Reviewers | Recommended Word Setup
This card looks at how you can set up Word with some handy shortcuts (in the form of macros and quick access commands) that will help streamline your reviewing.
Quick Access Toolbar
Your quick access toolbar is a customizable set of commands that sits above the ribbon, meaning the commands can be immediately accessed whatever you're currently doing in Word.
To customize your toolbar, click the down arrow (PC) or three dots (Mac) to open up the menu and then select "More Commands".
The below image shows (in the right-hand pane) the commands we recommend adding to your Quick Access Toolbar. You'll need to search under "All Commands" to find some of these.
Macros are custom commands that you can add to Word using Visual Basic. Below we break this process down into three easy steps and provide a couple macros for you to add.
With these macros you can quickly:
Change the author name of comments if the editor has used the wrong one.
Accept unwanted formatting markup – e.g., if the editor hasn't prepped the file properly – so you and the customer can focus on the proofreading changes
1. Set up the Developer and Macro tabs
2. Add your macros
Here are our recommended Word macros for you to add by following the steps in the below video.
3. Add your Macros to your TAB
Macro Demonstration
Here's a short demonstration of how these Macros can help you.