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Statistical Reports

Statistical reports

💬Introduction to the report

💬Data table

💬Summary table

💬Indicator card

💬Column table

💬Line chart

💬Pie chart

💬Funnel chart

Report introduction

Function introduction

For the data collected in various applications, we often use visual processing, that is, make corresponding charts. With Anffy , you don't need to manually collect data and then summarize it in Excel for statistics and visualization. You only need to use the business process data accumulated in daily work, and through the custom report function, you can get dynamically updated reports in real time with one-click settings. Help you analyze your business data.

Setup steps

1. Create a report

Function entrance

In the sidebar grouping , select [Application] - [Statistical report] - [Create] for which you need to create charts.

2. Report permissions

When creating a report, in addition to setting the report name, we also need to set the report permissions. The report permissions include the report "visible range" and "password". Setting permissions for the report can make corporate data more secure.

In addition to setting the visible range when creating a report, you can also set it by clicking the [Report Permissions] button in the upper right corner of the report design page:

Visible range

There are several types of "visible range" of reports:

  • Workspace visible
  • Visible to specified users (visible to administrators by default)
  • Everyone can see


At the same time, you can set an independent password, and any authorized person can access it through the password.

Need to log in first

When the visibility range is "Visible to everyone", you can select the "Require login first" configuration item, which is not checked by default.

After the permissions are successfully set, members can enter [Statistics] to view reports with visible permissions.

It can also be accessed via the link:

Basic concept

After successfully creating a custom report and setting permissions, we need to understand some report-related concepts in order to create meaningful report content:


Dimensions are the basis for data classification, equivalent to the X and Y axes in the coordinate axes, and are the basis for forming a report. For example, in a sales business scenario, if you need to analyze employee performance, you can select employee name as the dimension.


  • Due to the characteristics of different types of reports, dimensions do not exist in and;
  • In , dimensions can be divided into row dimensions and column dimensions, that is, the beginning of each row and column in the table;
  • Currently, Anffy supports setting eighteen types of form fields as report dimensions in addition to description text, attachments and rich text; in addition, system fields can also be selected as dimensions: number, applicant, application time, update Time, current process status, process node, node leader, process processing status. Users can flexibly choose according to specific needs.


Indicators are the data you want to count and display in the chart, calculated based on the selected summary method; they are the main part of the chart. Indicators can choose to apply existing numeric fields, such as turnover, inbound quantity, and outbound quantity. For example, in the above scenario, if employee name is selected as the dimension, then sales can be selected as the indicator.

In addition to selecting fields within the application, each report (except data tables) has at least the following 4 selectable indicators or indicator types:

  • Obtain indicators through calculation
  • Total amount of data
  • Process processing time
  • Process timeout duration


  • Due to the characteristics of different types of reports, indicators do not exist in the data table;

Use Cases

As shown in the example of "Employee Performance Statistics" in the figure below, the dimension is set to "employee name", the indicator is "sales", and the expression is the sales data of each employee.

Total amount of data

The total amount of data refers to how many data records there are in each dimension.

Obtain indicators through calculation

In addition to selecting fields and data totals in the application , indicators can also be calculated through formulas.

Use the new data obtained after applying existing fields for calculation. For example: the inbound and outbound management application will enter the inbound and outbound fields. If you want to view the current inventory, you need to add an indicator to view the inventory. That is, current inventory = SUM (incoming quantity) - SUM (outgoing quantity).

The calculation method is similar to formulas and can support basic formula operations. In the latest update, you can also choose non-numeric formulas when setting indicators through calculation, and the formula calculation of indicators is more powerful.

Summary method

When setting indicators, if we select fields in the application, we can change the meaning of the chart by setting different statistical summary methods for the indicators. In the above case, the "sum" method is used. We can also choose other appropriate statistical summary methods for the indicators: sum, average, maximum value, minimum value, latest data, and oldest data. There are six types in total. The default is Sum.


  • When the indicator selects "Total Data", the summary method is count;
  • When "Obtain indicator by calculation" is selected for the indicator, the summary method is the calculation method.


When the indicators are "process processing time" and "process timeout time ", we can set the unit of the time indicator. Currently, three unit formats are supported: minutes/hours/days, and the default is minutes.

Note: The time unit selected here will not be displayed in the report. If it needs to be displayed, it can be marked in the indicator name.

