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Reset Late Codes - Screen Overview

Reset Late Codes

Screen Code: arreslc

Late codes are set to charge a late fee when the penalty process is run. This way you can easily view how many times an account has been late in the past 12 months. To run this process the first step is to reset the late codes for the current month. Once this process is run, a Reset Late Codes Summary report will be generated.

Note: The Late code month to process is the month of the due date.

Navigation Tip: Accounts Receivable >> Billing >> Reset Late Codes.


It has the following parameters:



Cycle number

Bill cycle number (e.g Monthly, Quarterly, semi-annual, or Annual).

Route number

Route Number is the first 3 digits of an account number (For example, 100)

Account status

Account Status (For example, Active, Inactive, etc)

Exclude specific late code control

Do not apply late codes.

Late code month to process

Months for which the late codes to be applied.

Specific late code to process

Only a specific late code to be processed.

Version 1

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.