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💬Gantt view

💬System default view

💬View switching

💬Kanban view

💬Card view

💬Table view

💬Gantt view


1. Function introduction

Views provide rich data presentation formats. Different forms of application data can be displayed according to different user roles or scenarios.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1:

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the [+] on the top navigation bar of the application - select the view.

2.1.2 Method 2:

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the view icon in the navigation bar at the top of the application, and click Create View.

2.2 Configuration view

2.2.1View name

Click Basic Information to select the default view title or modify it manually.

2.2.2 Pin to top navigation bar

Method 1 : Click the button as shown in the picture to choose whether to fix the view in the top navigation bar of the application

Method 2: Enter the application list page - click the view icon on the right side of the navigation bar at the top of the application - click the "three dots" on the right, and click Pin.

2.2.3 Visible range

The visible range of the view can be set through "visible range" and "password" to make enterprise data more secure

1. There are several types of "visible range" of views:

  • Workspace visible
  • Visible to specified users (visible to administrators by default)
  • Everyone can see

2. Password access

An independent password can be set, and any authorized person needs a password to access.

2.2.4 Custom sorting

Click [Data Display] and select [Custom Sort]

  • System default sorting: Qingliu provides users with a default sorting method for view data. Priority: Urgent > Timeout > Ordinary data update time (all data are sorted according to data update time)
  • Sort by field: Sort the view data by setting a certain field in ascending/descending order

2.2.5 Data permissions

Click [Data Permissions] - [Effective Permissions], and you can remove data that does not meet the conditions in the current view through permission selection. Permissions include "custom permissions" and "data permissions configured in the management background".

Authorization can be configured in batches in the management background, and data permissions can be configured using dimensions. When creating a view or report, if you do not want the view/report to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Custom Permissions" when editing the view/report, and the custom data permissions will only take effect for the current view/report.

If you want to follow the configured application data permissions, you can select "Manage background configured data permissions" when editing views/reports. After selecting, you can view the data permissions in effect in the management background.

In "Custom Permissions" you can select "Data Range."

In the custom data range, you can customize the filtering of data to eliminate unnecessary data. There are two types of custom data ranges: simple mode and advanced mode.
Easy mode

  • You can select multiple filter conditions, and you can add "and conditions" and "or conditions" at the same time.
  • A variety of precise filters can be performed on fields

Advanced mode

Click to set filter conditions and click Advanced mode to set the filter formula.

2.2.6 Field permissions

Click [Data Permissions], [Field Permissions] is on the right side of the page. By setting the permissions of a specific field, you can make the fields in the current view data details page so that the shared person can only see or modify some fields, not all fields.

There are several types of "field permissions" for views:

  • editable
  • visible only
  • hide

2.2.7 View management

You can set buttons at the top of the view to facilitate quick operations on the data in the view page and improve work efficiency. Click "Top Button" - "Add Button" to set the button type yourself

  • Button type : You can choose "System Button" or "Custom Button"
  • System buttons : buttons commonly used by the system by default.
  • Field management : You can set the fields you want to display in the view by checking them.
  • View type : You can click to switch between "Compact View" and "Detailed View".
  • Row height : You can adjust the row height of the data in the view.
  • Search : You can "search" the required data by keywords.
  • Print button : You can print the selected data in the view page
  • Export button : You can export the selected data in the view page as an Excel file
  • Custom button : After clicking the button, you can go to another application to add data, jump to other web links, or execute Q-Robot (advanced version).

When selecting a system button : You can set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. of the "system button"

  • Button function : the functions that can be used after clicking the button
  • Button copy : You can set the text displayed on the button
  • Button color : You can set the button fill color and text icon color
  • Button icon : You can choose the pattern you want to display on the button

As shown in the figure, a "Print" top button is added to the top of the view to make the printing operation more convenient.

When selecting a custom button : You can select and preview the "custom button" that exists in the current application

  • Button selection : You can choose to select a "custom button" that exists in the application
  • Button preview : can display the text, color and icon of the "custom button"

As shown in the figure, a "Product Information" top button is added to the top of the view showing the sales order to facilitate viewing the detailed information of the sold products.


2.2.8 Details management

You can set buttons on the data details page, divided into two categories: "main button" and "more button" to facilitate customized operations on a single piece of data. Click "Add Button" to set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. The button type can only be "System Button".

  • Main button: button displayed directly on the data details page
  • More buttons : buttons that need to be expanded by clicking the "···" button in the lower right corner of the data details page.

When adding "Main Button" or "More Button" : You can set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. You can only select "System Button" as the button type.

  • Button type : Only "System Button" can be selected, which is the default button commonly used by the system.
    • Print button : You can print the selected fields in the data details
    • Share button : You can share data details as a link or QR code
    • Modify button : You can modify the editable fields in the data details
  • Button function : The functions that can be used after clicking the button, you can choose the "print" function, "share" function and "modify" function.
  • Button color : You can set the button fill color and text icon color. Among them, the button color cannot be set for the "More Button"
  • Filter conditions : You can filter the data details, and only the data details that meet the conditions can be added to the "Main Button" or "More Button". Example: The course category is equal to required courses, the number is greater than 1, etc. Details description

As shown in the figure, a "Print" main button has been added to the data details page to facilitate printing of data details.