Display format

When setting the indicator, you can also set the display format of the indicator. Currently, three display formats are supported: default/display thousandth separator/display percentage.

Display amount

If the indicator data is amount, you can set: display amount, supporting most mainstream currency formats.

Decimal places

You can also limit the number of decimal places for indicator numbers. If not filled in, the default is no limit.

Limit data range

When creating a data report, we can filter the data that requires statistical summary by "limiting the data range". There are two modes available to help us accomplish this: simple mode and advanced mode.

The simple mode can only use fields in the application for direct logical processing; while the advanced mode can use a variety of formula functions and multiple fields for calculation and testing.

Easy mode

For example, the original bar chart is as follows, showing the purchase price of various products:

If we don’t want to see the purchase price of tomato, we can limit the data range and select the data filtering mode according to the complexity of data filtering. In this example, it is enough to select the simple mode to set the filtering conditions;

Click OK, and after saving the report, we can get a report that does not include the grape purchase price. The effect is as follows:

After completing and saving the report, we can add it to the dashboard for more convenient and faster management and decision-making. For details about the dashboard, please see:

Advanced mode

For example, sometimes managers want to restrict members to only see summary reports related to them. They can restrict this through the GETUSERNAME function (or GETUSERMAIL function) in advanced mode:

  • GETUSERNAME function (see details:): used to obtain the current user's nickname
  • GETUSERMAIL function (for details, see: ): used to obtain the current user's email address)


  1. Limit data range-set filter conditions-advanced mode
  2. Formula-Advanced Functions-Select GETUSERNAME
  3. Enter " =="
  4. Field - Select the member name field you need

Scenario: In the sales scenario, the manager wants the salesperson (applicant) who signs the order to only see his own monthly sales summary table (GETUSEREMAIL()=applicant)

Display some data according to ranking

When creating a report, you can also set the generated report to display part of the data according to ranking. There are two setting methods: top ranking/low ranking.

Applicable scene

  • Display the top 10 scores in the class
  • Display sales performance TOP 5


  • This setting is currently supported in summary tables, column tables, line charts, and pie charts;
  • The setting of displaying some data according to ranking can be used in combination with the sorting of indicators.

Use Cases

Taking the scenario of displaying the top 10 students in the class as an example, you can first set the sorting method in the "Total Score" indicator to descending order; then set up to display some data according to ranking: select "Top" and fill in the numbers. 10"; the report will display the data of the top 10 students in descending order of total scores.


In order to make it easier for people viewing the report to understand the report content, you can add remark information to the report. The remark information can be entered up to 100 characters and will eventually be displayed under the title of the report.

Chart color

In addition, in order to distinguish between different charts, Anffy also provides you with six sets of chart colors for you to choose from to make your charts more beautiful and differentiated. Column tables, line charts, and pie charts all support reports. Color function.

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Data sheet

💬Details view

💬Gantt view

💬Calendar view

💬Custom buttons

Detail view

Function introduction

Anffy can create a detailed view of the data table from basic data by setting operation permissions, query conditions, limiting data range, and setting field display.

Setup steps

Function entrance

See the report introduction for details.

Operation permission

The data table is the custom chart with the most operating permission categories. The operating permissions include:

  • Exportable
  • Visible process log
  • Can leave a message
  • Printable
  • Shareable
  • Can be operated in batches
  • Data can be added

That is, people with permission to access the report can export the data in the report to Excel, view process logs, leave messages, print, share, batch operations, add data and other related operations.


  • After enabling the permission to leave messages, you can @all members of the workspace when leaving messages in the report. If the @ member does not have data management permissions, is not the person in charge of any node in the data process, and does not have permission to initiate the data table of the message, the data cannot be opened through the @ reminder;
  • If the report permission of the data table is set to "visible to everyone" and the "can leave messages" operation permission is enabled, people outside the workspace can also @ all members of the workspace when leaving messages. Please operate with caution.

View selection

Select and set the view view form according to the actual scenario. When selecting multiple views, you can switch the view when viewing the form.

Default sort

Set the ascending and descending sorting of a certain field as the default sorting, and the default sorting will be available when viewing the data table.

Report Query

Report query is a unique function of the data table. In the data table, we can perform multi-condition, multi-field precise query or fuzzy query on the report by setting query conditions. Among them, precise query means that the corresponding results will be returned only when the exact same data is queried, and fuzzy query means that the corresponding query results will be returned when similar content is queried.

