How to request for a Company ID?
You can request for either a Temporary ID or a Permanent ID. Here's how:
Fill out your personal info and photo
Click Submit
Here are the guidelines for the PERMANENT ID photo:
ID picture must be 3/4 body (until waist)
NO plain white tops
NO eye wears
NO wearing a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose
NO headphones, wireless hands-free devices, or similar items are not acceptable in the photo
Can wear casual or floral/tropical casual attire
Plain background
Here are the guidelines for the TEMPORARY ID photo:
Must be a 2x2 square size ID picture.
Make sure the face is clear and without wearing a cap and/or eyeglasses.
If you have a different-sized photo, you can edit and resize it by using the image editor.