2.2.9 Operation permissions

Click [Data Permission] - [Operation Permission], and by checking the operation permission type, you can view process logs, leave messages, and print the data in the view.

Operation permissions include:

  • Visible process log
  • Can leave a message
  • Printable


  • After turning on the permission to leave messages, you can @ all members of the workspace when leaving a message in the view (you need to enable the data management permission, or be the person in charge of any node in the data process, or have the authority to initiate the message view, in order to be reminded by being @) Open the data);
  • If the permissions are enabled for both "visible to everyone" and "can leave messages", people outside the workspace can @ all members of the workspace when leaving messages. Please operate with caution.

2.2.10 View sorting

method one :

Select the view that needs to be sorted in the top navigation bar of the application and drag it

Method two:

Click the view icon button on the right side of the navigation bar at the top of the application, select the view that needs to be sorted manually, press and hold the view up and down to drag it

2.2.11 Unpin the view to the top navigation bar

Method 1 : Enter the application list page - click the drop-down icon to the right of [Initiated by me] and click Unpin

Method 2 : Enter the application list page - click the view icon on the right side of the navigation bar at the top of the application - click the "three dots" icon on the right, and click Unpin .

3. Delete the view

Method one:

Select the application whose view you want to delete, click the drop-down selection list of the selected view, and click [Delete View]

Method two:

Select the application whose view you want to delete, click the view icon to open the view drawer page, click the "three dots" icon, and click Delete View

System default view

Last updated: 2023-5-16 11:09

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

System default views will be automatically created after completing relevant application settings. System default views include "To Do View", "Done View", "CC View", "Initiated by Me" and "All Data"

  • To-do view: The data in this view will be classified according to the process node where it is located, and you can find the corresponding to-do data that needs to be processed .
  • Processed view: This view displays the corresponding data that has been processed
  • CC view: Displays the relevant data CC’ed to you /displays the CC data received in the current application
  • related data initiated by you in this view.

1.2 Application scenarios

In most applications, the data you need to query can be located through the system default view.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

When nodes other than "Applicant Node" are configured in the application , "To-Do View", "Done View" and "CC View" will be generated. After creating the application, "Initiated by Me" will be automatically generated.

2.1.1 Method 1

Click Apply to find the system default view in the navigation bar at the top of the application interface.

2.1.2 Method 2

Enter the application interface and click the "View" icon in the top navigation bar

2.2 Function details

2.2.1 To-do view

When the "Approval Node" is configured in the application process and becomes the node leader, you can see the relevant data in the "To-Do View"

1. When the data in the view is in different approval nodes, the data will be classified according to the "process node" where the data is located.

2. In this view, data will be displayed first according to the sorting logic of "Reminder", "Timed out", "About timeout", and "Other data". Data of the same type will be sorted in descending order according to the "Update Time" field.

2.2.2 Already done view

You can view the processed data in "Done View"

2.2.3 CC view

You can find relevant data copied to you in the "CC View"

2.2.4 Initiated by me

  1. When the application process only contains the "Applicant Fill-in" node, the navigation bar of the view page displays "Passed" and "Draft"

Click "Start New", click "Temporary Save" in the application form filling interface, and you can find the data in the "Drafts" group

  1. When the application process contains nodes other than the "Applicant Fill-in" node, the navigation bar of the view page will display "In Process", "To Be Improved", "Passed", "Rejected" and "Draft"

"In Process": Displays data before the end of the process

"To be improved": Displays the data where the approver selected "Return"

"Passed": Displays the data after the process ends

"Rejected": Displays the data where the approver selected "Rejected"

2.3 Unpin

By clicking the "Unpin" button of the system default view drop-down option, you can prevent the view from displaying in the top navigation bar.

2.4 Field management

You can select the fields you want to hide on the view page and adjust the order in which the fields are displayed. For details, please refer to

3. Precautions

  • The system default view cannot be deleted
  • The system attempts to pin the top navigation bar by default

View switching

Function introduction

In the data list, select the view mode according to the actual scenario. Qingliu temporarily supports two modes: "Simplified View" and "Detailed View".

Function entrance

[To-do items /Done items/CC items/Initiated by me/All data] List——[Simplified view/Detailed view]

View switching selection

Compact view

In "Compact View" mode, hide the contents of table subfields in the data list

Detailed view

In "Detailed View" mode, expand and display the contents of table subfields in the data list

Kanban view

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

Data can be displayed as cards and listed according to different field groups.

1.2 Application scenarios

Can be used in scenarios where data needs to be classified. For example, in task management, it is necessary to classify tasks according to type

1.3 Effect display

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

"+" button on the top navigation bar of the application , and select the view.

The created view will be fixed to the top navigation bar by default

2.1.2 Method 2

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the View button in the navigation bar at the top of the application, and click Create View.

The created view is not fixed to the top navigation bar by default.

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Basic information

In the basic information, you can customize the title of the view, choose whether to fix the view to the top navigation bar, set the visible range, and access with a password.

