Resource Planning Incentive Program
To celebrate and thank BOS/UOS who excel at time management, Resource Planning will be rewarding them each month with some time back!
There are three categories for this program. They are:
- Being 10% or more under your campaign’s average wrap up time
- No call outs/intra-day PTO of a half day or longer for the month (using FMLA as a call out will not disqualify you from this category)
- No break or lunch overages during the month
If you meet one category, you will receive an additional 15 minutes of lunch, break, or PTO. If you meet two categories, you will receive an additional 30 minutes of lunch, break, or PTO. And if you meet all three categories, you will receive an extra hour of lunch, break, or PTO. All three rewards can be used however/whenever the recipient wishes. Rewards will be given out no later than the second week of the next month.
BOS/UOS need to be staffed at least 80 hours in a month in order to receive any Incentive Time. This translates to almost 10 days, or about two weeks of work for the whole month. This means that if you meet the any of the three original categories, but work less than 80 hours for the entire month, you will not be eligible for the Incentive Time program for that month.
To redeem your reward, simply e-mail Workforce Management and cc your CCS/UOC. State in the e-mail how you want to use your extra time (break/PTO/lunch) and which date you want to use it on. Things to remember when planning your time:
- This extra time must be scheduled at least one day in advance to use it;
- Incentive time must be used the month you earn it. It will not roll over;
- The time can only be used for one type of time out of office (TOO). If you get 30 extra minutes, you cannot have 15 minutes extra break and 15 minutes extra lunch. The whole chunk of time has to be used for the same category of time at the same time.
Things to keep in mind: if a tech issue has made you log in late or come back late from your lunch or break, e-mail Workforce Management. We will remove the overage – technical difficulties will not disqualify any BOS/UOS from this rewards program. Also remember to plan your PTO in advance to avoid call outs.