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Top 100 Non-Dependent Service Report

This report is used for services like water & electric. The report will summarize by revenue or consumption (revenue) which will include the customer info, total revenue for account & customer, total consumption for account & customer.

If you choose consumption this will summarize by consumption. Same information for revenue. This will also include the meter information.

Step 1: Utility Billing

Step 2: Reporting

Step 3: Meter Reading History Reports

Step 4: Top 100 Non-Dependent Service Report


Number of accounts to process: This is a required field. The system will default to 100, however you may change the number of accounts that you want to include in this report.

Cycle number (blank for all) field is optional; however, you may enter a particular cycle or leave it blank to capture all cycles.

Route number (blank for all) field is optional; however, you may enter a particular route or leave it blank to capture all routes.

District (blank for all) field is optional; however, you may enter a particular district or leave it blank to capture all districts.

Service code (blank for All): This is a required field. Enter a metered service code for example: WT (water) or EL (electric).

Rate codes to include (blank for all): Enter the rate codes to include in this report. If you are not sure of the rate codes, you may select the magnifying glass to search. For example: you may want to include residential accounts only.

Rate codes to exclude (blank for all): Enter the rate codes to exclude in this report. If you are not sure what rate codes to exclude, you may select the magnifying glass to search. For example: you may want to exclude commercial or industrial rate codes.

From and to billing period: This is a required field. You will enter the dates that you are needing for this report.

Top consumption or revenue: Select one (Consumption or Revenue)

Summarize accounts by customer number: Select one (Yes or No)

Use override consumption if it exist: Select one (Yes or No)


Here is an example of what the report will look like. In this case I changed the number of accounts to 20 for water customers, and selected the top consumption to summarize accounts by customer number, and use override if it exist.

Version 1.1

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.