University Housing
    1. Within 24 hours of the resident’s last examination of the academic semester, or by the beginning date and time of each scheduled vacation/academic recess period, whichever comes first.
    2. Within 24 hours (unless the university stipulates a different time for the student’s removal/dismissal from the university) of a student’s withdrawal/dismissal from the university, this includes taking a leave of absence.
    3. During emergency evacuation and/or when an alarm system is activated.
  4. Failure to abide by the Housing Handbook

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