Newmarket - St. Peter's College (SPC) 7s : Set Up and Breakdown Guru Update
St Peters College Cage Setup
Arrive by 4pm on your first night, allow as much time as you can to get orientated. Games start at 5.50pm.
- Pavilion Alarm Code
- 2798
- Padlock Codes
- key Lock Box = 6892 on Seccombes road
- 7s Storage Crate = 8102
- Defib is located in gear room. Make sure you get a visual on this when you arrive.
Access is from Seccombes road . The lock box is located to the right hand side of the gate.
Open the lock box and you will see two keys on a red tag:
1 x P key (for Seccombes gate and 5 a side gates padlocks)
1 x Triangle key (for storage room)
Once the gate is open proceed to storage room in the pavilion and get black lanyard which has two keys on it:
1 x Master key (SMK) key for 7s Mountain Road gate and the main pavilion
1 x light box key
Take both sets of keys and take 2 sets of clean bibs and then lock the storage room
Unlock the pavilion and disable the alarm and get the ice packs from the freezer for the 5 a side take all in a blue bag and
Open the Main Pavilion door (master "SMK" key) - turn alarm off
- Main Pavilion: Use the master key to unlock. The Alarm is found by the side door in the pavilion, opposite to where you would have entered, code is 2798 press OK then press OFF. (Picture below, right). You can use this room as your base. Use one of the large desks by the door as an ‘Admin Area’.
Collect Ice packs
- Ice: Found in the freezer in the kitchen of the pavilion. We use sandwich bags from the admin box to make ice bags from trays as needed. Make sure the ice cubes are full and there is enough ice available. You will need to fill 3x Bags and run them back down the 5aside.
- Take 10 clean bibs to the 5 aside and bring back the 10 dirty ones wash them once 7 a side games have begun and hang them up in the admin room.
Walk back down to Mountain Road and go toward the entrance to the 5 a side turf (Red arrow - see first picture) .
Using the SMK key (on black lanyard) unlock and exit the Mountain road gate.
- Unlock the mountain road gate. Once through unlock the gate to your left at the top of the steps (this goes to the carpark) then go back down and turn left to open the gate access to the turf.
- Unlock the large gate to the left-hand side of the sports complex for defib access.
- Make sure the GYM DOOR is open as this is where the DEFIB is located, If it get's locked by the cleaners there is a key in the storage box which will unlock it including the toilets.
- Make sure the GYM DOOR is open as this is where the DEFIB is located, If it get's locked by the cleaners there is a key in the storage box which will unlock it including the toilets.
- Here’s a link to the video
- Click here to watch a video on how to use a defib machine
- Complete 5 aside set up tasks, - Set up Information Board, Put out and test game clock, collect dirty bibs for washing
Gates marked red can be opened with 'P" key
Ensure the large gate along the side of the gym is unlocked for Defib access if needed.
Once the information board is set up and clock is on and tested return to 7 a side
Return to 7s (Admin)
Enter though Mountain road and open the stairwell access gate leaving this gate open
Open the side gate to access the site
Open the storage room and return the lanyard keys to the Admin box
You may find the turf is in use by SPC students. They will be finished around 5pm, meanwhile you can do the below tasks while you wait.
- Equipment Room: Use the triangular key to unlock. You can access the storage cage using the bike lock code 8102. You will need the following from the cage
- Admin Box
- Match Balls (Top Crate)
- Warm up Balls (Bottom Crate)
- Referee Bags (Bue x3)
- Pitch Set-Up Gear (Flags, Lines and Cones)
- Fixture Board: Use the pins found inside the admin box to attach documents to the notice board in the front of the pavilion building (pictured below). It should flow from top to bottom (Field map, Standings, Fixtures, Notices (Ie No Alcohol, Registrations Open).
- Warm Up Balls: Kick 4/5 warm up balls on to the field for players to use. They should be easy to identify as the lower quality balls in the bottom crate.
- Referee Bags: In each referee bag place
- 2x higher quality match balls (Found in the top cage).
- 1x Set of 8-9 bibs (You should have them with you)
- 1x off color bib
- Referee Card (Or you can hand them out personally)
Make sure the balls properly inflated using the ball pump found in the admin box. Balls tend to go flying at this venue, so make sure you are on top of any that go missing. Leave the bags by the pavilion door for the referees to grab.
