SCAM ALERT: Detailed Requirements
DATE: 2/8/2025
EMAIL SUBJECT: Detailed Requirements
SENDER: Assistant Professor Barbara Adams <>
Note: This message claims to be from a New School faculty member but was sent by a malicious actor using a Gmail account. Always check the email domain! All emails from New School representatives will be sent using email accounts.
Message Text
Hello _____,
Thank you for expressing interest in this temporary job opening.
Research projects develop problem-solving skills and help explore new ways of learning irrespective of your discipline. Even if you've never had any experience collecting data, instructions will be given every step of the way. Work days will be 2 to 3 days per week of a few hours each day/time of your own choosing.
As an academic, I have to continually balance at least eight sources of work that compete for my time some of which include:
1. Research advising– Running and managing a research group.
2. Hands-on research work– Long-term research trajectory planning, developing new project ideas, implementing projects, writing and revising papers
3. Fundraising– Writing grant proposals to get funding for research, managing funding-related logistics among hands-on research team members and reviewing other people's grant proposals.
4. Academic community service – Reviewing papers, organizing professional events, writing recommendation letters, doing professional outreach.
Your interactions with me will fall into the “Hands-on research Team work” slot, which is super important to me. If you accept to work with me, you will be sharing this slot with the 15 to 20 other students whom I am implementing this present project with thus my goal is to establish a balanced dynamic between us since I'll be providing you a paycheck for every week you perform your weekly task given the limited time we have together on this project.
What this means is that we might perform a weekly task for a given week and be free the next week until another task is made ready which offers a lot of flexibility.
I am overseeing a couple of ongoing pharmaceutical industry sponsored research projects some of which involve providing small to medium size (pharmaceutical) companies in the development and implementation of successful and innovative (pharmaceutical) product marketing strategies at the intersection of cutting-edge commercial opportunity for their products, business cycles and changing markets which makes innovation time-critical.
All together such services have been provided for Content Providers, Contract Research Organizations(CROs), Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies for Food/Nutrition/Nutraceuticals/Supplements marketing research/strategy as well as government and professional societies.
My expertise based upon proven but flexible methodologies and experience that cost less in the end but bring higher quality that can help them implement projects more efficiently covers a broad range of areas including but not restricted to market research, co-promotion arrangements, product market strategies and promotion, product positioning, etc. The outcome through a streamlined approach, low over head and hands on (like yours) location based ad-hoc team saves time and minimizes costs.
Our research was hugely disrupted due to Covid-19 so we just restarted with no time frame in mind. How we are going to do this is to make your time flexible to fit into your other weekly activities same as the other hands-on research team members. We should be done with this 2nd Phase between 3- 4 weeks interval then your remuneration will be reviewed depending on your diligence.
For time duration, you can simply choose anytime of the day to perform your task from home which involves collecting data online for listed Pharmaceutical and Biotech Products for marketing research strategy. Let me know you are alright with this as well as send in your resume for my perusal after which I will forward a correspondence to your email with your first task.
In this research, we aim to raise and answer some questions about approaches to eCommerce. Our global research on online consumer behaviors, preferences and attitudes can be leveraged by consumer companies/contract research organizations seeking to improve their approach towards winning and retaining customers online.
You'll also enjoy learning more about nutraceutical supplements in the course of our research .
If you follow instructions you should be done with your first week task in due time and your weekly pay of $250 is guaranteed.
-A can do attitude.
-An organized entrepreneurial spirit
-Basic Excel knowledge (Word, Excel)
-Excellent observational skill.
-Generate data online and write a report for each task based on your observation
-Assist in the preparation of regularly scheduled task
-Prepare and monitor invoices
-Contribute to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed
Academic research by nature is unpredictable and doesn’t easily conform to a specific timeline but your academic commitment and personal schedule has been put into consideration in offering this opportunity reason why you won't be expected to carry out your duties at any specific time/days .There is no due date in the pending assignments which I will send to you in our subsequent correspondence.
Our industry sponsors and agencies all the same expect that your commitment of a few hours in a week to earn a nicely package bonus wages should be motivation enough.
Send in your resume for my perusal and respond to the few questions below
-What is your current Address:
-Bank Name so your paycheck can be processed as at when due
I'll appreciate you keeping me in the loop while performing your task and prompt response to our text/ email correspondence is expected so I know you are on the job.
Barbara Adams
Assistant Professor of Art
Design and Social Justice
Parsons School of Design
The New School
Red Flags
🚩 The email is not from a email address and impersonating a New School professor. All business emails conducted by New School faculty and/or staff are always sent using a verified email address but always exercise caution in interacting with emails from both known and unknown sender
🚩 The email tries to trick the recipient into thinking it is valid by including in-depth details about their field and the temporary position.
🚩 The message requests personal information up front. Never share your address or bank information with anyone unless you have validated that it is a legitimate request.
If you received this email, do not engage with the email— do not reply, download attachments, or click on links. Please forward the email to IT Central at to report the phishing scam and then delete the email from your inbox.
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