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Student Code of Conduct - 25. Grievance Process for Non-Title IX Allegations

Upon completion of an investigation, the Title IX Investigator will prepare a report for review by the Vice Provost for Student Success, Associate Provost for Student Affairs , and Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards to determine if the evidence and information is sufficient to move forward with a Conduct Panel Review or if the incident will be dismissed.

  • A formal notice of charges will be sent to the respondent and complainant.
  • The university will proceed with the live hearing in the absence of any party and may reach a determination of responsibility.
  • The hearing will be conducted live/virtually in real time.
  • A panel of decision makers will render the decision in the hearing.
  • Parties may choose to be accompanied by an advisor or support person of choice. The advisor/support person cannot actively participate in the hearing. Students may request an advisor from The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
  • Both parties will be present for the duration of the hearing but will not communicate with each other.
  • Each party will give opening statements and closing statements to the panel.
  • Relevant witnesses will be questioned by the panel.
  • Both parties will receive a written outcome determination letter of the proceedings that will include a finding of fact, conclusion of policy violation, rationale for decisions, any disciplinary sanctions or outcomes, and appeal information.
  • The respondent and complainant has the right to submit an appeal based on the outcome determination letter.
  • The university will maintain a recording of the proceedings.

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