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Support - account - app

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A how-to-guide on how to access account in the Branch app—and how to reach out to member support

Contacting member support in the app

Login Screen

  1. Locate the Need assistance? section
  2. Click on one of the following options:
    1. Chat with us - Click and you will be taken to the chat bot
    2. Email us - Click and your phone will open your email application with the Branch's support email address populated
    3. Call Branch - Click and your phone will pull up the option to call without typing in the number


Logged Into the App

  1. From any screen in the app, you can click on the Support tab in the footer
  2. You will then see the following options:
    1. Call Branch - Click and your phone will pull up the option to call without typing in the number
    2. Email us - Click and your phone will open your email application with the Branch's support email address populated
    3. Ask us a question - Click and you will be taken to a form with prompts to fill out
    4. Chat with us - Click and you will be taken to the chat bot


You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.