Set individual query conditions

You can set a single query condition to allow the queryer to query the corresponding data based on the conditions. The fields currently supported for query include basic fields and advanced fields.

Query on multiple fields with the same conditions

By setting multiple query fields in the same condition, multi-condition matching can be achieved, and query results are returned when both conditions are met.

Tip: Setting up multi-field queries with the same conditions can help us achieve the purpose of "secret query". For example, we set "name" and "ID card number" as two query fields within the same condition. The query results will be returned only when both fields match. This setting can effectively prevent other members from querying the data you do not want to publish, because other members may know your name, but not your ID number, and cannot satisfy both query conditions in this field at the same time, so they cannot Query the data corresponding to your name and ID number.

Multi-condition and multi-field query

If we want to query the same report through condition 1 or condition 2, we can click to add query conditions and query by setting multiple query conditions.

Data permission

When creating a report, if you do not want the view/report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom permissions" when editing the report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing the report. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

In "Custom Permissions", you can select "Data Range".

The description of each option in "Data Range" is shown in the figure below:

In the custom data range, you can customize the filtering of data to eliminate unnecessary data. There are two types of custom data ranges: simple mode and advanced mode.

Easy mode

  • You can select multiple filter conditions, and you can add "and conditions" and "or conditions" at the same time.
  • A variety of precise filters can be performed on fields

Advanced mode

Click to set filter conditions and click Advanced mode to set the filter formula.

Field permissions

Field permissions include: editable, visible only, and hidden, which can help administrators flexibly set permissions for each field in the data table. Field permissions are also a unique feature of data tables. We can limit the permissions of a specific field so that the person being shared can only see or modify some fields, not all fields.

You can also set the expansion and collapse of paragraphs in [Field Permissions], and you can also set editing permissions or visibility permissions for the entire paragraph or a field in the paragraph.

By dragging the buttons next to the fields in the paragraph, you can adjust the display order of the fields in the paragraph in the data table.

For example, if you want to share a data table with others, but do not want them to see the financial information in the data table, you can hide the fields involving financial information in the field permission settings. Or if you want others to help you modify the information in the data table, you can individually enable editable permissions for the fields that need to be modified, and then share them with others.

Use Cases

For example, in the table below, if we want to make the transaction date editable, hide the transaction amount information, and set all other fields such as the customer area and customer name to only visible status, we can set it as follows.

Single piece of data sharing

Method 1: After opening the pop-up window for details of a certain piece of data in the data table, click [More] - [Share] in the lower right corner to obtain the QR code of a single piece of data.

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Method 2: Create a custom template containing the data viewing QR code (for details, see:), and set the template to be printable in the data table (for details, see:).


If a user with report edit permission opens the report data details to modify the data, the field format and field itself will be set (such as: required, no duplicate values allowed, word limit, etc.) when confirming the modification.
Specific verification items can be found in the details below:
I image

Gantt view

Function introduction

Gantt charts mainly use bar charts to display the progress of certain time-related activities (tasks, phases, projects, etc.) over time, so that managers can visually view the progress of activities and control the overall situation. Also known as time view, horizontal chart, and bar chart.

Applicable scene

  • project management
  • Production management
  • Other fields: construction, IT software, automobiles, etc.

With Gantt charts , you can:

  • Manage tasks within a single project;
  • Manage many projects over a long period of time;
  • Visualize how people or other resources are deployed as planned.

Taking project management as an example, it can help managers see the progress of tasks clearly and in detail, plan and control the overall project progress, and ensure that the project unfolds as planned.

As shown in the figure, from the Gantt chart, you can:

  • See project progress more intuitively
  • Clarify the start and end time of each task
  • Clarify the relationship between tasks

How to make a Gantt chart ?

Create portal

In [Statistics] - [Create Report] - [Data Table], there is [View Selection] (multiple selections possible), click to check "Gantt View ", and then "Set Gantt View " to start Gantt Special view settings;

Gantt view is currently a function available in the basic version, so before using it, please upgrade to the basic version or above~)

For other related creation steps, see:

Operation permission

Set up a Gantt chart

the Gantt view includes:

  • Dimensions (can add up to 3)
  • Starting time
  • End Time
  • View color (optional)

Use Cases

Taking " Project Management" as an example, the form is designed as:

The Gantt chart settings at this time are:

  • Dimensions: stage, form·task name
  • Start time: Table·Task start time
  • End time: Table·Task end time

After the settings are completed, click OK, save and publish;

View Gantt Chart

The left side is the data directory produced based on the dimensions you selected previously. When you need to modify a certain piece of data, such as adjusting the task time, you can click on the sub-level bar to open the data details and start modifying the data.

