Listing Photos
Listing photos is important to properly market your rental property. However, It is not as important in the process of renting a home as it would be if you were to list the home for sale. To a prospective resident, price, location, and layout are the most important factors.
We offer three options for showcasing your property through photos:
- Option 1 - Professional photos. Professional photos can greatly enhance the appeal of your listing. While engaging a professional photographer typically incurs a cost from $500 to $800 and takes approximately one week to complete.
- The high-resolution photography captured by local real estate photographers.
- Every photo is professionally retouched and reviewed to meet quality standards.
- GPS brings the cost down from trusted vendor to $295 for our value landlords. We recommend this way!
- Option 2 - GPS Renting photos.
- Our pre-listing inspector or business development manager will take photos for a cost of $195.
- While not as superior as professional photos, they still effectively attract applicants.
- Option 3 - Owner-Provided Professional Photos.
- If you have professional photos or access to images from past listings, we can use them free of charge. Please ensure you have the necessary permissions for their use. If compensation is requested by the photo owners, it is the owner's responsibility to address this.
By default, we will go with option 1 to have professional photos. Please let us know if you have other preferences.
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