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First Year Faculty Resources & Lounge

First Year Faculty space is on the fifth floor of 2 West 13th Street. There will be NO extraneous storage in the faculty room or cage for teaching materials.


First Year Faculty Room

  • 2 West 13th Street, Room 510F
  • Lunch and conversation table
  • Documentation stand to capture student work
  • Shelving for Space/Materiality student work only
  • Drawers for 2D submissions to the display cases
  • Bookshelf
  • Entry: Reach out to the First Year Program Administrator for the access code

Display Case Submissions

There are flat file submission drawers for each course against the back wall in the First Year Faculty Room with identifiable labels and typed instructions. Please only place one to two pieces per faculty member in the flat file. We want to represent each of the FY courses in the showcases. However, the showcase space is limited. It is essential to accurately identify the work as belonging to a particular course, faculty member, semester, and student. Only labeled work will make it in the showcases. 3D student work for Space and Materiality and other courses should be brought to the First Year Supply Cage, placed on the labeled submissions shelves, and identified by a hanging tag.

Supply Cage

  • Drawing and Imaging portfolios
  • Shelves to hold the classroom supplies provided by the program, including lights
  • Drawing Skeletons
  • Shelf for 3D work submission
  • Open Shelf for temporary “day” storage for Integrative Studio per a label system
  • Hangers for garment projects/ Integrated Studio
  • Entry: Faculty ID

Bio Materials Closet

  • Sustainable Systems and select project storage, per approval of coordinator- protocol TBA.

63 Fifth Avenue University Center

There are storage cabinets located on the fourth and fifth floors of the 63 Fifth Avenue University Center building. These cabinets are used to store lights, extension cords, heaters, and other supplies needed for Drawing & Imaging classes. These cabinets are not intended for personal storage. Keys to these cabinets are located in the 2 W 13th Street building in the Faculty Lounge (see following page).


We keep two skeletons in closet 51A on the fifth floor of the University Center, in the red hallway near the elevators. Please return the skeletons when your class after use and make sure that the closet is locked.

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