Processing an NSF Check in AR (Legacy)
Note: Once you’ve cleared the individual work file. Continue with the adjustments and charges to enter an NSF check.
Step 1: Click Accounts Receivable
Step 2: Click Adjustments and Charges
Step 3: Click Adjustments and Charges
Enter the account number or if you don’t have it you may click on the magnifying glass or press F4 to select an account.
Once the Account Number is entered you can click on the buttons at the top of the screen to view the Transactions, Account at a Glance and NSF Check screen.
- Click on the “NSF Check” button
- Check/Credit/Echeck: You will make your selection by utilizing the drop down menu
- Date of NSF check: This is the date when the check was returned by the bank
- Amount of NSF check: This is the dollar amount of the check that was returned from the bank
- NSF check fee: This is the amount of what the bank will charge the entity for the check fee
Here is an example of what the screen will look like. Click “Ok” or the “Enter” key from your keyboard. You may click back to the previous screen when you are done.
Here is an example of what the transactions will look like on the customers account. The balance on the account has been increased for the NSF fee of $25.00 (this fee may be different) and a charge for the NSF Check of $100.00.
The account will be flagged with the blue banner that this account has an “NSF Check Outstanding”.
Version 1