Journal Entries - Screen Overview
Screen code:glljeci
Throughout the Financials (FIN) application, there is a tooltip feature that appears when the mouse hovers over the GL account field. Tooltips also referred to as infotips and hints, are common graphical user interface (GUI) elements that provide information about screen elements or components when you hover over them. These text boxes may include information about the function of a button, what an abbreviation stands for, or the exact absolute time stamp over a relative time period.
Enhanced tooltip includes:
- GL account number
- GL account description
- Account Type
- Segment label
- Segment code
- Segment code description
*Note: It is common practice to display the tooltip continuously as long as the user hovers over the element or text box.
Navigation Tip: Financials >> General Ledger >> Journal Entries >> Journal Entries.
Work with Journal Entries
The Work with Journal Entries page displays transaction summary data such as fiscal year, date of the transaction, journal entry number, sub-ledger source, and journal entry description along with Actions that can be performed on each JE.
*Note: To create a new Journal Entry, you can use the Add New Entry button (top right) OR the Add New Data + button from the Common Actions toolbar in the bottom right corner.
Navigation Tip: Financials >> General Ledger >> Journal Entries >> Journal Entries.
It has the following parameters:
- Fiscal Year: The fiscal year when the journal entry is created. You can enter the fiscal year in the search filter to search by fiscal year.
- JE#: The system-generated unique journal entry number or displays the user-entered journal entry number. You can also search for a specific journal entry using the journal entry number.
- Date: The date when the journal entry has been created.
- Source: Sub-ledger source. You can filter by the source of the sub-ledger for the journal entry. For example, searching by AP will display all entries for Accounts Payable. The default (blank) search displays entries from all sources.
- Posted: Displays Yes or No depending on whether a journal entry is posted or not. You can filter by Posted, Unposted, or Both.
- Validation Reviewed: Displays Yes or No depending on whether the journal entry validation process (edit) has been run.
- Validation Successful: Displays Yes or No depending on whether journal entries have passed the system validations.
- Description: Description of the journal entry.
- Actions: Actions column to show all the actions list. 3 vertical dots
in the Actions column displays all the right-click actions available on the page.
*Note: Red color highlight displays which JE has a document.
You can also search JE by using the calendar year/month, and JE number. You can also search JE using the following options that are mentioned on the screen filter options:
- Ascending/Descending: To order the listing of JE in a specific order.
- Only My Entries: Yes/No to Lists JE only which are created by the logged-in user only.
- Posted: Filter option to list JEs that are only posted/unposted/both.
*Note: Click the Reset button to clear all the search criteria to get the default listing as before.
Actions (vertical three-dot menu) with description:
Update: In order to update both record fields as well as the detail section of the journal entry. A user can update the Fiscal Year, Journal Entry Date, Description, and Comment if the general entry has not yet been posted. You may also upload files or documents.
*Note: Only Description and comment from control and detail is allowed if the JE is already posted.
Inquire: View journal entries, Copy or Reverse journal entries, Work on Journal Entry Details, Print Spreadsheet, sort and view journal entries by Account Order or Journal Entry lines (details).
Copy/Reverse: Displays the original journal entry details and allows the user to either Copy or Reverse the selected entry by generating new Journal entry details and attributes such as Fiscal Year, journal entry number, date, and description. The pro-rate factor helps you copy portions of the Journal Entry value.
Copy to Additional Period: Copy a journal entry from a standard accounting period (period 1-12) to one of the additional periods (13-15).
Details: Displays all the debit and credit transaction details of the selected journal entry record. Users are allowed to filter by Line or Account and also create a printable version.
Validate - Keyed Order: Generates a report in the order of Journal Entry lines (details) This runs in batch and determines if the Journal Entry has balanced funds and balances in total.
Note: Edit Keyed, Edit Account, and Post only apply to unposted entries.
Validate - Account Order: Generates a report in the order of on GL account number. This runs in batches and determines if the Journal Entry has balanced funds and balances in total.
Post: Post the Journal Entry. The balances of the respective general ledger accounts are updated.
Print: Print the Journal Entries. This option is applicable only to the posted entries.
Create Offsetting Entries: Automatically creates journal entry line item details for offsetting consolidated cash or due to/due from GL accounts. You can add offset entry for imported JE also whether it’s automated or manual.
To know more about how to add a new journal entry, visit Add Journal Entry article.
Update - Journal Entry Controls Update
Screen code: gltjecu
You can update the journal entry using the Update menu option. It helps you to update the fiscal year, journal entry date, and journal entry description, and add comments. Whenever a journal entry is edited or updated, the GL module runs validations and provides a warning to users in case the journal entry cannot be posted.