2.2.2 Data display

In the "Data Display" configuration column, you can select the grouping field as the basis for grouping, and you can select a color background to make the grouping effect more obvious. You can configure a title and cover for the card, and you can set the fields displayed in the card and the display order of the fields.

Grouping field : You can select one of the applicants, current process status, members/departments, and selection fields (here: drop-down, multi-select, and single-select fields) as a group, and list the data according to the value of the group field

Color background : Check the color background in the upper right corner to choose whether to configure colors for different groups. The grouping will display a colored background only if the background color is set in the selection class field. As shown in the figure, when a single item configured with color is selected as a group, it will be listed in different groups according to different options. Data without grouping will have no color background.

Title field: You can select the value of a certain field as the card title for displaying data. As shown in the figure, select the task name as the title field, and you can see that the title is displayed as the value of the task name field.

Cover : The application that created the board view has an attachment field. The picture uploaded in the attachment field can be displayed in the card as a cover.

Cover cropping : When not cropping, the picture will adapt to the size and display the entire picture; when cropping, the picture will automatically be cut to a suitable size and placed on the cover.

As shown in the figure: After selecting the attachment field as the cover, you can also choose whether to crop the cover, with different display effects.

Card display fields : You can add fields you want to display in the card, drag the fields to adjust the display order, and control whether the field titles are displayed.

Custom sorting : You can choose system default sorting or custom field sorting

  • System default sorting: Applicant, member/department fields are sorted according to the address book order, current process status is sorted according to the node order set by the process, and selection field is sorted according to the setting order of options.
  • Custom field sorting: Select a field to sort according to certain sorting rules. Cards in the same group will be arranged in ascending or descending order according to the selected field value.

2.2.3 Data permissions

In the "Data Range" configuration column, limit the data range through configurations such as associated reports, effective permissions, data ranges, and field permissions.

Related reports : Through related reports, you can view related data in other applications in the data of the current view.

Effective permissions : Permissions include "custom permissions" and "data permissions configured in the management background". Select "Manage data permissions configured in the background" to display the authorizations that have taken effect in the background; select "Custom permissions" and after turning it on, you can set the data range and field permissions.

Data range : After turning on "custom permissions", you can set the data range. After saving, the data range configured in the view will overwrite the background configuration and take effect for members within the visible range of the view.

Filter conditions : Click "Customize data range" to filter the display data, and only values that meet the conditions can be displayed. Example: time is greater than yesterday, number is greater than 1, etc.

Field permissions : Editing and visibility permissions of fields can be configured, supporting global configuration or individual field configuration.

Only the data displayed in the card can be opened for editing and cannot be hidden.

2.2.4 Button configuration

In "Button Configuration", you can set the buttons at the top of the view and the buttons on the data details page.

View management : You can set buttons at the top of the view to facilitate quick operations on the data in the view page and improve work efficiency. Click "Top Button" - "Add Button" to set the button type yourself

  • Button type : You can choose "System Button" or "Custom Button"
    • System buttons : buttons commonly used by the system by default. The system buttons that can be used in the "View Management" of the Kanban view include the "Search" button, the "Print" button and the "Export" button
      • Search button : You can search target data by keywords. The "Search" button is the default button in the Kanban view and does not need to be set manually.
        • Print button : You can print the selected data in the view page
        • Export button : You can export the selected data in the view page as an Excel file
    • Custom button : After clicking the button, you can go to another application to add data, jump to other web links, or execute Q-Robot (advanced version). Details description

When selecting a system button : You can set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. of the "system button"

  • Button function : The functions that can be used after clicking the button. You can choose the "Export" function or the "Print" function. "Search" is the default function of "View Management"
  • Button copy : You can set the text displayed on the button
  • Button color : You can set the button fill color and text icon color
  • Button icon : You can choose the pattern you want to display on the button

As shown in the figure, a "Print" top button is added to the top of the view to make the printing operation more convenient.

When selecting a custom button : You can select and preview the "custom button" that exists in the current application

  • Button selection : You can choose to select a "custom button" that exists in the application
  • Button preview : can display the text, color and icon of the "custom button"

As shown in the figure, a "Product Information" top button is added to the top of the view showing the sales order to facilitate viewing the detailed information of the sold products.

Detail management can set buttons located on the data details page, which are divided into two categories: "main button" and "more button" to facilitate customized operations on a single piece of data. Click "Add Button" to set the button function , button copy, button color, button icon, etc. The button type can only be "System Button".

  • Main button : button displayed directly on the data details page
  • More buttons : buttons that need to be expanded by clicking the "···" button in the lower right corner of the data details page.

When adding "Main Button" or "More Button" : You can set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. You can only select "System Button" as the button type.

  • Button type : Only "System Button" can be selected, which is the default button commonly used by the system. Among them, the system buttons that can be used in the "Details Management" of the Kanban view include the "Print" button, the "Share" button and the "Modify" button
    • Print button : You can print the selected fields in the data details
    • Share button : You can share data details as a link or QR code
    • Modify button : You can modify the editable fields in the data details
  • Button function : The functions that can be used after clicking the button, you can choose the "print" function, "share" function and "modify" function.
  • Button color : You can set the button fill color and text icon color. Among them, the button color cannot be set for the "More Button"
  • Filter conditions : You can filter the data details, and only the data details that meet the conditions can be added to the "Main Button" or "More Button". Example: The course category is equal to required courses, the number is greater than 1, etc.

