Consumption Using Account History
This report can be summarized or create a spreadsheet, will include total billed consumption, total amount billed, average billed consumption & average amount billed. IF selecting to print deposits, you must select detail report and sort by account number.
Step 1: Utility Billing
Step 2: Reporting
Step 3: Account Transaction History Reports
Step 4: Consumption Using Account History
Account number: field is optional; however, you may enter a particular account number for that customer.
Name: This field will be grayed out and you cannot enter the customer’s name. This field will populate the customer’s name if you are utilizing the account number.
Cycle/route/district (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular cycle, route, district or leave it blank to capture all cycles, routes, and districts.
Subdivision (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular subdivision or leave it blank to capture all subdivisions.
City limit code: Select one (Both, Inside, Outside)
Customer class code (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular class code or leave it blank to capture all class codes
From and to billing date: This is a required field. You will enter the dates that you are needing for this report.
Meter size code (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular meter size code or leave it blank to capture all meter size codes
List Deposit: If you do not want to include the deposits simply leave the flag to “No.” If you are wanting to include the deposits on this report, you may change the flag to “Yes”. If selecting to print deposits, you must select detail report and sort by account number.
Detail or summary: Select one (Summary or Detailed) Keep in mind that this report can long if you selected a detail report. Make sure that the printer is set to oghold.
Sort by: Select one (Account number, Class code, Rate code, Meter size code, Month/Year & Class Code, Month/Year & Rate Code, Month/Year & Meter Size Code, Month/Year & Route Number, Month/Year & District, Month/Year/Rate/Meter Size)
Create comma delimited file: The system will default the flag to “No.” However, this report can be converted into an excel spreadsheet if you select detail.
Consumption limit to compare with: Enter the consumption that you wish to include in this report. For example: If you want to include all meter with a consumption greater than 1. You will enter 1 here in this field. Another scenario is that you would like to include all meters less than 10,000 gallons of consumption.
Select consumption if: Select one (Greater than or less than). This is based on what information you entered on the life to date consumption to compare.
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Service: Enter the service code for the metered service that you are needing for this report for. If you are not sure of the service code, you may select the magnifying glass to search.
Include Rate Codes: Enter the rate codes to include in this report. If you are not sure of the rate codes, you may select the magnifying glass to search. For example: you may want to include residential accounts only.
Exclude Rate Codes: Enter the rate codes to exclude in this report. If you are not sure what rate codes to exclude, you may select the magnifying glass to search. For example: you may want to exclude commercial or industrial rate codes.
Here is an example of the report that was processed by summary and class code.
Here is an example of the report that was processed by detail and sorted by account number.
Note: If you processed this report to create a comma delimited file. It will be in the following: OpenGov Directories> Shared directory:opengov (in this case it will be your user id instead of opengov)> this is an example of what the report will show within the OpenGov Directories>Click on it> A series of items will be in this file. However, the one you will need is . Proceed with the comma delimited process in order to convert this into a spreadsheet.
Version 1.1