Go to the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click, and either select the Update option from the menu of the journal entry item detail or click the Action menu to select the Update option.
A journal entry cannot be posted if:
- The accounting period (determined by the journal date) is not currently open.
- Total debits do not equal total credits, and the ledger is defined as a balanced ledger.
- Any control totals entered with the journal header do not match the actual totals for the journal (debits, credits, statistical units, number of lines).
- One or more general ledger account numbers are inactive or invalid as of the journal date.
Pro Tip: Establish a naming convention ahead of time for JEs, it helps you quickly recognize them while searching.
It has the following parameters:
- Fiscal Year: Financial year. By default, it shows the current financial year.
- Journal Entry Date: Edit or modify the journal entry date. To modify the journal entry date, the date must be in the same fiscal year and the year must not be closed for any transactions.
- Description: Edit or modify the journal entry description.
- Comment: Add comments related to edit or update action.
Click Submit to update and save the details.
Inquire - Journal Entry Control Inquiry
Screen code: gltjeci
To inquire about the journal entry, on the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Inquire option from the menu of the journal entry item detail. The Journal Entry Control Inquiry page displays the attributes of the individual transaction. Users who don't have access to add or edit on screen can only view information.
The Inquiry tab is by default active on the Journal Entry Control Inquiry page.
It has the following tabs:
The information is presented in two horizontal panels. The top panel contains the following parameters:
Inquiry: Displays the original journal entry details and all related information, such as the fiscal year when the journal entry was created, the journal entry number, the date, the description, and the comments. The tab also shows if the journal entry has been posted or not if validation has been reviewed or has been successful, and the date and ID of the user who updated the journal entry last.
Copy/Reverse: This shows the original journal entry details and provides the user with the option of either copying or reversing the selected entry by generating new journal entry details and attributes such as the fiscal year, journal entry number, date, and description. The pro-rate factor facilitates the copying of portions of the Journal Entry value.
Details: Displays all the debit and credit transaction details of the selected journal entry record. Users can filter by Line or Account and also create a printable version.
Spreadsheet Print: Print the Journal Entries.
Validate Keyed Order: Generates a report in the order of Journal Entry lines (details) This runs in batch and determines if the Journal Entry has balanced funds and balances in total.
Validate Account Order: The report is generated in the order of the GL account number. This runs in batches that determine if the Journal Entry has balanced funds and balances in total.
Post: Post the Journal Entry. The balances of the respective general ledger accounts are updated.
*Note: These tabs look different for posted versus unposted entries. Posted entries will have a Print tab.
To inquire about a journal entry. You can also access this option via the right-click menu when you click the Inquiry tab. In addition, it displays all the relevant information, such as the fiscal year when the journal entry was made, the journal entry number, the date, and the description. Also displayed on this tab are details about whether the journal entry has been posted or not, whether validation has been reviewed, whether validation has been successful, and the user id who last updated the journal entry.
The inquiry screen enables the user to perform several functions.
- Fiscal year: The fiscal year of the journal entry.
- Journal entry number: Unique journal entry number.
- Journal entry date: Date when the journal entry was created.
- Description: Description of the journal entry.
- Comment: Any note/comment about the journal entry?
- Posted: If it’s Posted or Unposted journal entry (Yes/No).
- Validation Reviewed: Yes/No to know if validation review is done.
- Validation Successful: Yes/No to know if the validation is successful.
- Date modified: Date when the entry is modified last time.
- Userid modified: UserId who modified the entry last time.
On the bottom panel, it has the following parameters:
- Source: Source of the journal entry. For example, an entry from Account Payable.
- Date added: Date when the entry is added.
- Userid created: Userid who created the entry.
- Workstation created: The workstation where the journal entry was created.
- Workstation modified: The userid who modified it.
- Userid validation reviewed: Userid who reviewed the validation.
- Date validation reviewed: Date when the user reviewed validation.
- Userid posted: Userid who posted the journal entry.
- Date posted: Date when a user posted the journal entry.
Journal Entry Copy/Reverse
Screen code: gltjecc
Copy/Reverse the journal entry when you select the Copy/Reverse menu option. This option is located at the right-click menu of the journal entry line item details. Users can copy or reverse the selected entry by creating a new journal entry with attributes such as Fiscal Year, JE Number, Date, and Description based on the original entry details.
*Pro Tip: Create a JE template by setting up a master and copying it each time. You can use your naming convention to quickly find the templates and if you don't post them they won’t impact your GL.
The pro-rate factor lets you copy portions of the Journal Entry value. For example, enter 0.5 to copy half of the amount into the new journal entry.
