RELEASE DATE: 1/14/2025
- Copy forms now functions correctly
- MVA zipcode not auto populating the city state
- Fixed a validation bug in the Users flat data interface
- Fixed a bug in the Patient Balances FUP. The nullable error when trying to click Workflow to open accounts no longer exists
- Posting no longer allows for entry to a non-existent visit if a user selects ignore errors.
- Fixed time zone display issues related to notes displayed throughout GoRev.
- Fixed an issue causing visits from linked accounts to not be available to select in the Manage Insurance screen.
- Description was not showing for Explosive Charges within the charge master
- Patient Estimation
- Custom 837 Claim Edits Engine
- Carrier specific explosive charge logic
- Add ability to bulk edit non-numeric result values in the LIMS test compendium
- Functionality added for Creating a Template File Name for use when uploading files into GoRev and renaming existing files
- Added a From field to the Patient Overview file view that lists the facility that a file exists in if it is being referenced over a GoRevSync interface.
- Created an MRN timeline. At this time only the Visit level information is captured in the timeline.
- Added a Priority column to the VisitCharge flat data interface that allows for priority to manually be specified. Also added functionality to automatically put charges after the final charge when no priority is specified.
- Add Visit Tags to Financials and Statements UIs within GoRev
- Created SchedulingCancelledVisitStatus, SchedulingCancelledCodingStatus, and SchedulingCheckInCodingStatus system registry keys which allow for specifying a custom visit or coding status to apply whenever an appointment is cancelled in the Scheduling UI and specifying a custom Coding Status when a patient is checked in
- Add ability to see a range of batch dates in Merchant Batch UI and add Processor name
- Added Time to the Recent patients on the main screen.
- Paytrace - Added support for physical Card Readers
- Utilized PayTrace's Batch API call to create a Merchant Services Settlement process within GoRev
- Add ability to import international addresses to Patient Contact flat data component
- Added a column to the Additional Category tab that shows the panel code for quick referencing within the LIMS Edit Test UI
- Grid Coding Module - Add Rev Code Column
- Add Replace PDF Function to Print Forms
- Added Support for ACC (Accident) HL7 Segment Details
- Add Visit VIP Indicator Field for use in Integrations via highlighted visit tagging
- Lab result interface can now import hidden toggle on tests
- Search methods changed to support better automated importing of 835 remit files from clearinghouses
- Fixed a process where Users are bypassing actual merchant services processing by selecting Amex, Visa, Mastercard and not performing the processing steps.
- Enhanced Payment Processing for Returning Patients
- Fixed Spelling Error
- Make Visit Doctors available to print services regardless of charge details
- Removed Claim Status check from Plans - This functionality has not been supported for some time
- CMS1500 form now automatically applies dynamic font sizing to more effectively display values on printed CMS1500's