New Laptop Setup - Windows PC
Context: You have a brand new or wiped laptop and you want to set it up for first use. If you have any issues contact or ping the IT Manager in Slack and we can assist you.
Turn on the laptop so that it opens to the Windows setup screen/process
Follow the prompts and set your preferences until you reach the account setup page
For "How would you like to set up? Choose: SET UP FOR AN ORGANIZATION
Enter your AP email and temp password when prompted and complete the enrollment/registration process
Set a SECURE password if prompted to set a new password during enrollment
Click continue and move forward with your various preferences as the Windows set up asks you such as privacy settings, Cortana setup, country, keyboard layout etc.
Done! wait for the PC to complete setup and then you can continue on with STEP 2 of the new laptop setup guru card: (New Laptop Setup)