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Importing Box 12DD Amounts for Employee Form W-2s



Learn how to import data that will populate employees' Form W-2s in Box 12DD.

What's in this article?

An overview of how to format a spreadsheet to include 12DD data and how to import the data into AllPay.

💡Good to know: Employers are required to report the cost of employer-sponsored health premiums on the employee’s 2023 Form W-2 (issued in January 2024). However, relief continues for employers that filed fewer than 250 W-2s for 2022. This relief will continue until the IRS provides further guidance. Amounts are reported on W-2s in Box 12 using code DD. Read more important year-end information for 2023 here.

AllianceHCM tips: Keep an eye out for tips from our experts!

Importing 12DD amounts for employees

First, prepare a spreadsheet of YTD 12DD amounts. The spreadsheet should have three columns and one row for every employee.

  • Column 1: Employee ID or SSN (with a column header of "id" or "ssn")
  • Column 2: Tax year (with a column header of "filingYear")
  • Column 3: YTD Box 12DD amount for the employee (with a column header of "box12dd")

Spreadsheet examples:

Example spreadsheet with SSN

Example spreadsheet with id



Once your spreadsheet is prepared, then you can move on to importing.

  1. Log into AllPay. Click on Configuration from the menu to the left.
  2. Hover to open the Utilities menu, then click on Import.
  3. Ensure the Preview Import setting is selected. We always recommend you preview an import before actually importing it.
  4. Ensure you're in the correct company code for the data you're importing.
    AllianceHCM tip: It is possible to import multiple companies at once. If you need to do this, add a column to your spreadsheet with the column header "Import_Co" and fill it with the appropriate AllPay company code for each employee.
  5. Near the bottom of the page, click the Paste File button in the 1. Pasted Files section.
  6. A new paste box will appear. Copy all of the used rows and columns from your spreadsheet and paste them into this box.
  7. Once you have pasted the data, click the Submit Pasted Data button. The import will run and the results will display on your screen.
  8. Ensure there are zero problems listed under the Problems section and that the Details section shows the company, id, and box12dd fields.
    AllianceHCM tip: For 2023, the filingYear will not show because that is the default value. For years after 2023, though, you should also see the filingYear field in the details.
  9. Once you are satisfied with the Preview, go back to the top and select the Perform Import setting instead of Preview Import. Then repeat the steps 5-8.
  10. Once the import runs, all the data you imported should appear on the 12DD Management page, also under the Utilities section. You can proceed to that page to finalize the entries.

Select Configuration.


Then select Import from the Utilities menu.


Ensure you have the Preview Import button selected and the correct company.


Click on Paste File.


In the paste box, copy all of the used rows and columns from your spreadsheet.


Then click on Submit Pasted Data.image.png

Example of import results to check:


Repeat with the Perform Import option selected.

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