As shown in the figure, a "Print" main button has been added to the data details page to facilitate the printing of data details.

2.2.5 Operation permissions

In the "Operation Permissions" configuration column, you can set the operation permissions for data details.

Visible process log : If checked , the process log can be viewed on the data details page.

Visible Q-Robot and Webhook process logs : After checked , the process logs can be viewed on the data details page

Can leave messages : After checking , you can leave messages on the data details page .

Printable : After checked , it can be printed on the data details page .

2.2.5 Adjust the order of view grouping

When you need to adjust the order of the groups, you can drag the groups to adjust. When different people adjust, it will only be effective for their own display interface, that is, everyone can only see the view order they adjusted.

3. Precautions

  • When you need to modify the field value that is a grouping field, you can directly drag the card whose data you want to modify to the target group. When dragging, you need to turn on the editable permissions of the field
  • If a user with view edit permission opens the view data details to modify the data, the field format and field settings (such as required, duplicate values not allowed, word limit, etc.) will be verified when confirming the modification.

card view

1. Function introduction

Data is displayed in the form of cards, which can be configured through views to meet data display needs.

2. Function setting steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the + button on the top navigation bar of the application , and select the view.

  • The created view will be fixed to the top navigation bar by default

2.1.2 Method 2

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the View button in the navigation bar at the top of the application, and click Create View.

  • The created view is not fixed to the top navigation bar by default

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Configure basic information of the view

In the basic information, you can customize the title of the view, choose whether to fix the view to the top navigation bar, set the visible range, and whether to access with a password.

2.2.2 Configuration view data display

Title field : You can select the value of a certain field as the card title for displaying data

Show title : Check Show title to add a title to the data at the top of the card

Cover : If the application that has created a "card view" has an attachment field, the image uploaded in the attachment field can be displayed in the card as a cover.

Cover cropping : When not cropping, the picture will adapt to the size and display the entire picture; when cropping, the picture will automatically be cut to a suitable size and placed on the cover.

Show field title : You can display the title of the field in the card

Card display fields : You can add fields you want to display in the card, drag the fields to adjust the display order, and control whether the field titles are displayed.

Custom sorting : You can choose system default sorting or custom field sorting

  • System default sorting: applicant, member/department fields are sorted according to the address book order, current process status is sorted according to the node order set by the process, and selection field is sorted according to the setting order of options.
  • Custom field sorting: Select a field to sort, and the cards in the same group will be sorted according to the ascending or descending order of the selected field value.

2.2.3 Configure view data permissions

Related reports : Through related reports, you can view related data in other applications in the data of the current view. For functional details related to related reports, please refer to:

Effective permissions : Permissions include "custom permissions" and "data permissions configured in the management background". Select "Manage data permissions configured in the background" to display the authorizations that have taken effect in the background; select "Custom permissions" and after turning it on, you can set the data range and field permissions.

Data range : After turning on "custom permissions", you can set the data range. After saving, the data range configured in the view will overwrite the background configuration and take effect for members within the visible range of the view.

Filter conditions : You can filter the display data so that values that meet the conditions can be displayed. Example: time is greater than yesterday, number is greater than 1, etc.

Field permissions : You can configure the editing and visibility permissions of fields, and support global configuration, single field and paragraph permission configuration.

2.2.4 Button configuration

In "Button Configuration", you can set the buttons at the top of the view and the buttons on the data details page.

View management : You can set buttons at the top of the view to facilitate quick operations on the data in the view page and improve work efficiency. Click "Top Button" - "Add Button" to set the button type yourself

· Button type : You can choose "System Button" or "Custom Button"

o System buttons : buttons commonly used by the system by default. The system buttons that can be used in the card view "View Management" include the "Search" button, the "Print" button and the "Export" button

§ Search button : You can search target data by keywords. The "Search" button is the default button in the Kanban view and does not need to be set manually.

      • Print button : You can print the selected data in the view page
      • Export button : You can export the selected data in the view page as an Excel file

o Custom button : After clicking the button, you can go to another application to add data, jump to other web links, or execute Q-Robot (advanced version). Details description

When selecting a system button : You can set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. of the "system button"

  • Button function : The functions that can be used after clicking the button. You can choose the "Export" function or the "Print" function. "Search" is the default function of "View Management"
  • Button copy : You can set the text displayed on the button
  • Button color : You can set the button fill color and text icon color
  • Button icon : You can choose the pattern you want to display on the button

As shown in the figure, a "Print" top button is added to the top of the view to make the printing operation more convenient.

When selecting a custom button : You can select and preview the "custom button" that exists in the current application

  • Button selection : You can choose to select a "custom button" that exists in the application
  • Button preview : can display the text, color and icon of the "custom button"

As shown in the figure, a "Product Information" top button is added to the top of the view showing the sales order to facilitate viewing the detailed information of the sold products.