When you don't need to display the specific tasks of the child, you can click the "Phase Name" of the parent in the directory to collapse the child.

In addition, when viewing the Gantt chart, you can also add data! In the "Report Settings" just now, after we checked "Can add data" in the "Operation Permissions" and saved it,

Just click "Start New" in the upper right corner of the view.

Then you can fill in and submit a piece of data~


Gantt view currently does not support display on mobile device

Calendar view

Function introduction

Calendar view is a way to display application data in the form of a calendar and manage the data in a time dimension. Workspace members can view their daily schedule through the calendar.

Setup steps

Create portal

In [Statistics] - [Create Report] - [Data Table], there is [View Selection] (multiple selections available), click to check "Calendar View", and then "Set Calendar View" to start setting the calendar view. ;

Set calendar view

The basic information of the calendar view includes:

  • title
  • time

Use Cases

Taking the calendar view of employee work arrangements as an example, the form is designed as:

The settings for this calendar view are:

  • The field titled "Task Name";
  • Select the time as the "Date" field;

After the settings are completed, click OK, save and publish;

Members' perspective

When members access the calendar, they can see what the tasks of the entire project team are; if the data range is set during setting (for details, see:), members can also see only their own tasks.

As shown above, after clicking on a date, you can see all the data under that date. Click on a data title to view details.
I mage


The calendar view currently does not support display on mobile devices

Custom button

1. Function introduction

In the single data details of the data table, the button sorting at the bottom can be customized or custom buttons can be added. Click to see how to create a custom button.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Add custom button

In the settings area on the right side of the report-data table , turn on "Custom Button" and click "Add Button" to select a custom button published in the application.

2.2 Sorting

2.3 Effect display

In the report, after opening the data details, click the "Reply for Repair Now" button at the bottom, the corresponding form application link will open, and fill in the corresponding field information

3. Precautions

  • The custom button must be published before it can be referenced by the data table;
  • When adding data to the target application, if the target application field already has default content, the assigned content of the button will be displayed first.
  • When there is no editable field, even if a custom button is set, it cannot be displayed on the data details page.

Summary Table

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

In actual work, the data in the Anffy application is summarized. The data in the Anffy application can be classified and displayed according to different dimensions , and the data can be displayed intuitively and clearly.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where interrelated data need to be summarized and displayed. For example, the sales volume of different models of goods, the supply data of different suppliers, etc.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, the summary table is used to summarize the supply brand data and goods specification data of different suppliers to facilitate the analysis of procurement data.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

Click the "Statistical Report" button in the upper right corner and select "Create Report". After the creation is completed, select "Summary Table" on the left side of the page to edit the summary table.

2.1.2 Method 2

Click the "More" button on the right side of the existing report, select "Edit Report", and click "Summary Table" on the left to edit the summary table.

2.1.3 Method 3

Enter the report viewing interface and click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner to edit the summary table.

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Set report title

You can set the title of the report to easily distinguish between different reports. Simply enter the report title to complete the operation

2.2.2 Report export

After checking "Exportable", you can enable the report export function. After turning it on, the summary table can be exported in Excel format when viewing the report.

The export method is as follows :

method one

Enter the report viewing interface and click the "Export" button in the upper left corner to export the report.

Method 2

When the report is added to the Anffy portal, select the report in the portal and click the "Export" button in the upper left corner to export the report

Method three

Directly in the report editing interface, click the "Export" button in the upper left corner to export the report

2.2.3 Add dimensions

Click the "Add Dimension" button to add row dimensions or column dimensions. The order of dimension fields will affect the presentation of the report

As shown in the figure below, when the supplier field is at the top, the supplier will be displayed in the first column of the report as the primary dimension, and the product name will be classified and displayed under the supplier as a secondary dimension; when the product name field is at the top, The product name will be displayed in the first column of the report as the main dimension, and the suppliers will be classified and displayed under the product name as the secondary dimension.

