Security and Log-on Settings
To access Security Settings and Log-On Settings, close PostalMate and CashMate and open PM Utilities (Start > All Programs > PostalMate > PM Utilities). If you run PostalMate on a network, many of these settings are only available on the Main Workstation.
From PM Utilities, choose the Security Settings button.
Next, choose Add /Edit Users
Choose Edit (to edit existing Users) or Add (to add new users).
Users must be added in order to use either Log-on or Security features.
The log-on feature may be used with or without Security enabled.
- See Page 2 for information on setting up Log-on’s.
- See Page 3 for information on setting up Security.
Log-On Settings
You can set up PostalMate and the POS to require a log-on.
Shipping and mailing (PostalMate) Log-on: You can track which employees have processed what shipments in PostalMate by requiring a log-on to ship or mail. In Package History, you can see who was logged in to process the shipment by selecting the General Info tab and look for “User.”
CashMate transactions Log-on: Forcing a log-on to the POS allows you to see which employees have processed which transactions and also allows you to track which employees have cancelled or voided transactions in the POS. (Reports > System Wide > Event Log). Use passwords or a fingerprint reader for additional security. Note: Logging into PostalMate for a shipment will carry the log-on information over to the POS to complete the sale (on the same station) so you will not have to log-on again.
Credit card transactions: If you use a credit card interface that allows stored credit cards in the POS, a user must be logged in to add credit cards as well as to process sales or returns to stored credit cards.
Security Settings
From Security Settings and Log-On Settings, choose the General Security tab. (Each user must have a password to use security. )
Universal Access: At least one user (usually an owner or a manager) needs to be set up with Universal Access. Universal Access rights allow you to log in with a password (or a simple touch of a fingerprint reader) to any secured areas.
Select Access: Set other employees with select access rights. Placing a checkmark in the box next to any of the “secure areas” gives that employee rights to enter that secure area with their password. Leaving a secure area unchecked means that you don’t want the selected employee to be able to access that area.
See page 5 for a complete listing of secure areas.
Break Security: If you have forgotten or misplaced your password and need to break security, close both PostalMate and CashMate and open PM System Utilities and choose Tools > Security > Break Security. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Once you have setup your Security Settings, close PM System Utilities and re-launch PostalMate and CashMate.
Logging On…
Press Log-On
Secure Areas
- Billing and Late Fees : Opening, closing and editing accounts. Printing, re-printing statements. Credits, payments, deposits and late fees. Editing statement groups.
- Configuration: PostalMate settings, Email notification settings, Register settings, Sales tax settings, shipping settings.
- Data Maintenance: Department mapping, adding and making changes to mailbox inventory and entering existing accounts. Set department order, restore backup, undelete tax regions, network station settings.
- Disbursement: Manual buy postage for Printable postage.
- Inventory: Adjust Inventory and Receive products.
- PCS Auto Login: PostalMate website auto-login.
- Price Override: Override product pre-set pricing.
- Pricing: Editing, adding or deleting products or departments. Mailbox setup and preferences. Edit shipping carrier, or any rates. Adding or editing Vendors.
- Register Activities: Cancelling or voiding sales. Opening or closing the register day. No sales, paid outs and voiding register transactions. Accessing customer credit card information (if entered) in Edit Customer.
- Reports: All reports in PostalMate, POS, PM Utilities and Time Clock.
- Saved Credit Cards: Allows access to adding and using the stored credit card feature for PayWare Connect and Cayan Genius credit card interfaces.
- Security: Accessing Security settings in PM Utilities.
- SelfServe: Not used.
- Time Clock Management: Accessing reports and making changes to punches in Time Clock.
- Users: Adding, editing or deleting Users.
Event log
Logs are important. Do turn on Event Logging in PM Utilities.
Open PM Utilities and choose Security Settings.
Checkmark the box for “Enabled”.
To View the log in PM Utilities, choose Tools > Security > View Security Log
CashMate Reports
Unresolved Shipment Report (In CashMate under the Reports > Register menu).
Register Voids and Returns (In CashMate under the Reports > Register Menu)
CashMate Reports
Account Adjustment report (In CashMate under Reports > Accounts Receivable). This report is available for Credit Accounts, Debit Accounts and Invoice Accounts.