Detail management : You can set buttons on the data details page, divided into two categories: "main button" and "more button" to facilitate customized operations on a single piece of data. Click "Add Button" to set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. The button type can only be "System Button".

  • Main button : button displayed directly on the data details page

  • More buttons : buttons that need to be expanded by clicking the "···" button in the lower right corner of the data details page.

When adding "Main Button" or "More Button" : You can set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. You can only select "System Button" as the button type.

· Button type : Only "System Button" can be selected, which is the default button commonly used by the system. Among them, the system buttons that can be used in the card view "Details Management" include the "Print" button, the "Share" button and the "Modify" button

    • Print button : You can print the selected fields in the data details
    • Share button : You can share data details as a link or QR code
    • Modify button : You can modify the editable fields in the data details

· Button function : The functions that can be used after clicking the button, you can choose the "print" function, "share" function and "modify" function.

· Button color : You can set the button fill color and text icon color. Among them, the button color cannot be set for the "More Button"

· Filter conditions : You can filter the data details, and only the data details that meet the conditions can be added to the "Main Button" or "More Button". Example: The course category is equal to required courses, the number is greater than 1, etc. Details description

As shown in the figure, a "Print" main button has been added to the data details page to facilitate printing of data details.

2.2.5 Configure view operation permissions

check the operation permissions for data details as needed

2.3 Configuration operation completed

After completing the relevant view configuration, click "Preview" to see the display effect on the main interface on the left

After completing the relevant view configuration, click "Save" to save and apply the current configuration.

3. Precautions

  • Only the first three fields in the form will be displayed in the card field
  • "Card display field" does not support description text, rich text, paragraph, Q-Linker, and text recognition fields.
  • Form fields - click to view details
  • If a user with view edit permission opens the view data details to modify the data, the field format and field settings (such as required, duplicate values not allowed, word limit, etc.) will be verified when confirming the modification.

table view

1. Function introduction

Data can be displayed in tabular form

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.1.1 Method 1

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the + button on the navigation bar at the top of the application, and select the view.

  • The created view will be fixed to the top navigation bar by default

2.1.2 Method 2

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the View button in the navigation bar at the top of the application, and click Create View.

  • The created view is not fixed to the top navigation bar by default

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1Configure basic information of the view

In the basic information, you can customize the title of the view, choose whether to fix the view to the top navigation bar, set the visible range, and whether to access with a password.

2.2.2 Configuration view data display

Custom sorting : You can choose system default sorting or custom field sorting

  • System default sorting: Applicant, member/department fields are sorted according to the address book order, current process status is sorted according to the node order set by the process, and selection field is sorted according to the setting order of options.
  • Custom field sorting: Select a field to sort, and the cards in the same group will be sorted according to the ascending or descending order of the selected field value.

2.2.3 Configure view data permissions

Related reports : Through related reports, you can view related data in other applications in the data of the current view. For functional details related to related reports, please refer to:

Effective permissions : Permissions include "custom permissions" and "data permissions configured in the management background". Select "Manage data permissions configured in the background" to display the authorizations that have taken effect in the background; select "Custom permissions" and after turning it on, you can set the data range and field permissions.

Data range : After turning on "custom permissions", you can set the data range. After saving, the data range configured in the view will overwrite the background configuration and take effect for members within the visible range of the view.

Filter conditions : You can filter the display data so that values that meet the conditions can be displayed. Example: time is greater than yesterday, number is greater than 1, etc.

Field permissions : Editing and visibility permissions of fields can be configured, supporting global configuration or individual field configuration.

2.2.4 Button configuration

In "Button Configuration", you can set the buttons at the top of the view and the buttons on the data details page.

View management : You can set buttons at the top of the view to facilitate quick operations on the data in the view page and improve work efficiency. Click "Top Button" - "Add Button" to set the button type yourself

· Button type : You can choose "System Button" or "Custom Button"

o System buttons : buttons commonly used by the system by default. The system buttons that can be used in the table view "View Management" include the "Field Management" button, "View Type" button, "Row Height" button, "Search" button, "Print" button and "Export" button

§ Field management : You can set the fields you want to display in the view by checking them. The "Field Management" button is the default button in the table view and does not need to be set manually.

      • View type : You can click to switch between "Compact View" and "Detailed View". The "View Type" button is the default button for table view and does not need to be set manually.
      • Row height : You can adjust the row height of the data in the view. The "Row Height" button is the default button for table view and does not need to be set manually.
      • Search : You can "search" the required data by keywords. The "Search" button is the default button in the table view and does not need to be set manually.
      • Print button : You can print the selected data in the view page
      • Export button : You can export the selected data in the view page as an Excel file

o Custom button : After clicking the button, you can go to another application to add data, jump to other web links, or execute Q-Robot (advanced version). Details description

When selecting a system button : You can set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. of the "system button"

  • Button function: The functions that can be used after clicking the button. You can choose the "Export" function or the "Print" function. "Search" is the default function of "View Management."
  • Button copy: You can set the text displayed on the button
  • Button color: You can set the button to fill color and text icon color
  • Button icon: You can choose the pattern you want to display on the button

As shown in the figure, a "Print" top button is added to the top of the view to make the printing operation more convenient.

