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Project Proposals

Use these templates to help craft a winning project proposal and secure buy-in. Learn more about this template.

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Project Proposal Template

Project name: [Your killer project title goes here]
Mission: [A summary of your company/product's mission and vision that includes your why]

Project proposal type: [Response to RFP for Marketing Team]
Project proposal submission date: [MM/DD/YEAR]

Problem & Solution

[Summarize the business value of your project and solution.]

Goals & KPIs

[How will you measure project success?]

  • [Objective 1]

    • [Key result/KPI]

  • [Objective 2]

    • [Key result/KPI]

Project Roadmap

Methodology & Project Scope

[Include the step-by-step process you'll follow, why it's the best approach, and how you'd know when the project is finished.]

  1. [Project stage/milestone]

  2. [Project stage/milestone]

  3. [Project stage/milestone]


[Fill in your project budget at a high or detailed level here. A few tips to guide you when creating a project budget include:

  • Start crafting your budget and allow it to evolve with your proposal, rather than leaving it until last

  • Make sure the numbers add up and you have the right market prices for all listed items

  • Ensure that your budget follows a format that is easy to understand

  • Check the math multiple times]

Project Team

Author: [Mary Jane]
Manager: [Gina Says]

Project Roadmap Templates

Download PPT presentation template (When you open, click File > Make a copy to edit and download in any format)
Get the presentation template below (When you open, click File > Make a copy to edit and download in any format)


You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.