- Selecting Copy and submitting the details creates a new journal entry by copying an existing entry. Selecting Reverse and submitting creates a reversal of the debits and credits from the original journal entry.
- If you do not enter a journal entry number then the system determines the next sequential journal entry number
- Each journal entry that is posted can be applied to the appropriate fiscal month corresponding to the journal entry date.
It has the following parameters:
- Fiscal year: Assigning the journal entry to a particular fiscal year.
- Journal entry number: A unique number that identifies the journal entry and its related components.
- Journal entry date: Journal Entry date that falls within the Fiscal Year assigned.
- Description: To enter Journal Entry Description.
- Comment: Comments related to the selected journal entry.
- Pro-rate factor: Pro-rate factor is to be entered in decimal. It will proportion the copied or reversed value amount and create a new journal entry with the amount value accordingly.
- Copy/Reverse:
- Copy creates a new GL Journal Entry number by copying the existing Journal Entry Details. The user may define the fiscal year, journal entry date, description, and comment for the newly created GL journal entry number.
- Reverse creates a new GL Journal Entry number by reversing the debits and credits of the existing Journal Entry Details. The user may define the fiscal year, journal entry date, description, and comment for the newly created GL journal entry number.
*Note: All the parameters/fields marked with an Asterisk(*) are mandatory fields.
Additional Period Journal Entry Copy/Reverse
Screen Code: gltjecc
To Copy/Reverse a journal entry when you select the Copy to Additional Period menu option.
On the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Copy/Reverse option from the menu of the journal entry item detail. It copies a journal entry from a standard accounting period (periods 1-12) to one of the additional periods (13-15). This functionality is similar to the copy feature but in addition, lets you also copy the journal entries to an additional period.
It has the following parameters:
*Note: All the parameters/fields marked with an Asterisk(*) are mandatory fields.
Work with Journal Entry Details (Details)
Screen code: glljedi
To view the details of the journal entry.
On the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Details option from the menu of the journal entry item detail. It displays all the debit and credit transaction details of the selected journal entry record. You can also filter by line or account and create a printable version too. You can click Add New Data + button to add new journal entry details.
*Note: The Add New Data + button on the Action bar gets active only when the user gets into edit mode. There would be an edit button in the bottom bar, once the user clicks on it, then the + button gets visible.
Details Screen - Inquire Mode
Details Screen - Update Mode
*Note: You can also use the Printable Version button to view and print the details. It's a toggle switch. The following Work with Journal Entry Details page shows the printable version, you need to click the Non-Printable Version button to retail the previous screen.
It has the following parameters:
- Line#: Sort and Filter By:
- Line - Filter by number Of Line Items
- Account- Filter by GL Account Number
- Account Number: GL Account Number.
- Account Description: GL Account Description.
- Line: Sequential Line Number.
- Debit: Debit Amount of the Detail Line.
- Credit: Credit Amount of the Detail Line.
- Description: Line Item Description.
You can also update, inquire, check or upload Documents and/or View Checks related to the JE. You can directly view documents or checks using the link provided below each entry of specific account-related JEs.
Click Save Row. Click Submit to submit the updates. Click Submit & Add new JE to submit the JE details and direct you to the Work with Journal Entry page to add a new entry.
The row is saved and the next line item will be open to fill up the JE details of the next account number.
*Note: When you create new JE details the Simulate this Entry button gets activated.
The system displays the following notification confirmation about the JE submission action:
Tooltip: Hovering over the account number displays the following tooltip providing more information about the account. For example, the type of account, the amount of the fund, and the number of objects, departments, and programs under a specific account number.
Spreadsheet Print
The Journal Entry Spreadsheet Print report is a transactional report that prints line-level details of a Journal Entry (JE) in a spreadsheet format. Both posted as well as unposted Journal Entries can be selected for Spreadsheet print reports.
Navigation Tip: Journal Entries >> Journal Entry >> Work with Journal Entries >> Select a JE # >> Click tab Spreadsheet Print.
Click Submit to run the job at a specific time. It displays the following message:
The system displays the following pop-up:
Click OK. Click the Spooler button from the Common Actions Bar to view the Work with Print Jobs page that includes the report in the list with a status of it for Spreadsheet Print as follows:
View Spreadsheet page appears with the following options:
- View Journal entry name
- Email Journal entry name
Click the View Journal entry name button. The system downloads the excel file to your machine.
Click the downloaded file to open the spreadsheet. The JE Spreadsheet report contains the following columns. These are the same fields available on the Journal Entry Control and Details screens.
Validate Keyed Order and Validate Account Order
Screen code:cmtsubmit
To validate/ specify preferences.
