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Digital Mail (Incoming Mail)

All incoming USPS mail is processed through our digital mail services system, Ricoh. Users are notified of new mail in the Ricoh mail portal and must login via SSO to view. The delivery process is outlined below.

Intelligent Delivery Process

Step 1


Incoming campus mail is received at the scanning facility.

Step 2

Scanning and Extraction

Individual pieces of mail are opened, scanned and digitized on a secure server.

Step 3


An automated alert is sent to the recipient notifying them that they have a new mail item and to log onto the mail portal to view.

Step 4


Once the mail item is opened, the recipient has the option of saving, printing, or forwarding (routing) the document.

Step 5


By using advanced capture software, key documents can be identified immediately and prioritized—invoices, contracts and the like. Recipients have the ability to reroute the mail item to another employee or a specific department.

Step 6

Streamlining & Accelerating Workflows

Ability to search for information, retrieve the necessary files, and create an audit trail.


How do I receive mail if I work remotely?

This automated inbound mail service allows employees to receive their mail by logging into their digital mailbox from their computer, tablet or smartphone. They can sign in anytime, from any location, to see exactly what is in their mailbox and take action on each item. In addition, the automated system maintains a digital record for each incoming piece of mail, thereby supporting accountability and compliance.

Do I receive a notification that I have a new mail item?

An automated alert is sent to the recipient notifying them that they have a new mail item and to log onto the mail portal to view. The automated alert (found below) will be sent from RICOHCORESERVICES@RICOHCOREPORTAL.COM.

From The New School Digital Mail Services team: You have a new Web Mail item. Please click on the link below and use your New School Single Sign On credentials to log into the secure server and view your mail.
The Account ID and Application information has been prefilled. Click LogIn.
Once in the system, you will have the option to download, print, or forward your mail.
Requests for original documents must be made by contacting
Have questions? Visit our Digital Mail guide.

How does our mail remain secure and confidential?

Security and confidentiality are the cornerstones of the digital system and great care is taken to ensure the proper delivery of the mail. Our digital mail vendor, Ricoh, provides stringent controls to protect the confidentiality of the mail coming through their systems. These measures include PCI compliance (for credit card and other financial information), strict rules on the presence of personal items and electronics in the facility, 24/7 video monitoring, and electronic audit trails that detail the process for each piece of mail. The digital mail vendor was fully vetted by The New School’s IT department and complies with all local, state, and federal regulations.

Who can view my mail?

All USPS mail is forwarded to our digital mail vendor’s secure facility unopened and all notification emails are encrypted so only the recipient has access to the message in their secure mail portal. Your mail is never viewed by any personnel at The New School.

What are the benefits of using a digital mail vendor?

Digitization is a widely accepted form of mail delivery that is commonly used by large organizations and educational institutions throughout the country. Utilizing digital mail services increases the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of mail delivery and also greatly reduces our delivery costs. In addition, the digital mail system supports remote work environments since mail comes directly to the addressee via email, rather than the addressee needing to come to campus to retrieve their mail.

Do I receive notification of an unread mail item?

An automated alert is sent to the recipient notifying them that they have an unread mail item and to log onto the mail portal to view. The automated alert (found below) will be sent from RICOHCORESERVICES@RICOHCOREPORTAL.COM.

From The New School Digital Mail Services team:
This is a reminder that you have unread mail. To open and view your mail, please click on the link below and use your New School Single Sign On credentials to log into the secure server.
The Account ID and Application information has been prefilled. Click LogIn.
Once in the system, you will have the option to download, print, forward, or delete your mail.
Requests for original documents must be made by contacting
Have questions? Visit our Digital Mail guide.

What do I do if I received mail that does not belong to me?

You can route the mail to the correct recipient (if known) or route the piece of mail to our Research department.

Can I request a hard copy of a piece of mail?

After a recipient has opened a piece of mail, they have the option of printing the document. If the recipient determines that an original copy is required, they can send a request to The requestor will receive a form from our team to fill out. This request form will be reviewed and if approved, the digital mail services vendor will locate the item and send it back to campus. In an effort to achieve maximum efficiency, only originals that have a legal requirement or other compelling reason will be delivered to the campus. If approved a $15.00 charge will be incurred.

How long does the mail recipient have to request an original document?

Original documents will be shredded by our digital mail services vendor thirty (30) days after the image delivery is complete.

Contact Mail Services at or 212-229-5301 with any questions.

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