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Leave of Absence for Emergency Military Service Policy

Policy Number: 04.0003


The New School recognizes that in times of emergency, students may be required to satisfy military obligations with little notice. This policy covers the process of a military leave of absence, including withdrawing from classes, so as to minimize disruptions and inconveniences for students fulfilling these responsibilities.


This policy provides guidance on the leave of absence process for students required to withdraw due to military obligations whether that is because they are on reserve or if they choose to enlist and then have military orders to fulfill.


This policy applies to all students who are conscripted or called to active military duty.


It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the leave of absence process by submitting the Exit Form.

The Registrar’s Office will update the student’s record, adding the appropriate notation to indicate the military leave.

Should a faculty member agree to award incompletes, they must work with students to create a plan to ensure coursework is completed in a timely manner.

Student Accounts will ensure refunds are appropriately applied to students who withdraw from coursework.


Students conscripted or called to active military duty during a semester in which they are registered may either:

  1. The student may withdraw from one or more courses and receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees. If the withdrawal is processed after the add/drop period, the grade of W will be assigned with notation that it was for military obligations.
  2. The student may receive an incomplete grade for the course(s) and complete the coursework in collaboration with their instructor(s). (See Grade Policy for information on incomplete timeline)

Students must make the request for a leave of absence (for a current or future semester) using the Official Exit Form within two weeks of official notification by the military service and will provide a copy of their military orders to the Registrar’s Office.

Students receiving financial aid will be subject to refund policies as provided for by the agencies sponsoring the aid.

Students will be eligible to extend their leave for the duration of their service.

Policy Administration

Responsible University Official: Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Administration

Responsible Office: Registrar’s Office

Contact Information:

Policy History

Effective Date: August 20, 2024

Last Reviewed Date: August 20, 2024

Next Review Date: August 20, 2029

Revision History: N/A

See also Military Leave of Absence in the Academic Catalog.

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