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Overview of Principles

Principles are concepts that can be applied again and again, as opposed to unique solutions to each problem.

We use Principles to help us create more consistent decision making.

Principles are different from values in that they are constantly evolving, as we learn and grow ourselves, as humans and as an organization. Therefore, expect Principles to change. In fact, one of your core responsibilities at Stride is to constantly challenge the Principles, to battle test them, to improve upon them.

Stride Principles (and custom slack emoji):

Harness the Wisdom of the Group
Make and Honor Commitments
Invest in Ourselves and Each Other
Empowerment Leads to Better Results and a Happier Life
Have and Practice Empathy
Embrace Reality and Deal with it
Follow the 6 Step Process to Get What You Want out of Life
It is Okay to Make Mistakes -- Unacceptable Not to Learn from Them
Get and Stay in Synch
Hire Right and Continually Train People
Be Relentless about Building the Impossibly Perfect Machine
Optimize for Goals, Not Tasks or Functions

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