How to Properly Endorse Help Items to Dev
The IT services and support (ITSS) team exists to ensure that our business can get the most out of our technology.
By keeping systems running smoothly and efficiently, we can avoid costly downtime and disruptions. It is our objective to have a centralized service management platform that allows our managers and support team access to historical and data trends that will be further used for decision-making. Hence, we introduce the new IT Support System utilizing Slack channels and the Jira Service Management Portal.
Users (agents/team leads) are expected to adhere to the procedures
provided in this document by ensuring that:
● Issues and requests reported are comprehensible
● Accurate and complete information is provided in the request form
● Further information should be provided if necessary
- Jira Support Portal
- please make sure to accept the Jira invite sent to your email to access your tickets
- Post-Leasing Team:
Video Link: to Create a Ticket.movHow to Create a
Step 1: Type the title of the issue and send it to the team’s respective Slack channel (indicated above)
- Dashboard Error
- Please delete incorrectly added payment
Step 2: Once the message appears on the thread, click the kebab (triple dot) and select “More message shortcuts”
Step 3: When the shortcut window pops up after clicking kebab, select “Raise a request”
Click more message shortcut if “Raise a request” is not available.
Step 4: Provide the necessary details in the form
★ Add the related URL or link source of the issue (put N/A if not applicable)
- Web App: Dashboard Link
- SalesForce Link
★ Affected Services (select one that’s applicable)
Example: Renter's Dashboard Error (Select Renter)
➢ Agent
➢ Owner
➢ Renter
➢ Vendor
➢ Others
★ Affected Tools (select one that’s applicable)
➢ Amazon Connect
➢ Web App (Owner, Renter, Vendor Portal)
➢ Salesforce
➢ Propertyware
➢ Poplar Listing Site
➢ 3rd Party Listing Site
➢ Others
Step 5: Click “Create”
Step 6: Check on the Slack thread and click the ITSS number to view the ticket in the Jira portal.
Step 7: Agents can add comments in the Slack channel or in the Jira Portal (either way works)
Step 8: Monitor the ticket status via Slack thread or Jira portal
Step 9: Once the ticket is updated to Resolved, agents can request to reopen it