Row dimension : Fields classified as row dimensions will be used as the header of each row of the report. For example: if supplier is used as a row dimension, the report will display the supplier's corresponding purchase unit price and subtotal amount row by row starting from the first row.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the dimension field to set the display name, address unit and date unit of the dimension field.

Column dimension : Fields classified as column dimensions will serve as the header of each column in the report. For example: if supplier is used as a column dimension, the report will display the purchase quantities corresponding to different suppliers column by column starting from the first column.

2.2.4 Add indicators

Click the "Add Indicator" button and you can choose to add the indicator field directly or obtain the indicator through calculation.

Obtain indicators through calculation : you can use formula calculation to process existing fields and generate new indicator fields.


Indicators : Data summarized through different calculation methods can be selected in the report for statistics and display.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the indicator field to set the display name, summary method, unit, column summary method, subtotal method, arrangement method, display format, display amount, and decimal places of the indicator field.

when the process processing time or process timeout time is selected as the indicator.

Before setting the subtotal method, you need to set the column dimension first.

2.2.5 Data permissions

When creating a report, if you do not want the report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom permissions" when editing the report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing the report. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

In "Custom Permissions", you can select "Data Range".

The description of each option in "Data Range" is shown in the figure below:

Data can be filtered through customizable logic, and target data can be displayed in the current report based on the filtering results. Click the "Set Filter Conditions" button to set filter conditions.

Filter criteria

2.2.6 Display data according to ranking

You can display only the top or bottom data in the report to facilitate display of key data after sorting. Click the button to the right of "Show partial data according to ranking", select "Front" or "Back", enter the number, and complete the setting.

For example: Select "Front" and enter the number 2, the report will only display the data of the first two rows.

2.2.7 Remarks information

You can add remark information in the upper left corner of the report to facilitate explanation of the report content. Click the button to the right of "Remarks Information" and enter the remark content to complete the operation.

2.2.8 Summary method

Click the "Summary Method" button to choose how the table summarizes the data. There are seven summary methods: sum, average, median, maximum value, minimum value, latest data, and oldest data. When the selected data When there is no date field in the source, the latest/old data is hidden when selecting the summary methodI image

2.2.9 Save report

Click "Save Report" to complete the report settings.

3. Precautions

  • Each page of the summary table can display up to 50 rows*50 columns of data.
  • Among form fields, only numeric fields can be used as indicators in summary tables.
  • When there are multiple table fields in the form, only a subfield of one of the table fields can be used as an indicator field in the report.
  • When the cell content in the summary table is empty, the cell does not participate in the calculation of column totals and subtotals.
  • Anffy summary tables can only process data from Anffy applications. When you need to process external data, you can use light analysis for data processing operations.

Indicator card

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

You can directly display the selected indicator data without setting dimensions to display the data.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where key data need to be displayed directly. For example, you can use indicator cards to display the total sales, shipment quantity, warehouse inventory quantity, etc.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, use the indicator card to directly display the total purchase amount to facilitate highlighting the total purchase data.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

Click the "Statistical Report" button in the upper right corner and select "Create Report". After the creation is completed, select "Indicator Card" on the left side of the page to edit the indicator card.

2.1.2 Method 2

Click the "More" button on the right side of the existing report, select "Indicator Card", and click "Indicator Card" on the left to edit the indicator card.

2.1.3 Method 3

Enter the report viewing interface and click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner to edit the indicator card.

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Set report title

You can set the title of the report to easily distinguish between different reports. Simply enter the report title to complete the operation

2.2.2 Add indicators

Click the "Add Indicator" button and you can choose to add the indicator field directly or obtain the indicator through calculation.

Obtain indicators through calculation : you can use formula calculation to process existing fields and generate new indicator fields.

Indicators : Data summarized through different calculation methods can be selected in the report for statistics and display.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the indicator field to set the display name, summary method, unit, display format, display amount, and decimal places of the indicator field.

when the process processing time or process timeout time is selected as the indicator.

2.2.3 Data permissions

When creating a report, if you do not want the report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom permissions" when editing the report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing the report. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

In "Custom Permissions", you can select "Data Range".

The description of each option in "Data Range" is shown in the figure below:

Data can be filtered through customizable logic, and target data can be displayed in the current report based on the filtering results. Click the "Set Filter Conditions" button to set filter conditions.

Filter criteria

2.2.4 Remarks information

You can add remark information in the upper left corner of the report to facilitate explanation of the report content. Click the button to the right of "Remarks Information" and enter the remark content to complete the operation.

