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How to Re-purpose an Existing Logging Configuration File (LCF)

Logging Configuration Files (LCF) can be edited and re-used, keeping the user from manually re-building them when creating a new and similar logging sessions.

Open an Existing LCF

  1. Launch Logger Administrator application

  2. Select 'File' | 'Open'

  3. Browse the directory for the appropriate LCF

  4. Open the file

.lCF OPEN.png

How to Edit the Existing File

The trends grid of a log session group works a lot like the cells in Excel for editing. Individual cells or the entire trends grid can be selected by clicking and dragging or by selecting the tiny cell in the upper left-hand corner. Copying everything also includes a header row. The header row should also be copied when importing cells from Excel into the logger, to assure that columns transferred correctly.

Find and Replace

  1. Select 'Find' in the 'Edit Menu'

  2. Switch to 'Replace' Mode'

  3. Enter the text or expression in the 'Find what' field before entering the new text or expression in the 'Replace' field.

  • 'Look In' can be switched to 'Selection' or 'Current Group'

    • 'Selection' applies find and replace only to the cells that are selected.

    • 'Current Group' applies find and replace to everything.

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