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Toast Menu Support Process | OS Menu Team

  1. Click to open your Toast Menu Support menu upload
  2. Navigate to the Toast Menu Dashboard
  3. Log in using email + 1Password credentials
  4. Navigate to the correct location (if you cannot find the location, place menu on "Waiting" and advise the task requestor we do not have proper access for this location yet)
    1. Screen_Shot_2023-07-06_at_9.24.37_AM.png
  5. Determine whether or not this RP is migrated Toast source of truth platform by checking this tracker if this info hasn't been provided by the task requester.
  6. if RP has migrated over or is pending migration, complete this menu keeping the following SUPPORTED features in mind:
    1. Sub-groups (sub-categories): No need to flatten or remove, these will be flattened upon syncing to CN dashboard
    2. Overlapping Menus: We shouldn't combine menus and multiple can be scheduled at the same time.
    3. Nested Mods: Do not flatten nested mods, these should publish seamlessly
    4. Menu Photos: Add menu photos to the menu items in Toast dashboard instead of CN dashboard - these should publish seamlessly
    5. Availability (scheduling hours): Set scheduling hours in Toast, not CN dashboard
    6. Delivery hours: Set delivery hours in Toast, not CN dashboard (if you do not have access to the "Delivery" hour section in Toast, let the requestor know in your Chatter notes)
  7. Those that are not migrated yet, will still have ALL UNSUPPORTED features:
    1. Nested modifiers
    2. Size-based pricing
    3. Duplicate modifier/item names
    4. Sub-Groups (sub-categories)
    5. Overlapping Menus
    6. Time-based Pricing
    7. Sequence Pricing
    8. Negative base price for modifier options
    9. Menu photos
    10. Emojis
  8. Determine whether or not we're creating a whole new menu/items/mods (CN specific menu) OR editing exisiting menus in the Toast dashboard if this hasn't been provided by the task requester.
  9. Once you've made the determination above, click the "Menus" tab on the left hand panel > click "Edit Menus"Screen Shot 2023-07-06 at 9.25.23 AM.png9. Click on the menu(s) the client would like to sync with CN & review it for unsupported features (leverage CN Dashboard & the toast-menu-notifications channel for help here):
    1. Screen_Shot_2023-07-06_at_9.32.21_AM.png
    2. Screen Shot 2024-02-20 at 3.46.31 PM.png
    3. Screen Shot 2024-02-20 at 3.47.17 PM.png
  10. Update Channel Visibility on all menus. Remove ChowNow visibility from menus that will not be used by CN, and ensure ChowNow visibility on those that will be used by ChowNow:

Screen Shot 2023-07-06 at 9.27.16 AM.png

    1. Under "Visibility" settings, click on "Menu Builder"
    2. Screen Shot 2023-09-06 at 10.19.37 AM.png
    3. You should see the "Channel Visibility" settings.
    4. Screen Shot 2023-09-06 at 10.20.04 AM.png
    5. Removing visibility Screen_Shot_2023-12-07_at_12.14.03_PM.png

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  1. Update "Availability" & "Delivery" hours
    1. If migrated, set scheduling hours & delivery hours in Toast dashboard (if you do not have access to Delivery hours in Toast, note this to the task requestor)
    2. If not migrated, set scheduling/delivery hours in CN admin after publishing the menu(s) successfully
  2. Complete visual “spot-check” of menu(s) + identify any additional unsupported features
  3. Create new groups (categories), items, & mods as needed to build the menu to the client's liking (and solve unsupported feature issues) & frequently click "Save"
  4. Menu photos:
    1. If migrated, add menu photos to each item in the Toast dashboard
    2. If not migrated, add menu photos in the CN dashboard after publishing the menu(s) successfully
  5. Click "Publish" to sync Toast menu to CN Dashboard
  6. Check CN Dashboard to ensure sync was successful
    1. If there's still errors, go back to correct + then publish again until no more errors persist
  7. Audit successfully synced menu in CN Dashboard against Toast menu
  8. Add Chatter notes upon completion
  9. Mark menu as "Complete" or "Dashboard 100%"

How do we view Toast menu schedules in CN dashboard?

If migrated to source of truth, the RP's menu(s) & scheduling hours will not be visible in the CN menu editor. You will need to follow the steps below to view.

  1. Navigate to the RP's CN Dashboard
  2. Click on "Integrations" tab on the left side
  3. Click "Toast"
  4. Scroll down to "Menus". You'll can view all menus that are synced into CN dashboard & their respective schedules

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Additional Resources

Toast Dashboard

1 Password

Internal CS Toast Troubleshooting Guru card folder

Toast Copy Overview (Toast Resource)

Training Videos from Toast

Internal Toast Menu Errors Troubleshooting Doc

Toast-Onb-Triage Slack channel - Offshore leadership will leverage for errors we cannot pinpoint

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