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Student Code of Conduct - 13. Records

1. Student Conduct Records

Any student who goes through the student conduct process will have a student conduct record created. Records will be maintained by The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards for seven (7) years. Records that relate to the following will be kept indefinitely:

i. Suspension

ii. Expulsion

iii. Title IX

iv. Non-Title IX Sexual Misconduct

2. Accessing Records

Student Conduct records are protected under FERPA. SCCS will not release information about student conduct records without explicit permission from the student or through a court ordered subpoena. Students can contact The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards to discuss accessing records.

3. Conduct Review Panel Files

Students who would like to review a conduct review panel file, after the completion of the Conduct Review Panel and appeals process, may submit that request in person or in writing to The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. Conduct review panel files are viewed electronically through a secure server and students will be granted access for 48 hours. Files cannot be shared, duplicated, photographed, or printed.

4. Transcript Notations

Students found responsible for a violation of Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy or another "crime of violenceā€ as defined by the Clery Act will receive a notation on their transcript of their suspension or expulsion from the university. The notation will state: "Suspended (or Expelled) after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation." Students who withdraw from the university while the investigation of a complaint of Sexual Misconduct or another "crime of violence" as defined by the Clery Act will receive a notation stating that the student withdrew with disciplinary action pending. The notation will state: "Withdrew with conduct charges pending." A student may file an appeal in order to remove a transcript notation of suspension or expulsion by following the steps outlined in Section VII.

5. New School Expungement Policy

Students have the right to request that their disciplinary record(s) be expunged after one full year from completing their sanction(s) Students can fill out the online request form by visiting the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (SCCS) website. Students will be required to submit a short statement explaining why the violations should be expunged and a short statement reflecting on the incident and how decisions around their behavior choices have changed. Students may be required to meet with a representative from the office and students will be notified in writing of the decision. Decisions made are final and are not subject to appeal. Expungement requests may not be considered for violations of Sexual Misconduct. Requests will also be denied if the student has not yet successfully completed the terms of their sanction(s). Full details of the Expungement Request process, including information on eligibility and other requirements are outlined in the Expungement Policy.

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