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Adjustments and Charges Entry - Screen Overview

Adjustments and Charges Entry

Screen Code: artatwa

This functionality allows you to enter the adjustments/charges against a particular account. In addition, it also lets you reverse a transaction.

  • For adjustments and charges - A negative transaction amount will reduce an account's balance. A positive transaction amount will increase an account's balance.
  • For payments - A negative transaction amount increases the account's balance; a positive transaction amount decreases the account's balance.
  • For deposits taken (transaction code DT) - A positive amount is what you normally key in to set up a deposit. If you enter a negative amount, a negative deposit record will be created.

Navigation Tip: Accounts Receivables >> Adjustments and Charges >> Adjustments and Charges Entry.


Click Submit. It displays the Adjustments and Charges Entry page with all the details:


Version 1.1

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.