When selecting a custom button: You can select and preview the "custom button" that exists in the current application

  • Button selection: You can choose to select a "custom button" that exists in the application
  • Button preview: can display the text, color, and icon of the "custom button"

As shown in the figure, a "Product Information" top button is added to the top of the view showing the sales order to facilitate viewing the detailed information of the sold products.

Detail management: You can set buttons on the data details page, divided into two categories: "main button" and "more button" to facilitate customized operations on a single piece of data. Click "Add Button" to set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. The button type can only be "System Button".

  • Main button: button displayed directly on the data details page
  • More buttons: buttons that need to be expanded by clicking the "···" button in the lower right corner of the data details page.

When adding a "Main Button" or "More Button" : You can set the button function, button copy, button color, button icon, etc. You can only select "System Button" as the button type.

· Button type : Only "System Button" can be selected, which is the default button commonly used by the system. Among them, the system buttons that can be used in the table view "Details Management" include the "Print" button, the "Share" button and the "Modify" button

    • Print button : You can print the selected fields in the data details
    • Share button : You can share data details as a link or QR code
    • Modify button : You can modify the editable fields in the data details

· Button function : The functions that can be used after clicking the button, you can choose the "print" function, "share" function and "modify" function.

· Button color : You can set the button fill color and text icon color. Among them, the button color cannot be set for the "More Button"

· Filter conditions : You can filter the data details, and only the data details that meet the conditions can be added to the "Main Button" or "More Button". Example: The course category is equal to required courses, the number is greater than 1, etc. Details description

As shown in the figure, a "Print" main button has been added to the data details page to facilitate printing of data details.

2.2.5 Configure view operation permissions

Check the operation permissions for data details as needed

2.3 Configuration operation completed

After completing the relevant view configuration, click "Preview" to see the display effect on the main interface on the left

After completing the relevant view configuration, click "Save" to save and apply the current configuration.

3. Precautions

  • After the application is created, a table view titled "All Data" will be automatically generated, and its permissions are visible to specified members by default (administrator)
  • If a user with view edit permission opens the view data details to modify the data, the field format and field settings (such as required, duplicate values not allowed, word limit, etc.) will be verified when confirming the modification.

Gantt view _

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

You can use the Gantt view to display the status of certain time-related activities (tasks, phases, projects, etc.) as time progresses, so that you can visually view the progress of the activities and conduct overall control.

1.2 Application scenarios

Suitable for scenarios that require overall management and control of project progress, such as project management, production management and time management

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure, you can use the Gantt view to intuitively see the scheduling and progress status of product tasks.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.2.1 Method 1

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the "+" button on the top navigation bar of the application, and select the view.

2.2.2 Method 2

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the View button in the navigation bar at the top of the application, and select "Create View"

2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Basic information

In the basic information, you can customize the title of the view, choose whether to add remarks to the view, choose whether to fix the view to the top navigation bar, set the visible range and whether to access it with a password.

2.2.2 Data display

In the "Data Display" configuration column, you can select the field as the title field, you can select the date field as the start time and end time of the Gantt chart , you can set the default time dimension, and you can also set the fields and fields displayed in the card. order

Title field : You can select the value of a certain field as the first column title of the displayed data

Start time : You can select the date field as the "start time" as the start time of the timeline in the Gantt view

End time : You can select the date field as the "end time" as the end time of the timeline in the Gantt view

Default time dimension : You can set the default time display dimension of the Gantt view . Including "week", "month", "quarter" and "year"

View display fields : You can add fields you want to display in the Gantt view and drag the fields to adjust the display order .

Set grouping : You can select one of the applicants, current process status, members/departments, and selection fields (drop-down, multi-select, and single-select fields) as a group, and list the data according to the value of the group field

Custom sorting : You can choose system default sorting or custom field sorting

System default sorting: Applicant, member/department fields are sorted according to the address book order, current process status is sorted according to the node order set by the process, and selection field is sorted according to the setting order of options.

Custom field sorting: Select a field to sort according to certain sorting rules. Data in the same group will be sorted in ascending or descending order according to the selected field value.

2.2.3 Data permissions

In the "Data Permissions" configuration column, limit the data range through configurations such as associated reports, effective permissions, data ranges, and field permissions.

Related reports : Through related reports, you can view related data in other applications in the data of the current view.

Effective permissions : Permissions include "custom permissions" and "data permissions configured in the management background". Select "Manage data permissions configured in the background" to display the authorizations that have taken effect in the background; select "Custom permissions" and after turning it on, you can set the data range and field permissions.

Data range : After turning on "custom permissions", you can set the data range. After saving, the data range configured in the view will overwrite the background configuration and take effect for members within the visible range of the view.

Filter conditions : You can filter the display data so that values that meet the conditions can be displayed. Example: time is greater than yesterday, number is greater than 1, etc.

Field permissions: Editing and visibility permissions of fields can be configured, supporting global configuration or individual field configuration.

