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GL Spreadsheet Exports

This article discusses what General Ledger spreadsheet exports are, and how to generate them. GL spreadsheet exports can be used to generate lists of GL items, such as funds and departments.


In the Financials application, the General Ledger > Settings menu contains several pages that are used for various GL setup activities, including the following:

  • Funds
  • Standard Objects
  • Departments
  • Programs
  • Projects
  • Project Categories
  • User Codes
  • GL Accounts
  • Fiscal Years
  • Account Reallocations
  • Fund Groups

Previously, to generate a comprehensive list of the data in one of these pages, users needed to navigate to General Ledger > Print Settings to generate a report for the corresponding page. For example, if a user needed a list of all funds and their details from General Ledger > Settings > Funds, they would navigate to General Ledger > Print Settings > List Funds, and generate a report from that page.

Now, we have added the export functionality directly to each of the General Ledger > Settings pages listed above. These spreadsheet exports will include all of the data fields that are available in the page they are generated from.

Generate Export

Follow these steps to generate a spreadsheet export:

  1. Navigate to General Ledger > Settings. Then, open one of the pages listed in the previous section of this article, depending on the desired export. For example, to export all departments, you would select General Ledger > Settings > Departments.
  2. On the bottom taskbar of the opened page, click Export, and then click Export Excel.
  3. Once the file is generated, a confirmation modal appears at the bottom right of the screen. To access the file, click the OpenGov Directories icon on the bottom taskbar.
  4. In the OpenGov Directories window, click the file to download.

Version 1

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