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Correct or Cancel Time Off Request

This card provides instructions to employees to modify/cancel their requests.

Managers should review Correct or Cancel Time Off Request on Behalf of Employee for assistance.

Employees can Correct Time Off to adjust the Daily Quantity/Duration of hours of time per day or Cancel Time Off to rescind the request. Please see the MyDay Time Off & Leave Guide if you have questions regarding your eligibility.

Correct Time Off Request

Only the Daily Quantity/Duration of days or hours and the Comments can be modified on a Time Off Request. Cancel the request (instructions below) and submit a new Time Off Request to update other fields, such as the Type or Reason.

Correct Time Off via Workday Assistant - Recommended

  1. Log into MyDay on a computer (see Logging into MyDay if you need assistance) or to the Workday Mobile App on your device.
  2. Click the Workday Assistant icon in the bottom right corner of the web platform, or the chat bubble in the bottom right of the Workday mobile app.
  3. Type “Correct Time Off” in the Search bar and hit Enter.
  4. Select the date you would like to edit.
  5. Workday Assistant will ask you what change you would like to make. Click the “Edit Time Off" button for this example.
  6. Workday Assistant will direct you to the Request Time Off Calendar. Click the blue hyperlink to continue.
  7. Navigate to the day you would like to edit in the calendar view.
  8. Enter the new Daily Quantity of hours or days you would like to request off. If multiple days have been selected, the changes will apply to all days. Full-time employees who are looking to take the full day off should enter 7 hours.
  9. Part-time faculty should ensure their CRN has been included in the Comments.
  10. Click Submit when finished and this request will then be re-submitted to your manager for approval.

Correct Time Off Manually via Web Browser

  1. Log into MyDay - see Logging into MyDay for assistance.
  2. Click the Global Navigation Menu icon in the top left corner.
  3. Click the Time Off and Leave app.
  4. Select Correct Time Off.
  5. Select the day(s) you would like to correct.
  6. Enter the new Daily Quantity of hours or days you would like to request off. If multiple days have been selected, the changes will apply to all days. Full-time employees who are looking to take the full day off should enter 7 hours.
  7. Part-time faculty should ensure their CRN has been included in the Comments.
  8. Click Submit when finished and this request will then be re-submitted to your manager for approval.

Correct Time Off Manually via Mobile App

  1. Log into Workday Mobile and select the Apps icon.
    Pro Tip: You can tap the Time Off icon in the Most Used Apps section and skip a step.
  2. Tap the Time Off icon.
  3. Select the date(s) you would like to edit.
  4. Tap the existing date on the bottom and tap Next.
  5. Tap the Duration box to edit the number of hours or days you would like to use for that day. The below example modifies the Duration from 7 hours to 4 hours.
  6. Write a Comment with the reason for the correction, or the CRN for part-time faculty, and tap Submit when finished.
  7. DONE! You will receive this message that your time off request has been submitted and awaiting approval from your manager. Please note you can only make adjustments once and you will be able to edit again once the manager approves the request.

Cancel Time Off Request

Within MyDay, requests that have been approved by your manager are green in color and those which are unapproved will appear grey on your time off calendar as pictured below. You may cancel (delete) approved requests via the Workday Assistant and Mobile App. Unapproved requests may be cancelled (deleted) via a Web Browser.

Time Off Requests.png

Cancel Approved Time Off Request via Workday Assistant

  1. Log into MyDay on a computer (see Logging into MyDay if you need assistance) or to the Workday Mobile App on your device.
  2. Click the Workday Assistant icon in the bottom right corner of the web platform, or the chat bubble in the bottom right of the Workday mobile app.
  3. Type “Correct Time Off” in the Search bar and hit Enter.
  4. Select the date you would like to edit.
  5. Workday Assistant will ask you what change you would like to make. Select Delete Time Off.
    Workday Assistant - Delete Time Off.png
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. Done! You will receive a confirmation message of the completed request.

Cancel Approved Time Off Request via Mobile App

  1. Log into Workday Mobile and select the Apps icon.
    Pro Tip: You can tap the Time Off icon in the Most Used Apps section and skip a step.
  2. Tap the Time Off icon.
  3. Select the date(s) you would like to edit.
  4. Tap the existing date on the bottom and tap Next.
  5. Tap Delete to cancel the request.
    Delete Request.png

Cancel Unapproved Time Off Request Manually via Web Browser

  1. Log into MyDay - see Logging into MyDay for assistance.
  2. Click the Global Navigation Menu icon in the top left corner.
  3. Click the Time Off and Leave app.
  4. Select Request Time Off.
  5. Select the Time Off Request that has not yet been approved by your manager (grey in color).
  6. A screen will pop-up showing you details of the Time Off Entry. Click Cancel this Request.
  7. A screen will pop-up showing you a Cancel Business Process confirmation. Scroll down and add a comment with the reason.
  8. Scroll down and click Submit.
  9. You will receive an Event Canceled confirmation.

NOTE: You may also "correct" your Time Off Request to zero (0) hours to cancel the request.

Related Topics

Return to MyDay Time Off & Leave Guide.

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