2.2.5 Save report

Click "Save Report" to complete the report settings.

3. Precautions

  • Each indicator card can only display one indicator data
  • Among form fields, only numeric fields can be used as indicators in summary tables.
  • Anffy indicator cards can only process data from Anffy applications. When you need to process external data, you can use light analysis for data processing operations.

Column table

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

The data in the Anffy application can be displayed through columnar graphs , and the differences between the data can be reflected based on the height of the columnar graphs, and the differences between different data can be visually displayed.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where comparison relationships between data need to be visually displayed. For example, sales data of different products, shipment data of different quarters, etc.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, a column table is used to display the order quantities of different customers to facilitate the analysis of sales data.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

Click the "Statistical Report" button in the upper right corner and select "Create Report". After the creation is completed, select "Column Table" on the left side of the page to edit the column table.

2.1.2 Method 2

Click the "More" button on the right side of the existing report, select "Edit Report", and click "Column Table" on the left to edit the column table.

2.1.3 Method 3

Enter the report viewing interface, click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner, and select "Column Table" on the left to edit the column table.

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Set report title

You can set the title of the report to easily distinguish between different reports. Simply enter the report title to complete the operation

2.2.2 Add dimensions

Click the "Add Dimension" button to add dimensions. The order of dimension fields will affect the presentation of the report

As shown in the figure below, when the product name is at the top, the product name will be displayed on the X-axis as the main dimension, and the customer name will be classified and displayed under the product name as the secondary dimension; when the customer name is at the top, the customer name will It is displayed on the X-axis as the main dimension, and the product name will be classified and displayed under the customer name as a secondary dimension.

Dimensions : Fields classified as dimensions will serve as the coordinates of the X-axis. For example, if customer name is used as a dimension, the report will display the number of sales orders corresponding to different customers from left to right along the X-axis.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the dimension field to set the display name, address unit and date unit of the dimension field.

2.2.3 Add indicators

Click the "Add Indicator" button to choose to add the indicator directly or obtain the indicator through calculation.

Obtain indicators through calculation : you can use formula calculation to process existing fields and generate new indicator fields.

Indicators : Data summarized through different calculation methods can be selected in the report for statistics and display.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the indicator field to set the display name, summary method, unit, arrangement, display format, display amount, and decimal places of the indicator field.

when the process processing time or process timeout time is selected as the indicator.

2.2.4 Data permissions

When creating a report, if you do not want the report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom permissions" when editing the report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing the report. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

In "Custom Permissions", you can select "Data Range".

The description of each option in "Data Range" is shown in the figure below:

Data can be filtered through customizable logic, and target data can be displayed in the current report based on the filtering results. Click the "Set Filter Conditions" button to set filter conditions.

Filter criteria

2.2.5 Display data according to ranking

You can display only the top or bottom data in the report to facilitate display of key data after sorting. Click the button to the right of "Show partial data according to ranking", select "Front" or "Back", enter the number, and complete the setting.

For example: Select "Front" and enter the number 2, the report will only display the first two data

2.2.6 Remarks information

You can add remark information in the upper left corner of the report to facilitate explanation of the report content. Click the button to the right of "Remarks Information" and enter the remark content to complete the operation.

2.2.7 Color

Reports can be configured with different color combinations to make them more personalized. Click the drop-down menu next to "Color" to choose a different color scheme

3. Precautions

  • Among form fields, only numeric fields can be used as indicators in summary tables.
  • Column tables require at least 1 dimension and 1 indicator to be used. Among them, a maximum of 2 dimensions can be added and a maximum of 1 indicator can be added.
  • Anffy columnar tables can only process data in Anffy applications. When you need to process external data, you can use light analysis for data processing operations.

line chart

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

can be generated based on the data in the Anffy application, and the polyline can reflect the changes in the data, making it easy to visually display the changing trends of the data.

1.2 Usage scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where data change characteristics need to be displayed. For example, changes in sales volume in different quarters, user activity in different periods, etc.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, the line chart shows the sales trends of different products over time to facilitate comparative analysis of sales data.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

Click the "Statistical Report" button in the upper right corner and select "Create Report". After the creation is completed, select "Line Chart" on the left side of the page to edit the line chart.

2.1.2 Method 2

Click the "More" button on the right side of the existing report, select "Edit Report", and click "Line Chart" on the left to edit the line chart.

