Deep links and Dynamic links
With Firebase you can guide your users directly to the content inside your app. You can even turn deep links into smarter dynamic links.
Standard navigation: without a deep link, the user clicks on a campaign, downloads the app from the app store, and manually navigates to a specific app page.
Deep link: if the app is already installed, a deep link takes the user directly to a specific in-app location (content, collection, registration, etc.).
Dynamic link: if the app is NOT installed, a dynamic link takes the user to the app store to download the app and redirects after installation to a specific in-app location (content, collection, registration...). That user-friendly mechanism improves app attributions, content sharing, conversion
Creating dynamic links
Setting up dynamic links in Firebase is straightforward. While the dynamic link URL is handling the check and redirects to the app store the deep link URL defines to which content your customers are guided.
The easiest way to get the content URL is to copy the URL from your website and add it in the deep Link field. The URL will be composed like this https://yourdomain/type/id.
- yourdomain: the domain name of your web service
- type: defines if it is a view, collection, or a specific asset
- Use /collections/+ID for views
- Use /collection/+ID for collections
- Use /watch/+ID for a specific asset
- Use /EPG for the EPG view
- Use /search for the search page
- Use /settings/account for the settings page
- ID: the internal number of your view, collection, or asset got when you created it. You can find it in the Magine Pro Console. Here is an example of a collection ID