Guru's Verification engine ensures consistency, confidence, and trust in the knowledge your organization shares. Learn more.

Forming a Knowledge Council!

Knowledge Council Basics

Definition and Benefits

Knowledge Council: A group of representatives from each of the departments or teams that are using Guru, who meet regularly to maintain Guru at the highest level and ensure it is serving the needs of each and every department.


So why do this? Well the main benefits of a Knowledge Council is first to ensure communication between teams, for instance, content creators need to know what works best for users! A discussion of recent analytics may well lead to ways to improve the experience of accessing knowledge.

Secondly sharing the lift with your colleagues and other stakeholders is important so you can focus on your own tasks and take back some time in your day!

Additionally, having regular tasks and a set agenda that includes, for example, looking at recently made tags, using the Duplicate Detection feature and ensuring that Governance Standards are being met, will all ensure that the need for an audit is reduced. On top of that accountability can be ensured for such aspects as verification load.

Lastly I would suggest that including recognition for top performers is a great way to promote adoption!

How It's Formed

Approach 1: Top-Down

  • Management chooses a group of people who will be in charge of this.

  • Recommendation: Choose from representatives of different teams that are represented in Guru: e.g. one person from Sales, one from Support, etc.

Approach 2: Bottom-up

  • Council forms organically from the people who use Guru the most or are most passionate about it.

  • Recommendation: Borrow from KCS and do an organizational network analysis to find the people who answer questions; leverage them to create the council. If not all teams are represented, create a Slack channel or other such communication channel so that all team members can talk to the Council.

Example Council Responsibilities

Each council is different, with different perspectives and use cases represented, so the list of responsibilities is highly situational. Typical examples include:

  • Check on and take actions to maintain governance standards (Examples listed below)

  • Assigning knowledge domain owners and holding them accountable for items like Trust Scores, Adoption, Card Template creation

  • Going through the maintenance checklist:

    • Tag Manager: check for new/uncategorized Tags

    • Card Manager:

      • Check for Cards not on a Board - decide if it makes sense to put them on one

      • Identify and support those who are not verifying their content in a timely manner

      • Verify your own Cards, perhaps in a sprint where everyone does it together as part of the regular meeting

    • Analytics

      • Review Searches Producing No Results and assign Authors to create content to fill these gaps

      • Review Most Popular Cards and advertise to the team (using Knowledge Alerts)

    • Post a Guru tip in Slack or recognize a high performer/Guru win

    • Any other governance guidelines you've set in place

  • Meeting regularly (ie monthly) to coordinate on Knowledge Management projects

  • Communicating with CSM for consultation on long-term projects

Governance Standards

It's useful to establish a clear set of Standards and expectations for how you want your Authors and Collection Owners to manage knowledge in Guru. Here are some examples of standards you can consider. The numbers in green are up for negotiation depending on your circumstance.


  • Trust score no lower than 80% per collection

  • Average verification interval: quarterly or more frequently

  • User adoption: >90% DAU/MAU

  • Cards that have been left unverified for 60 days will be archived

  • Cards with no views in the past 180 days will be archived

    • Consider a variety of filters to identify cards that should be archived. For example:

      • Less than 3 Views or Copies in the last year

      • Cards that have been created but were never verified

  • Content must be Verified by:

    • An Individual instead of a Group - We recommend starting with this approach. Useful for assigning responsibility over the knowledge to the Subject Matter Expert who created it. Ensures active participation/simple visibility since their name is visible on the card details.

    • A Group instead of an Individual - This is useful to prevent bottlenecks, where a single verifier may be out of the office. Also helps distribute the verification workload to a small group of SMEs. However, be careful that users don't think "someone else in the group will do it" and leave their knowledge sitting unverified too long.

  • Cards must have at least one tag, no more than four tags

  • No card to be created without being added to at least one board, if exceptions apply, spell those out

  • Set the expectation among users that Guru is everyone’s first place search for knowledge

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.