2.2.4 Operation permissions

check the operation permissions for data details as needed

2.3 Configuration operation completed

After completing the relevant view configuration, click "Preview" to see the display effect on the main interface on the left

After completing the relevant view configuration, click "Save" to save and apply the current configuration.

3. Precautions

  • Only super administrators, system administrators, and data administrators can create, delete, and edit Gantt views.
  • Only the data displayed in the Gantt view can be opened for editing and cannot be hidden.
  • If a user with view edit permission opens the view data details to modify the data, the field format and field settings (such as required, duplicate values not allowed, word limit, etc.) will be verified when confirming the modification.


1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

In project management, there is often a strong correlation between the start or completion time of different tasks. For example, whether a certain task can be completed in time determines whether another task can be started. At this time, dependencies can be used for Precise management of relationship functions.

It contains four dependency types: start-start, start-end, end-start, end-end.


1.2 Application scenarios

It is suitable for project managers to manage tasks or team members to view task relationships. By setting the dependencies between tasks in the Gantt view , the time plan and schedule of the tasks can be established so that team members can clearly understand the order and time requirements of the tasks, ensuring that tasks are carried out in the correct order and time.

Scenario example:

1. Start-Start: The project manager hopes to design tasks for product solutions such as hardware design and software design, and establish a relationship with them to ensure that both tasks start at the same time.
2. Start-End: Establish a before-and-after between customer success services and implementation delivery services. Establish the relationship to ensure that the real-time delivery service can be ended only after the customer successfully starts the service.
3. End-Start: The project manager will start the task of the prototype design phase after completing the requirements collection. He wants to establish a context relationship to ensure that the prototype design task is completed after the requirements collection. Can start in time after completion
4. End-end: After the project manager completes various requirements reviews, the follow-up tasks of each department will begin. In this case, establish a context to ensure that documents can be written in time after the requirements review is completed, and before writing Can confirm the demand in time after completion

1.3 Effect display

As shown in the figure, you can use dependencies to visually view the context and scheduling of each task.


2 Configuration method

2.1 Function entrance

Create a "Gantt View " and configure "Task Dependencies" in "Data Display"


2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Configuration preparation: form configuration

A new "table field" is added in the editing application to record pre-tasks and dependency types.

Add a "reference" field to the table: record the predecessor tasks of the current task. Configure the "Reference" field: Select the application currently being configured in "Data Source", and select " Single " in "Optional Data Amount"


Then add a "single selection"/"drop-down selection" field in the table: record the dependency type between the predecessor task and the current task. Configure the option content of this field: start-start; start-end; end-start; end-end.


2.2.2 Simple configuration

Between two tasks, directly drag the points on both sides of the tasks to connect them into lines to establish a dependency relationship.


2.2.2 View configuration: data display

In "Task Dependencies" in "Data Display", configure "Predecessor Fields" and "Dependency Fields", then click "Matching Relationship Type" and change the fields One match

Match description:

Start-Start: The current task can be started only after
the predecessor task starts. Start-End: The current task can be ended only after the predecessor task is
started. End-Start: The current task can be started only after the predecessor task is finished. End
-End: The predecessor task is finished. The current task can be ended only after


If you want to give the Gantt view the permission to directly create, modify, and delete dependencies on the view, you need to configure the permissions of "Table" in "Data Permissions":

1. Table permissions: Turn on the "Add new rows, edit existing rows, delete existing rows" permissions

2. Field permissions: Configure the "Reference" field and "Drop-down Selection"/"Single Selection" field added above as: editable


2.2.3 Automatic calibration

Prerequisite: Members need to have editing permissions for the date fields as "Start Time" and "End Time" to use the automatic calibration function. You can
turn on the automatic calibration function in "View Configuration" - "Data Display" and create the required calibration rule


Calibration rules:
End when there is a relationship between automatic calibration tasks - Start when the
start time of the successor task changes, the predecessor task automatically postpones/advances the corresponding duration . When the end time of the
predecessor task changes, the successor task automatically postpones/ Correspondence time in advance

-end relationship
between tasks , if the start time of the current task changes, the subsequent task will automatically be postponed/advance the corresponding duration.
When the end time of the subsequent task changes, the predecessor task will automatically be postponed/advance the corresponding duration.

When the start-start relationship between tasks
changes, the start time of the dependent task will automatically be postponed/advanced by the corresponding duration.

When the end-end relationship between tasks
changes, the end time of the dependent task will automatically be postponed/advanced by the corresponding duration.

Members can see the auto-calibration switch on the Gantt chart. The auto-calibration switch is off by default. The
auto -calibration switch is a personal configuration. Turning it on for one member will not affect another member.


2.3 How to use

2.3.1 Method 1: Create through view

Here, if you want to set the requirement SJ-62 to start after the requirement SJ-209 ends, drag it as shown in the figure below.


2.3.2 Method 2: Create through data details

Here, you want to set up requirement SJ-62 after the end of requirement SJ-209. Select requirement SJ-62 to modify it. "Reference" selects the task that needs to be associated: requirement SJ-209, and "drop-down option" selects end - start

selected in "Reference" is the subject, and the arrow connection starts from the referenced task.


2.4 Delete

2.4.1 Method 1: Delete through view

Click the arrow of the dependency that needs to be deleted and select "Remove" to delete the dependency.


