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Roche Brands Overview

Roche is a global pharmaceutical and diagnostics company that operates through two main divisions: Roche Diagnostics and Roche Molecular. We mainly work with Roche Diagnostics, who develop and manufacture diagnostic tests and instruments for healthcare professionals and laboratories, and the majority of our clients are based in Rotkreuz, Switzerland.

We help our clients to create presentations, infographics, social media posts, eLearning, G-Sites, interactive handbooks for a number of focus areas, including infectious diseases, Neuroscience, Oncology and Women’s Health.

Roche encompasses several brands: Roche Corporate, CoaguCheck®, cobas®, CustomBiotech, navify®, and VENTANA®. You can find details on each of these on the Roche branding homepage, bottom right.

The main Roche brands we work with are: Roche Corporate, Roche cobas, and Roche navify. Roche Corporate is the general brand used, while cobas covers Roche's in vitro diagnostic solutions, and navify is used for Roche's digital and software solutions across all healthcare areas. Each have their own flair and identity, but are derived directly from the Roche Corporate brand.

You can see example slides comparing the brands here, more examples of projects at the bottom of this card, and a more extensive collection of examples of all the other projects in our Roche Showcase.

Brand Toolkit

Have a look at the following resources to get a better understanding of the Roche brands.

Example Projects

Roche Corporate

Roche Presentation Samples

Roche Brochure Samples

Roche Video Samples

roche cobas

cobas Presentation Samples

cobas Brochure Samples

cobas Video Samples

roche navify

navify Presentation Samples

navify Brochure Samples

navify Video Samples

Other Information

For further information, get in touch with John Bevan, Shee Juma, Ami Hensman, or Will Kail

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