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The Motor is not spinning (Error 07/09/10/11)

This guide is for Legacy models and does not apply to the Air, City 22/23/24, Go, Phantom V3/V4 or Pro

This problem is most often caused by 3 things:

  1. T​hrottle
  2. M​otor Controller
  3. M​otor

Throttle Check (for Ghost, Explore 2021, and City 2021 models)

  1. A​sk the customer is the magnet is still on the throttle (see picture)
  2. I​f the magnet is missing, send a completely new throttle

Magnet Location on Throttle

M​agnet is Present

M​agnet is Missing

Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 11.57.13 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 11.57.32 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 11.57.59 AM.png

Error Check

I​f the magent is present, ask the customer if they had an error code on their display:

  1. E​rror 07: A defective motor. How to fix Error 07
  2. E​rror 09/10/11: A defective controller. How to fix Error 09 / How to fix Error 10 / How to fix Error 11

Diagnostic Tips

  1. If the motor is not moving at all and is not responsive in any way to pressing on the throttle (no glitches), it is probably a controller issue. Send new controller.
  2. If the motor is trying to spin but it cannot, or is glitching in some way, it is probably a motor issue. Send new motor.

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