2.4.2 Delete via data details


3 things to note

  • Configuration permissions: super administrator/system administrator/data administrator
  • Abnormal configuration: The configured "start time", "end time", "predecessor field", and "dependency field" are deleted, or modified to fields that do not meet the configuration conditions, then the existing dependency configuration becomes invalid. Dependencies will not be displayed in the view
  • Only fields that meet the following conditions can be configured as "pre-task fields" and "dependency fields"
    • Pre-task field: The data source in the table is the single -select class reference field of the current application
    • Dependency field: single selection/ drop-down selection field within the table

Specific verification items can be found in the details below:


hierarchy view

1 Introduction

1.1 Function introduction

Hierarchical view is a view type used to display data with a hierarchical structure. A node can have multiple child nodes, and there is a strict parent-child relationship between nodes.

In this view, the data is displayed in the form of a tree, which can be indented according to the depth of the nodes so that users can better understand the organization and hierarchy of the data.

1.2 Application scenarios

It is often used in scenarios such as BOM management, product management, OKR management, and personnel information display with one-to-many and multi-level relationships.

Scenario 1:
When designers formulate the product parts production process and process, and conduct corresponding testing and optimization, they can use the "hierarchical view" to more intuitively display the dependencies, priority relationships, and process flows between product parts. To better control the entire design process and improve design efficiency and quality.

Scenario 2:
When students/visitors access the school portal, they can easily view each school, college, major and the relationship between them through the hierarchical view, such as which majors are under a certain college.

2. Setup steps

2.1 Function entrance

2.2.1 Method 1

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the "+" button on the navigation bar at the top of the application, and select the view.


2.2.2 Method 2

Select the application for which you want to create a view, click the "View" button in the navigation bar at the top of the application, and select "Create View".


2.2 Function setting steps

2.2.1 Basic information

In the basic information, you can customize the title of the view, choose whether to add remarks to the view, choose whether to fix the view to the top navigation bar, set the visible range, and whether to access with a password.


2.2.2 Data display

Title field : You can select the value of a certain field as the first column title of the displayed data.
For example, you can select fields such as material name and product name as title fields.


Sub-level field : Each level corresponds to several sub-levels, and "sub-level" is used to determine the parent-child hierarchical relationship of each node to display the hierarchical structure. Only the data source selected here is the reference field of the current application .


Root level : Set the data range of the root level through filter conditions.
For example, you can select a material whose object type is finished product as the root level of the hierarchical view; after setting, materials whose material type is finished product will be displayed as the root level.
Or filter materials whose material name is equal to chairs and use them as the root level; after setting, only chairs will be displayed as the root level.

between the filtering conditions here and the data permissions -data range is:
data permissions-data range determines which data will be displayed in the hierarchical view;
the root-level filtering conditions determine which data will be displayed based on the data range. Displayed at the root level.


View display fields : You can add fields you want to display in the hierarchical view and drag the fields to adjust the display order.


Custom sorting : You can choose system default sorting or custom field sorting.

The system default sorting: applicant, member/department fields are sorted in the order of the address book, the current process status is sorted in the order of the nodes set in the process, and the selection field is sorted in the order of the option settings.

Custom field sorting: Select a field to sort according to certain sorting rules
. The sorting set here will only sort data at the same level and will not sort across levels.


2.2.3 Data permissions

In the "Data Permissions" configuration column, limit the data range through configurations such as associated reports, effective permissions, data ranges, and field permissions.

Related reports : Through related reports, you can view related data in other applications in the data of the current view.

Effective permissions : Permissions include "custom permissions" and "data permissions configured in the management background". Select "Manage data permissions configured in the background" to display the authorizations that have taken effect in the background; select "Custom permissions" and after turning it on, you can set the data range and field permissions.

Data range : After turning on "custom permissions", you can set the data range. After saving, the data range configured in the view will overwrite the background configuration and take effect for members within the visible range of the view.

Filter conditions : You can filter the display data so that values that meet the conditions can be displayed. Example: time is greater than yesterday, number is greater than 1, etc.
Field permissions : You can configure the editing and visibility permissions of fields, and support global configuration or individual field configuration.


2.2.4 Operation permissions

check the operation permissions for data details as needed .


2.3 Configuration operation completed

After completing the relevant view configuration, click "Preview" to see the display effect on the main interface on the left.

After completing the relevant view configuration, click "Save" to save and apply the current configuration.


3. Precautions

  • Only super administrators, system administrators, and data administrators can create, delete, and edit hierarchical views.
  • The hierarchy view only supports desktop use and does not support mobile use at the moment.
  • If in the configuration, a certain piece of data appears in both the parent level and the child/ grandchild level set , the data will not be displayed repeatedly and will only be displayed in the parent level.
  • Exception description:
    If the reference field configured as a "sub-level field", the data source is changed to another application, or the reference field is deleted, then: on the
    view configuration page, the configuration of the "sub-level field" is cleared;
    on the view display page , displays all data without hierarchy that meets the filtering conditions and root-level filtering.

4. Best Practices

Click to view relevant practical cases


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