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[Jones Records] Vendor/Tenant History

Table of contents:


High-level summary:

See the full picture around your vendor/ tenant record history - every person taking actions, email recipients, timestamps, and more.

What is it/what does it do?

  • Users can see the full timestamps, email recipients, and users taking different actions on vendor/tenant records.
  • You can click on anything in "blue" to view historical documents (old COIs uploaded)Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 5.27.23 PM.png
  • Here is a list of all the different actions tracked on the history tab:

Jones Activity

Event, Action, or Email?

Text in History Tab

Is the user of the action shown?

Initial Request for Insurance Docs


"Invitation Sent"

No (this is automatic)

First Reminder for Insurance Docs


"First Reminder Sent"

No (this is automatic)

Second Reminder for Insurance Docs


"Second Reminder Sent"

No (this is automatic)

Final Reminder for Insurance Docs


"Final Reminder Sent"

No (this is automatic)

Record Created


"<Vendor/Tenant> Created"

Yes, either the PM, ICS, or Tenant user of tenant-vendors solution

COI Uploaded


"COI Uploaded"

Yes, either the PM, ICS, or vendor/tenant user

COI Gaps

Action/email (if auto-send gaps are on, this is only an email with no action).

"Notified of COI gaps"

Yes (unless its an auto-send gap) Either the PM or ICS user or automatically if the auto-send gaps setting is turned on.

Compliant COI


"<Vendor/Tenant> Compliant"

No (this is an event in Jones)

Compliant Email Sent


"<Vendor/Tenant> Compliant"

No (this email is automatically sent by Jones)

New COI Requested


"Request New COI"

No (this email is automatically sent by Jones)

"Resend Invitation" button clicked


"Email Reminders Renewed"

Yes, PM or ICS user

Requirements Updated


"Requirements Updated"

Only ICS can update requirements, so this will be shown as an event in Jones

Requirements Changed


"Requirement Changed"

Yes, PM or ICS

Record Archived


"<Vendor/Tenant> Archived"

Yes, PM or ICS

Record Restored


"<Vendor/Tenant> Restored"

Yes, PM or ICS

30 Days Expiration Reminder Sent


"30 Days Expiration Reminder Sent"

No (this is automatic)

14 Days Expiration Reminder Sent


"14 Days Expiration Reminder Sent"

No (this is automatic)

7 Days Expiration Reminder Sent


"7 Days Expiration Reminder Sent"

No (this is automatic)

Final Expiration Reminder Sent


"Final Expiration Reminder Sent"

No (this is automatic)

Email sent about Re-works with AI/CH Changes Only


"Notified of Updated Requirements"

Only ICS can update requirements, so this will be shown as an event in Jones

New COI uploaded after email sent out about Re-works with AI/CH Changes Only


"Requirements Update Complete"

No, but you can look at the "COI Uploaded" action that would come before it

  • Note that every "Email" in the table above shows all of the recipients of that email

Which user roles can view this?

  • All user roles (including tenants using the tenant-vendor solution) can view the vendor/tenant history tab.
  • ICS users have two additional capabilities within vendor/tenant history tabs:
    • ICS users can see who in Jones audited COIs and who in Jones (other ICS users) took actions
    • ICS users can choose to "hide" historical actions from customers' history tabs by hitting the "eye" sign

Why was it developed?

  • Customers needed to ask support/their CSM to confirm that actions were taken within Jones. With a history tab, customers can see the actions taken themselves.

Recommended applications:

  • See the entire history of your vendor/tenant's compliance.
  • You can connect the dots and improve team communication with insights into your vendor/tenant’s compliance history.
  • Administrators can now investigate who's doing a specific action within their organization, or who isn’t receiving notifications when they should be.
    • For example: is team member XYZ the person who is always archiving records? Is everyone else on the team getting email notifications aboutCOI gaps besides team member XYZ? Does Team member XYZ need to start getting these emails?
  • Customers can now see exactly who is receiving automated emails from Jones. This is important to know in a world where tenants and vendors may change their email addresses. If a customer ever questions where the automated Jones’ emails are being sent to, they will now be able to easily view email recipients - the vendor or tenant might not be receiving email notifications because the wrong contact information is listed.

How does this behave/ functionalities

  • The timestamps are on all recorded actions and are listed in the customers' local time zone.
  • All email recipients will be shown. If an email is being sent to more than one person, the user will need to hover their mouse over the main recipient to see the additional email recipients (divided by “to” and “cc”).
  • The user’s name will appear for the following actions:
    • Creation of vendor/ tenant record
    • Uploaded a COI
    • Notified of COI gaps
    • Email Reminders Renewed
    • Archived a record
    • Restored a record
    • Changed requirements
      • If ICS did an action on the customer’s account, it will read: “Alice Inman”to the customer. However, when looking through ICS, an ICS user will be able to see the Jones team member who took the action.
      • The user's name/color icon will be the same in the history tab as the team notes tab.
  • If the vendor/tenant uploads their insurance docs through the record hub, it will say "vendor/tenant" as the person who took the action.
  • If the COI was uploaded by an auditor, there won't be an "uploaded by" section

Known limitations/ future enhancements?

  • We will be showing more details on vendor/tenant history in the near future. JIRA ticket here.
    • We will be changing the text of certain thing such as "Compliant Notification Sent" instead of just showing an email sign with text "vendor compliant".
    • Non-compliant record audits are currently not shown in the history tab. They will be in the future.
    • Expired COIs are not reflected in the history tab. They will be in the future.
    • There is no distinction between autosend gap and manual send gap in the history tab. They will be in the future.
    • We will be adding more details/text when requirements are changed, such as original and updated requirements.

Does it impact other features/ parts of Jones?

None. The history tab only shows information, it does not affect other parts of Jones.

[360 Card] Jones Records

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