- Signage: 3x Large FFix flags found in pavilion against back wall behind chairs. To be placed in brackets along the fence at relevant locations (Pitch 1 + 2 + 3, see map white arrows). This can be done during sport trainings but not matches.
Operating the main clock
- Turn the clock on with the switch inside the pavilion, located next to the alarm.
- You can only operate the clock by using the remote found on top of the switch.
- When you turn the clock on it should show 19 mins. If not, then call FFix employee.
- Press the start button to start the countdown.
- At the end of the countdown the clock will show zero & the horn will sound.
- You may need to press the reset interval button 2-3 x times quickly to bring up 45 seconds (half-time/interval between games).
- You may need to press the reset game button 2-3 x times quickly to bring up the 19 minutes time.
Operating the lights
- Manually operated via light switch. Located in a in metal box against the outside wall of the equipment closet, near metal stairs (Pictured Below).
- Turn them on around sunset, early if it is a darker day.
- Key is on the key chain inside the admin box (smallest key works the lights).
Pitch Set Up
Once the students are off the field, you can go ahead and set up the fields for play. Please consult the field map below.
- Side-Lines: You should find 2x orange reels in the bottom cage of the equipment room. You will need to roll out 1x goal line and 2x sidelines. Read label on each orange reel. There are anchor brackets attached the surrounding fence at the correct locations (Blue dots).
The goal line runs along the rugby 5m line on the pavilion side of the field. This is to provide a small warm-up area for teams. The vertical line requires a road cone or similar heavy object to keep it down at each end.
- Goals: You will need to put out all 6 x goals; Pitch 2 goals line up on half way. Pitches 1 and 3 are slightly trickier. Outside posts should line up with the 18-yard box. See picture for reference.
- You can drag the goals using the goal dragging device located next to the cage in the storage room. Correct use pictured below.
- Penalty areas: Use the bag of cones and markers found in the bottom cage. The penalty area is an 8-yard semi-circle from the center of the goal. Place yellow/white cones on the goal line and arc 6x flat markers in front of goal. Every cone should be 8 steps from the center of the goal.
Pack up
- During the last match, you can pack these things away to the equipment room as they were found
- 3x Flags
- Noticeboard documents
- Pins to admin box
- Warmup Balls
- At the start of the second half, it’s a good idea to put the clock remote back on top of the switch. You don’t want to find it in your pockets once you get home.
- The referees will ask players to put the goals away in the storage area. This should be straight forward but sure you check they’ve been put away properly before you finish. (Correct goal storage pictured below).
- Referees will bring back their ref bags with the cones, bibs and match balls included.
- Match balls back in the top cage.
- Reel in the lines – 2 x horizontal lines on appropriate reel and 1x vertical line on appropriate goal line reel. Put back in cages.
- Lock the far side gate and main gate on mountain road.
Fetching balls on the roof
The school has a ladder located either in the kitchen or disabled toilet. Prop the ladder at a suitable angle against the fence. Please ask someone to hold the ladder for you. You will then be able to climb up and get onto the roof. Throw the balls down and climb down the ladder. Make sure you have a firm grip on the top of the fence and that the person is holding the ladder. Climb down and put the ladder back where you found it.
Lock up
At the end of the last game open the washing machine lid so the referees can put in their field's bibs
Put in the washing powder in the machine and run a quick wash cycle which should be approximately 14 minutes
Put the bibs on a quick spin cycle and hang them to dry on the three hooks (next to the ball cage) 8 bibs on each hook
Ensure there are also 10 bibs on the 5 aside hook (above the washing machine)
- Lights will turn off automatically at 8:40pm but they must still be turned off manually! Otherwise, they will switch on again at 5am.
- Ensure the black keys are in the admin box once lights are switched off.
- Lock up the cages again with the bike lock
- Lock equipment closet with Triangle Key.
- Switch off the clock at the wall.
- Double check, have you manually turned off the lights and is the clock remote placed back on top of the switch!
- Turn all lights off in pavilion and re-alarm. 2798 OK, ON.
- Leave through the gate on the metal stairs. Don’t forget anything!
- Return the keys (Red tag) to the referee at the 5's for them to lock down the 5 a side area - They will return the keys to the lock box on Lion Place.
- Enter the results on your phone or message them to the appropriate person.