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Processing An Online Registration Form (OFFICE STAFF)

Once a parent/guardian/independent student has submitted an Online Registration form or a Non-Resident Registration Application form, it will need to be reviewed and approved by the Principal and then processed by one of the front office staff members.

*NOTE: Principals and Front Office Staff can enable email notifications for submitted registration forms from within their account profile.
Example email notification:



  1. Login to the Parent Forms portal:
    1. If this is your first time to logging in, login with your ECSRD username and the temporary password you were given. Once you have successfully logged in, change your password via the small human icon in the upper right. Please do not choose the same password as your Evergreen account when setting your password, as Evergreen does not control the system you are logging in to. The password change screen also warns you not to do this.
    2. If you have logged in previously, you can skip this step and login with the password you chose:
  2. Enter your ECSRD username and password and click Sign In.
  3. From the Dashboard, click on the View Our Registrations button.
  4. If you choose to use any filter options, set them at this point by clicking the Filter Options link at the top of the page.
    *NOTE: In most cases you will not need to filter the list because all entries will need to be processed and eventually archived.
  5. To begin processing a registration, look for a registration submission that is marked as Approved and Completed and click the View link on the right side of the page.
    *IMPORTANT: Be careful to AVOID clicking the Archive link at this point. Doing so will require a ticket to be submitted to restore the registration entry.
  6. Click the OVERVIEW tab and verify that the Gender field is spelled correctly and is one of the four options that PASI accepts: Male (M), Female (F), Unknown (U), or Unspecified (X).
  7. Click the SUMMARY tab to read through the student information. You will need to take note of a few things.
    1. Check the Residency and Address information to decide if the student is supposed to be enrolled at your school. If they are supposed to register somewhere else, click on the OVERVIEW tab and change the school field. Then click the UPDATE button.
    2. Then check to see whether or not this student has a "Preferred" First or Last Name. You will need to know that for step 11.
  8. From the Summary tab, click the Parent Forms browser extension and choose COPY STUDENT.
  9. Navigate to PowerSchool and do a District Search to verify that the student record is not already in the system.
    (*NOTE: If the student record already exists in PowerSchool, contact the home school and have them transfer the record to your school. Then use Functions > Re-enroll in School and manually enter the required information. You can then skip to Step 12)
  10. Once you have confirmed no existing record exists in PowerSchool, click on Enroll Student.
  11. Now click the Parent Forms browser extension again and make ONE of the following choices from the dropdown menu:
    1. If the student has a preferred first or last name, choose the PS: 'Enroll New Student (Preferred)' option; or
    2. If the student DOES NOT have a preferred first or last name, choose the PS: 'Enroll New Student (Legal)' option.

      Then click the PASTE DATA TO FORM button.
  12. Fill in the remaining necessary fields on the Enroll Student page in PowerSchool and click Submit.
    (i.e., Enrollment Date, FTE, Entry Code, Track, Identification Information, etc.)
  13. Now click on the Demographics page in PowerSchool.
  14. Click the Parent Forms browser extension once again and choose PS: Demographics from the dropdown menu. Then click the PASTE DATA TO FORM button.
  15. Fill in any remaining fields on the Demographics page in PowerSchool and click Submit.
    (i.e., Homeroom, Track, Student Residency, etc.)
  16. Now click the State/Province-AB page in PowerSchool.
  17. Click on the Plus (+) sign in the Addresses section and select Mailing from the Address Type field BEFORE moving to the next step.
  18. Now click the Parent Forms browser extension once again and choose PS: State/Province - AB: Addresses *Manual Select: from the dropdown menu. Then click the PASTE DATA TO FORM button.
  19. Before submitting this page, you will need to make a manual adjustment to the following fields in order for them to save properly when submitting the page: Street, City, Province, Postal Code, and Effective Date.
    (Include the Primary checkbox if applicable). Then click Submit.
  20. Fill in all remaining fields on the State/Province-AB page in PowerSchool and click Submit.
    (i.e., Phone Numbers - remember proper formatting, Citizenship Information, Section 23 Information)
  21. Now click the Extended Enrollment tab on the State/Province-AB page in PowerSchool.
  22. Click the Parent Forms browser extension and choose PS: State/Province - AB: Extended Enrollment from the dropdown menu. Then click the PASTE DATA TO FORM button.
  23. Fill in all remaining fields on the Extended Enrollment tab and click Submit.
    (i.e., Grant Programs, Special Education, Enrollment Type, and French Hours)
  24. Now click the Emergency/Medical page in PowerSchool.
  25. Click the Parent Forms browser extension one more time and choose PS: Emergency/Medical from the dropdown menu. Then click the PASTE DATA TO FORM button.
  26. Fill in any other necessary information on the Emergency/Medical page in PowersSchool and click Submit.
    (i.e., Guardian (Custody) Alerts, Other Alerts).
  27. Manually enter any other student information that is typical during the registration process.
    (i.e., District Start Date, School Start Date, Student Contacts, Locker information, etc.)
  28. After all applicable student information has been entered into PowerSchool, click on the Overview tab in Parent Forms and change the Status field at the bottom of the page to Enrolled in PS.

You can now move on to the next STUDENT registration, OR if you would like to complete this registration, continue to the next step.

  1. Click on the SUMMARY tab in Parent Forms and click the PRINT AS PDF button. This will allow you to save/download a PDF version of the student registration form.
  2. Once you have saved/downloaded the registration form, click on the OVERVIEW tab in Parent Forms and change the Status field at the bottom of the page to PDF Downloaded.
    *NOTE: If you chose to move on to the next registration without downloading the PDF, you would change the Status field at the bottom of the page to Enrolled in PS.
  3. Upload the student registration form to CLASI/PASI.
  4. Once you have CONFIRMED that the registration is synced to PASIprep, you can Archive the registration form in Parent Forms by navigating back to the Registrations page (list of submissions) and clicking on Archive.
    (*REMEMBER: Archiving the document will remove it from the list permanently. This action can only be undone by the developer Imagine Everything)

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