2.1.3 Method 3

Enter the report viewing interface, click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner, and select "Line Chart" on the left to edit the line chart.

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Set report title

You can set the title of the report to easily distinguish between different reports. Simply enter the report title to complete the operation

2.2.2 Add dimensions

Click the "Add Dimension" button to add dimensions. The order of dimension fields will affect the presentation of the report

As shown in the figure below, when the product name is at the top, the product name will be displayed on the X-axis as the main dimension, and the order date will be classified and displayed under the product name as the secondary dimension; when the order date is at the top, the order will be placed Date is displayed as the primary dimension on the X-axis, and product name is displayed as a secondary dimension under the order date.

Dimensions : Fields classified as dimensions will serve as the coordinates of the X-axis. For example, if the order date is used as a dimension, the report will display the sales quantity corresponding to different order time along the X-axis from left to right.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the dimension field to set the display name, address unit and date unit of the dimension field.

2.2.3 Add indicators

Click the "Add Indicator" button to choose to add the indicator directly or obtain the indicator through calculation.

Obtain indicators through calculation : you can use formula calculation to process existing fields and generate new indicator fields.

Indicators : Data summarized through different calculation methods can be selected in the report for statistics and display.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the indicator field to set the display name, summary method, unit, arrangement, display format, display amount, and decimal places of the indicator field.

when the process processing time or process timeout time is selected as the indicator.

2.2.4 Data permissions

When creating a report, if you do not want the report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom permissions" when editing the report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing the report. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

In "Custom Permissions", you can select "Data Range".

The description of each option in "Data Range" is shown in the figure below:

Data can be filtered through customizable logic, and target data can be displayed in the current report based on the filtering results. Click the "Set Filter Conditions" button to set filter conditions.

2.2.5 Display data according to ranking

You can display only the top or bottom data in the report to facilitate display of key data after sorting. Click the button to the right of "Show partial data according to ranking", select "Front" or "Back", enter the number, and complete the setting.

For example: Select "Front" and enter the number 4, the report will only display the first two data

2.2.6 Remarks information

You can add remark information in the upper left corner of the report to facilitate explanation of the report content. Click the button to the right of "Remarks Information" and enter the remark content to complete the operation.

2.2.7 Color

Reports can be configured with different color combinations to make them more personalized. Click the drop-down menu next to "Color" to choose a different color scheme

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3. Precautions

  • Among form fields, only numeric fields can be used as indicators in summary tables.
  • Line charts require at least 1 dimension and 1 indicator to be used. Among them, a maximum of 2 dimensions can be added and a maximum of 1 indicator can be added.
  • Anffy line chart can only handle data in the Anffy application. When you need to process external data, you can use light analysis for data processing operations

Pie chart

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

can be divided into several sectors according to the proportion of different indicator data in the Anffy application to the whole, which can visually display the relative relationship between the data. The greater the proportion of indicators, the larger the sector area.

1.2 Usage scenarios

It is suitable for scenarios where it is necessary to compare the proportion of some indicators in the overall indicator. For example, compare the sales ratio of different categories of products, etc.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, a pie chart is used to display the total procurement proportion of different suppliers to facilitate the analysis of procurement data.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

Click the "Statistical Report" button in the upper right corner and select "Create Report". After the creation is completed, select "Pie Chart" on the left side of the page to edit the pie chart.

2.1.2 Method 2

Click the "More" button on the right side of the existing report, select "Edit Report", and click "Pie Chart" on the left to edit the pie chart.

2.1.3 Method 3

Enter the report viewing interface and click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner to edit the pie chart.

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Set report title

You can set the title of the report to easily distinguish between different reports. Simply enter the report title to complete the operation

2.2.2 Add dimensions

Click the "Add Dimension" button to add dimensions

Dimension : Fields classified as dimensions will become the basis for classifying the pie chart. For example, if supplier is used as a dimension, the report will automatically generate a pie chart classification based on the dimension data.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the dimension field to set the display name, address unit and date unit of the dimension field.

2.2.3 Add indicators

Click the "Add Indicator" button to choose to add the indicator directly or obtain the indicator through calculation.

Obtain indicators through calculation : you can use formula calculation to process existing fields and generate new indicator fields.


