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OpenVPN Setup Guide

*This guide is to setup the VPN for the first time. If you've already set it up and simply need to download the client again, see this card.*

Connecting to the VPN requires setting up two things- MFA and the OpenVPN Connect Client.

First setup MFA. Visit and log in. Your username is your first initial + last name (do not include - i.e. mthomas - and your password is the one you use for Okta.

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After you login, scan the QR code with your preferred MFA application (if needed, instructions can be found on this Guru card). Once you have scanned the code, enter the new code from the app in the field below the QR code and click "Confirm Code."

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You have now completed the MFA setup. Next is setting up the OpenVPN client.

The OpenVPN Connect client may already be installed on your system.

On a Mac: Open your Applications directory in a Finder window. Find and open a folder named OpenVPN Connect. Double-click the OpenVPN Connect application to open it.

On a Windows PC: From your Start Menu, launch OpenVPN Connect. Scroll down to the Os and select the folder named OpenVPN Connect, and then select the application OpenVPN Connect underneath the folder.

If you do not see the client, go back to and click the link to download OpenVPN Connect v3 for your OS.

Once you launch the application on either platform, the following process is the same.

You will see an Onboarding Tour prompt. Click the arrows through it (it’s only two) or click the X to close it.

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Next, you will be shown the Data Policy. Click AGREE.

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Then, you may see an Updates notification. Click OK.

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You will now see the Import Profile screen. Enter ‘’ in the URL field and click NEXT.

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Enter your Username (first initial + last name) and your Okta password, and the "Profile Name" will auto-populate.

Leave the "Port" field blank and the "Import autologin profile" unchecked

Check the box for “Connect after import,” click IMPORT.

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Enter the 6-digit code from your 2FA app and click SEND.

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A new prompt will appear asking for your password. Enter your password. Enter a new 2FA code, and then it will connect.

You can disconnect and edit the profile to save your password, but you will be required to enter the 2FA code each time you connect.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.