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4. Branching



Branching means that the same piece of data enters different process "routes" based on specific filtering conditions, which is equivalent to the crossroads of the process.

After choosing to create a branch, two branches will be generated by default, and you can continue to add nodes on the branches.

Usage examples

The person in charge of a certain project needs to apply for funds for a specific project. The company stipulates that to ensure the progress of the project, funds below 2,000 yuan can be applied directly through the finance department. Funds above 2,000 yuan must be reported to the company’s general manager. After the general manager’s approval, the finance department is allowed to apply and allocate project funds.

Branch Screening

When creating a branch, you can perform "data filtering" on each branch. Only data that meets the "data filtering" can enter this branch. "Data filtering" is optional. If not filled in, all data will enter this branch by default.

Example description

In the school social practice registration activities, information submitted by students from different colleges needs to be reviewed and approved by the teachers of the college first and then submitted to the school for approval. After setting the circulation conditions, different types of data will flow to different teachers.

3: Determination Method of Data Screening

Condition Effect Description

  • Equal: In the application data, when the value of this field exactly matches the set judgment value, the condition is equal to established, and the data will enter the node where the equal condition is set.
  • Not Equal To: In the application data, when the value of this field is not equal to the judgment value, the condition is not equal to true, and the data will enter the node where the not equal condition is set.
  • Include: In the application data, when the value of this field contains the set judgment value, the inclusion condition is established, and the data will enter the node where the inclusion condition is set.
  • Not Included: In the application data, when the value of this field does not contain the set judgment value, the condition is not met, and the data will enter the node where the inclusion condition is set.
  • More Than: In the application data, when the value of this field is greater than the set judgment value, the greater than condition is established, and the data will enter the node where the greater than condition is set.
  • Greater or Equal To: In the application data, when the value of this field is greater than or equal to the set judgment value, the condition is equal to true, and the data will enter the node where the greater than or equal condition is set.
  • Less Than: In the application data, when the value of this field is less than the set judgment value, the less than condition is established, and the data will enter the node where the less than condition is set.
  • Less Than or Equal To: In the application data, when the value of this field is less than or equal to the set judgment value, the condition is less than or equal to true, and the data will enter the node where the less than or equal condition is set.
  • Belong: In the application data, when the value of this field belongs to the set judgment value, the condition contains is established, and the data will enter the node that belongs to the condition.
  • Does Not Belong: In the application data, when the value of this field does not belong to the set judgment value, the condition is not met, and the data will enter the node that does not belong to the condition.
  • Subordinate: In the application data, when the value of this field is subordinate to the set judgment value, the condition contained is established, and the data will enter the node where the subordinate condition is set.
  • Not Affiliated: In the application data, when the value of this field is not subordinate to the set judgment value, the condition is not met, and the data will enter the node where the non-subordinate condition is set.

3.1 And & OR

When multiple data filters are established at the same time, AND or OR logical connections are required:

  • And Logic: The filtering conditions need to be established at the same time before the data will enter the branch.
  • Or Logic: If any of the filtering conditions is true, the data can enter the branch.

3.2 Field Type Corresponding Determination Method

Field Type Contains Fields Measure to Judge

  • Text Field Single line text, multi-line text, email, mobile phone, link Equal to, not equal to, includes, does not include
  • Numeric Field Number Equal to, not equal to, inclusive, exclusive, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to
  • Date Field Date time Equal to, not equal to, inclusive, exclusive, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to
  • Select Class Field Single selection, multiple selection, drop-down selection, picture selection Equal to, not equal to, includes, does not include


  • If the filtering conditions are the same, causing the data to enter two branches simultaneously, both branches must be processed before entering the following node.
  • After a branch is added, you do not need to add a node. At this time, the data will enter the next node directly through the branch by default, so branches can sometimes be used to create "intermediate nodes."

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