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4. Associated Report Settings

Associated Reports Setting

  1. Introduction

View related data from other applications or conduct light data analysis within the dataset for quick data access.

1 Setup Steps

2.1 Configuration Example

Application: "My Client"

Process: In "Extended Settings" > "Association Report", add an association with either Anffy application or light data set analysis.

Note: Data analysis permissions are required to access data set options.

Association Rules: Set rules (e.g., Customer Name equals Customer Name) and select the report to be associated.

Publishing: After setting, publish the changes.

2.2 Functional Effects

2.2.1 Open Associated Display

In Table View, edit view and open associated report via Data Permissions.

Set permissions and fields for viewing the report.

2.2.2 Effect Display

Outcome: With the setup, additional columns like Customer Contact Records appear alongside “My Client” data.

Example: In sales scenarios, associate customer information, order management, etc., for centralized customer-related data access.

3. Other Settings

3.1 Adjust Order of Reports

Rearrange the position of each association as desired.

3.2 Visible Range

Set visibility of different associated reports independently for each node.

3.3 Quickly Create Associated Reports

Use shortcut keys to quickly jump to report creation if needed.

3.4 Data Permissions in Associated Reports

Inherited permissions include data range, field visibility, operation permissions, and report visibility.

4. Precautions

Data Analysis Permission: Needed for data set options.

Viewing Restrictions: If a user lacks report viewing permission, the column won’t display.

Association in Data Tables: Settings in data details won’t display in associated data tables.

Report Permissions: Mind settings like application, data, and report permissions.

Data Sources: Light analysis reports vary based on the source ("light flow applications" or "data sets"), affecting field type mappings.

Light Analysis Report Fields: Text, number, date, time period, member, department, address (developing)

Light Flow Report Fields: Single line text, multi-line text, links, phone, email, selections, positioning, number, numeric field, date, time period, member, department, address fields.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.