Print Notices - Screen Overview
Print Notices
Screen Code: arpennot
This screen allows you to print late notices for the accounts for specific criteria.
Navigation Tip: Accounts Receivable >> Billing >> Print Notices.

It has the following parameters:
| Description
Cycle number
| Bill cycle number (For example, Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannual, or Annual).
Penalty date to print
| The date on which the penalty notices are to be printed. (Can be different from penalty date)
Billing date to print
| The date on which the bills or invoices are to be printed. (Can be different from bill date)
Miscellaneous date to print
| Include miscellaneous dates to be included in the invoice.
Balances reflect transactions through date
| Balance amount to be included from date in the late notices
Balances reflect transactions through time
| Balance amount to be included from time in the late notices.
Minimum penalty amount to send notice
| Minimum penalty amount to be set. (For example, 50)
Balance to print on notices
| Select the balance to be included in the notice (For example, Total Amount Due - Cumulative total for the invoice. The minimum amount that accounts must owe before receiving a penalty in total due. 30 plus days due - Invoices that are 31 to 60 days past their due date. 60 plus days due - Invoices that are 61 to 90 days past their due date. 90 plus days due - Invoices that are more than 90 days past their due date.)
Version 1