Indicators : Data summarized through different calculation methods can be selected in the report for statistics and display.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the indicator field to set the display name, summary method, unit, arrangement, display format, display amount, and decimal places of the indicator field.

when the process processing time or process timeout time is selected as the indicator.

2.2.4 Data permissions

When creating a report, if you do not want the report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom permissions" when editing the report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing reports. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

In "Custom Permissions", you can select "Data Range".

The description of each option in "Data Range" is shown in the figure below:

Data can be filtered through customizable logic, and target data can be displayed in the current report based on the filtering results. Click the "Set Filter Conditions" button to set filter conditions.

2.2.5 Display data according to ranking

You can display only the top or bottom data in the report to facilitate display of key data after sorting. Click the button to the right of "Show partial data according to ranking", select "Front" or "Back", enter the number, and complete the setting.

For example: Select "Front" and enter the number 3, the report will only display the first two data

2.2.6 Remarks information

You can add remark information in the upper left corner of the report to facilitate explanation of the report content. Click the button to the right of "Remarks Information" and enter the remark content to complete the operation.

2.2.7 Color

Reports can be configured with different color combinations to make them more personalized. Click the drop-down menu next to "Color" to choose different color

3. Precautions

  • Among form fields, only numeric fields can be used as indicators in pie charts.
  • The pie chart needs to add 1 dimension and 1 indicator before it can be used, and a maximum of 1 dimension and 1 indicator can be added.
  • Anffy pie charts can only handle data from Anffy applications. When you need to process external data, you can use light analysis for data processing operations.

Funnel chart

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

the changes in Anffy application data at different process stages , and can automatically calculate the arrival rate and conversion rate of data between processes to facilitate the sorting and analysis of business processes.

1.2 Application scenarios

Suitable for scenarios where data changes at different process stages need to be displayed. For example, the number of people who passed each stage of personnel recruitment, etc.

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure below, a funnel chart is used to display the retained data at each stage of the member conversion process to facilitate review and analysis of conversion activities.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

Click the "Statistical Report" button in the upper right corner and select "Create Report". After the creation is completed, select "Funnel Chart" on the left side of the page to edit the funnel chart.

2.1.2 Method 2

Click the "More" button on the right side of the existing report, select "Edit Report", and click "Funnel Chart" on the left to edit the funnel chart.

2.1.3 Method 3

Enter the report viewing interface, click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner, and select "Funnel Chart" on the left to edit the funnel chart.

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Set report title

You can set the title of the report to easily distinguish between different reports. Simply enter the report title to complete the operation

2.2.2 Add dimensions

Click the "Add Dimension" button to add dimensions

Dimension : Fields classified as dimensions will become the hierarchical basis of the funnel chart. For example, if the recruitment stage is used as a dimension, the report will automatically generate the layering of the funnel chart based on the dimension data.

2.2.3 Add indicators

Click the "Add Indicator" button to choose to add the indicator directly or obtain the indicator through calculation.

Obtain indicators through calculation : you can use formula calculation to process existing fields and generate new indicator fields.

Indicators : Data summarized through different calculation methods can be selected in the report for statistics and display.

Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the indicator field to set the display name, summary method, unit, display format, display amount, and decimal places of the indicator field.

when the process processing time or process timeout time is selected as the indicator.

2.2.4 Data permissions

When creating a report, if you do not want the report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom permissions" when editing the report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing the report. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

In "Custom Permissions", you can select "Data Range".

The description of each option in "Data Range" is shown in the figure below:

Data can be filtered through customizable logic, and target data can be displayed in the current report based on the filtering results. Click the "Set Filter Conditions" button to set filter conditions.

2.2.5 Remarks information

You can add remark information in the upper left corner of the report to facilitate explanation of the report content. Click the button to the right of "Remarks Information" and enter the remark content to complete the operation.

2.2.6 Color

Reports can be configured with different color combinations to make them more personalized. Click the drop-down menu next to "Color" to choose a different color scheme

3. Precautions

  • Among form fields, only numeric fields can be used as indicators in funnel charts.
  • When there are multiple table fields in the form, only a subfield of one of the table fields can be used as an indicator field in the report.
  • A funnel chart can only add 1 dimension. Among them, when dimensions have been added to the funnel chart, only one indicator can be added to the report; when there are no dimensions to the funnel chart, multiple indicators can be added to the report.
  • Anffy funnel chart can only process data from Anffy applications. When you need to process external data, you can use light analysis for data processing operations.

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