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Workplace Violence Policy

The University prohibits threats, menacing conduct or acts of violence on its premises by its employees, former employees, customers, vendors, visitors or any other individuals. Moreover, the University prohibits any of such acts or conduct off University premises while on University business. The University further prohibits all individuals (except law enforcement officers) from bringing any weapons, including, but not limited to, firearms, knives or explosives onto its premises.

Threats are generally considered to be any expression of an intent either immediately or subsequently to inflict harm, loss or pain to a person and/or his or her property rights or to injure a person or his or her property by the commission of some unlawful act. Menacing conduct is a disposition to inflict injury or to place another in fear of future injury.

Employees will be held accountable for their statements, acts and conduct. For example, an employee's undisclosed intent not to carry out a threat or a threat made in jest will not be considered as an excuse for engaging in such prohibited behavior.

The possession or control of weapons on University premises will subject an employee to immediate termination of employment, while non-employees (other than law enforcement officers) will be required to immediately leave the university's premises.

Employees who learn that a co-worker or other individual on University premises is in possession of a weapon have an obligation to immediately report such to management. In addition, any other acts or conduct that violate this policy must also be reported, including, for example, threats or acts of violence, aggressive or menacing behavior, threatening or offensive comments, etc. Employee reports made pursuant to this policy will be investigated as appropriate and, to the extent possible, maintained in confidence.

The University will take prompt, appropriate remedial action against those who violate this policy. Remedial action may include up to immediate termination of employment and notification of law enforcement personnel.

Retaliation against an employee reporting potential violations of this policy is prohibited and such conduct is also a violation of this policy which will subject the "retaliator" to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

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