Student Code of Conduct - 7. University-wide Violations
The following actions are considered violations of the Student Code of Conduct and are subject to sanctions imposed under the Non-Academic Disciplinary Procedures of the University. Attempts to commit an act prohibited by the code or assisting in the facilitation and planning of acts prohibited by the code may also be considered a violation.
General Misconduct
General misconduct is conduct inconsistent with standards of behavior of a student member of the university community.
Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited to, lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior; conduct that is unreasonable in the time, place, or manner in which it occurs; and obstruction or disruption of university-sponsored activities; or conduct which adversely affects the student's suitability as a member of the university community or which is inconsistent with the mission of the university
Bias Related Conduct
a. Bias related harassment or discrimination believed to be motivated by a consideration (real or perceived) based on race, color, age, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or other protected characteristics such as oral, written, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, gender identity, national origin (including an individual’s ancestry, country of origin, or country of origin of the student’s parents, family members or ancestors) or other protected characteristics that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere with or limit the ability of an individual to participate in or benefit from the College programs or activities.
b. Threatening, intimidating or fear provoking behavior directed towards another believed to be motivated by a consideration (real or perceived) of race, color, age, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or other protected characteristics such as oral, written, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, gender identity, national origin (including an individual’s ancestry, country of origin, or country of origin of the student’s parents, family members or ancestors) or other protected characteristics that is sufficiently severe , pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere with or limit the ability of an individual to participate in or benefit from the College programs or activities.
Harassing includes, but is not limited to, verbal, written, or electronic actions that are abusive to any person; conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person; inappropriate touching or physical contact with another person. Sex or gender-based harassment falls under the Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy. Harassing conduct based on an individual's protected category or perceived protected category falls under the Discriminatory Harassment Policy.
This violation also includes the act of Doxing or Doxxing. Doxing (or doxxing) is the malicious act of publicly revealing someone's private or personally identifiable information online or public locations without their consent. This information can include, without limitation, someone’s private email address, phone number, home address, family address, financial details or sensitive documents.
Disruptive, Threatening, and Abusive Behavior
a. Unreasonable and Excessive Noise
Creating noise as deemed unreasonable or excessive by university staff on university-owned or controlled property is prohibited. Unreasonable and excessive noise includes, but is not limited to, noise that can be heard beyond a student's room or suite. The playing of musical instruments in areas other than those deemed appropriate by the university for such activities is prohibited.
b. Safety of Others
No person shall create conditions that endanger or threaten others or their property or create a health and safety hazard, including but not limited to physical actions, verbal or written statements. Additionally, tampering with, disabling, covering or blocking campus security cameras is prohibited.
c. Bullying
Behaviors that are repetitive, pervasive, and egregious and intended to intimidate, harass, frighten, insult, threaten, or otherwise harm an individual psychologically or physically. Bullying behaviors can also occur in virtual settings, which include but are not limited to, texts, emails, and online posts.
d. Physical Violence
Intentionally inflicting bodily harm upon any person; taking reckless action that results in harm to any person; or threatening by any means of transmission the use of force to harm or injure any person.
e. Camping/Blocking Entries or Exits
Temporary structures, such as tents are prohibited in all campus buildings. Similarly, camping or sleeping overnight in any publicly accessible area of campus, including outdoor space controlled by the New School, whether in vehicles, tents, or otherwise is also prohibited. Blockage of entryways and exits are prohibited at any locations owned and managed by The New School.
Use, possession, or distribution of alcohol, on university-owned or controlled property or at university-sponsored functions, is prohibited, except when granted prior approval from the university for a particular function. Furthermore, the sale, distribution, or procurement of alcoholic beverages for anyone under the age of 21; the use of false identification to procure alcohol; and the on-campus possession of any type of paraphernalia associated with the excessive consumption of alcohol is prohibited.
The illegal use, possession, distribution, sale, or manufacture of narcotics, dangerous drugs or controlled substances is prohibited on university-owned or controlled property or at a university-sponsored function. Consistent with TNS’ obligations under Federal law, marijuana possession or use is not permitted on university-owned or controlled property or at university-sponsored functions.
Drug Paraphernalia
Students are prohibited from possessing any paraphernalia associated with the use, manufacture, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs, including, but not limited to, bongs and pipes on university-owned or controlled property or at university-sponsored functions.
Public disruption due to intoxication from use or consumption of alcohol, narcotics, inhalants, or other drugs.
Smoking, tobacco products, or any substance, including medicinal marijuana, using any device including but not limited to, e-cigarettes, cigars, vaping, hookah, etc. is prohibited in all university buildings. If a student has a valid New York State medical prescription for marijuana, they cannot consume the marijuana in any form (whether through a smoking fashion, via edibles, or through other means) on any university property or controlled facility or at university-sponsored functions.
The stealing of property belonging to another member of the university community and/or the possession of said property is prohibited.
Damage to Property
Intentional or reckless damage, destruction, or defacement of property of the university, or that of a member of the university community or campus visitor, while on university property or at university-sponsored activities.
