Project Proposals
Use these templates to help craft a winning project proposal and secure buy-in. Learn more about this template.
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Project Proposal Template
Project name: [Your killer project title goes here]
Mission: [A summary of your company/product's mission and vision that includes your why]
Project proposal type: [Response to RFP for Marketing Team]
Project proposal submission date: [MM/DD/YEAR]
Problem & Solution
[Summarize the business value of your project and solution.]
Goals & KPIs
[How will you measure project success?]
[Objective 1]
[Key result/KPI]
[Objective 2]
[Key result/KPI]
Project Roadmap
Methodology & Project Scope
[Include the step-by-step process you'll follow, why it's the best approach, and how you'd know when the project is finished.]
[Project stage/milestone]
[Project stage/milestone]
[Project stage/milestone]
[Fill in your project budget at a high or detailed level here. A few tips to guide you when creating a project budget include:
Start crafting your budget and allow it to evolve with your proposal, rather than leaving it until last
Make sure the numbers add up and you have the right market prices for all listed items
Ensure that your budget follows a format that is easy to understand
Check the math multiple times]
Project Team
Author: [Mary Jane]
Manager: [Gina Says]
Project Roadmap Templates
Download PPT presentation template (When you open, click File > Make a copy to edit and download in any format)
Get the presentation template below (When you open, click File > Make a copy to edit and download in any format)