On the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Validate Keyed and Validate AccountOrder options from the menu of the journal entry item detail.
- For Validate Keyed Order, the report generated is in the order as per the journal entry line item order (details) were keyed.
- For Validate Account Order, the report generated will be in the account number order. Both options run in batches and determine if the journal entry has balanced funds and balances in total.
Validate Keyed Order
Validate Account Order
Click Submit to run the job. It displays the message at the bottom of the Work with Journal Entries page.
It pops up the following message:
Additional Period Journal Entry Copy/Reverse
Screen Code: gltjecc
To Copy/Reverse a journal entry when you select the Copy to Additional Period menu option.
On the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Copy/Reverse option from the menu of the journal entry item detail. It copies a journal entry from a standard accounting period (periods 1-12) to one of the additional periods (13-15). This functionality is similar to the copy feature but in addition, lets you also copy the journal entries to an additional period.
It has the following parameters:
- Fiscal year*: To enter the Financial fiscal year.
- Journal entry number: Journal Entry Number - A unique and system-generated number that identifies the Journal Entry and its related components. (Alternatively, you can assign a Journal Entry Number).
- Journal entry date*: To enter the last day of the Fiscal Year chosen above.
- Description*: To enter the Journal Entry description.
- Comment: To enter the comments related to the journal entry.
- Pro-rate factor*: The pro-rate factor entered in decimal prorates and copies or reverses the Journal Entries. (For example, 1.0 will copy or reverse the same amount as entered; 0.5 will copy or reverse half of the amount).
- Copy/Reverse: To copy or reverse the Journal Entry into a new journal entry.
- Additional Period*: To copy a journal entry from a standard accounting period (period 1-12) to one of the additional periods (13-15).
*Note: Additional Periods can be turned on in settings. All the parameters/fields marked with an Asterisk(*) are mandatory fields.
Post Journal Entries
Screen code: gltjeci
There are three methods to edit and Post Journal Entries:
- A journal entry can be edited and posted individually.
- A range of journal entries can be edited and posted by date range.
- Multiple journal entries can be entered to perform the edit/post.
*Note: To know more about it, visit the Process Multiple Journal Entries.
To post the journal entry when you select the Post menu option. To do so, on the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Post option from the menu of the journal entry item detail. By posting a journal entry, the balances of the respective general ledger accounts are updated and the actual journal entries are not changed.
*Note: A Journal Entry cannot be posted if it does not have a status of Validation Successful. This should have Validation Reviewed and Validation Successful as Yes, then the Journal Entry can be posted. Unless the Journal Entries are posted, they will not reflect in the GL Account balance.
If the Journal Entries which are in Edited and Edited Ok status are set to No, then you can not post the Journal entry and return to Journal Entry Control Inquiry Menu with a message: The option chosen is not available. The JE is not ‘Validation Successful’.
Print Journal Entries
Screen code: gltjeci
It is used to print the journal entry. On the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Print option from the menu of the journal entry item detail.
*Note: Only the Journal Entries that are posted can be printed.
It has the following parameters:
- Job description: The name of the job description. By default, it is displayed as the name of the job. (e.g. Print JE number 2972).
- Date to run: Schedule a date to run the job.
- Time to run: Schedule time to run the job.
- Copies: Enter the number of copies to be printed.
Screen Code: cmldspfiles
To view the documents attached to the journal entry.
On the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Documents option from the menu of the journal entry item detail. You can also search and view the documents that are associated with this Journal Entry. You can also Create Folder, Upload, Refresh the File list, Scan, and Add Notes to the documents.
It has the following parameters:
- File Name: Enter the file name to search. Filter by File Name.
- Size: Size of the file uploaded.
- Date Modified: Date of the file uploaded.
- User Uploaded: User ID by whom the file was uploaded.
- Create Folder: To create a folder to upload a file.
- Upload: To select and upload a file from your computer.
- Refresh File List: To refresh the file name list after uploading the files.
- Scan: To scan a document and upload it from the connected scanner.
- Add Notes: To add a note for the file attached.
Create Offsetting Entries
Screen code: gltjeco
To create offset journal entries. Offset entries are those that are created to cancel or balance an earlier entry with an equal and opposite value.
On the Work with Journal Entry page, right-click and select the Create Offsetting Entries option from the menu of the journal entry item detail. Offsetting entries are not accepted on non-GL Journal Entries and Journal Entries which are already posted.
It has the following parameters:
Create Offsetting Entries: Creates an Offsetting Entry.
- Yes - Offsetting entry created
- No - Returns to Work with Journal Entry details menu without creating offsetting entries.
*Note: Fiscal year and Journal entry numbers are auto-populated.
Version 1.2