Hazing is recklessly subjecting any person to the risk of bodily harm, or severe emotional distress, or causing or encouraging any person to commit an act that would be a violation of law or university regulations, to initiate, promote, foster, or confirm any form of affiliation with a student group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim(s) is irrelevant in determining whether or not there has been a violation.
Non-compliance is the failure to comply with directions of university officials acting in the performance of their duties; failure to abide by or fulfill the terms of a sanction, interim measure or disciplinary outcome issued through the conduct process.
Restricted/Unauthorized Areas and Use of Space
Students are not permitted on any roof, ledges, balconies, or fire escapes of any university building or residence hall, except during cases of emergency. Trespassing; staying in a university building or facility after closing hours and failing to leave; occupation of any room, building, area of campus, or other space controlled by the University in a manner not permitted by the standard rules or policies governing operation for that space; or being in an area where the student has no appropriate access or does not have permission to access is prohibited. Additionally, refusal to leave an area at the request of a University official is considered unauthorized use of space.
Unauthorized Access
Unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of keys or key cards to university facilities, including residence halls, is prohibited. Sharing keys and key cards with another individual, including other residents and guests and providing access to an individual who is otherwise prohibited from entering a facility or accessing a restricted area is also prohibited.
Possession, display, storage, use, or distribution of any items used to inflict harm or threaten to inflict harm are prohibited on university-owned or controlled property or at functions. Any object used to threaten someone may be considered a simulated weapon.
Fire Safety Regulations
a. Interference of Fire Safety
Tampering with or misuse of fire alarms, fire exits, fire-fighting equipment, smoke/heat detectors, sprinkler systems, and other safety devices on university grounds; and the use of all open flame devices such as, but not limited to, sternos, incense, kerosene lamps, and barbecue grills; failure to evacuate a building at the sound or activation of the fire alarm system; and the use of any fireworks are prohibited.
b. Arson
Intentionally or recklessly starting a fire or attempting to start a fire on any university-owned or controlled facility, university property, or property belonging to another member of the university community.
a. University Identification
This includes but is not exclusive to, the transfer of university identification to gain entry to university buildings, and to procure any university services. Failure to obtain and provide an up-to-date, official student ID for entry to university buildings is also prohibited. University identification includes a New School ID card, N number, and NetID.
b. Misuse of Information
This includes, but is not exclusive to, the use of another person’s identity, password(s), identification number, university identification card or any other form of identification. This may also include the dissemination of another’s property without their consent.
c. False Information
False information includes, but is not limited to, knowingly furnishing false information to the university community, administration, faculty, or staff; alteration or misuse of university documents, records, or information; intentionally filing and/or sharing of knowingly false information about another member of the university community.
Gambling for money or valuables in any form anywhere on any University property or on-campus facility is prohibited, including but not limited to online betting and casino websites, sports pools, and lotteries.
All pets are prohibited on university property, including residence halls, except as outlined in the Assistance Animal Policy. Any student requiring an Assistance Animal must have authorization from Student Disability Services.
Unauthorized Posting
Posting of announcements and other publicity items by student organizations at the university that are not in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the office of Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) or the appropriate department within the school or division is prohibited. Announcements and publicity items to be posted on Residence Hall bulletin boards must be submitted to the Residence Hall Director for approval before posting. Approved items may only be posted in designated locations. This includes online platforms, for guidance please refer to Information Security Policies and Standards.
Unauthorized Recording
It is prohibited for a student to make or attempt to make an audio or video recording of private, non-public conversations while on University premises without the knowledge and consent of all persons subject to the recording. The use of hidden or undisclosed recording devices is prohibited as is the transmission and/or distribution of any such recordings. This provision does not extend to the recording of public events or virtual learning activities.
Unauthorized Solicitation or Canvassing
Soliciting or canvassing on University-Owned or controlled property without prior approval is prohibited. Authorization for canvassing in the Residence Hall is given only to recognized university groups or organizations. Solicitation is not permitted in the Residence Hall without the advance written permission of Housing and Residence Education.
Unauthorized Business and Professional Services
Students are not allowed to conduct businesses on campus or in the residence halls. As defined by the Student Code of Conduct, businesses pertain to any service or goods provided in exchange for compensation, services, or any other form of benefits. Performing professional services on university owned or controlled property is strictly prohibited. Professional services are defined as services that would require a license/contract, permit certificate, or other forms of authorization permitting the individual to perform such services, including but not limited to tattooing, massages, and haircuts. The university reserves the right to prohibit any behaviors that are not in keeping with the general health and safety of the university community.
Misuse of Information Technology
Use of the universities information technology resources must be consistent with IT policy and all other applicable laws, policies, and guidelines.
Retaliation by individual students, groups of students, or student groups is prohibited. Retaliation is an adverse action or threat of adverse action taken against an individual or group for reporting behavior that may be prohibited by law or policy or participating in an investigation or resolution process related to an allegation of misconduct.
General University Policies
Students are responsible for abiding by all university policies available via hard copy or posted on the university website.
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