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Deactivate/Delete Account [Brand]


This card reviews how to handle account deactivation and deletion requests. For requests from brands to reactivate their account, review Rejected & Deactivated Brand Requests

  • Deactivation: Temporarily deactivating a brand’s account means that their shop is no longer visible to retailers on Faire, but the brand’s information is saved in our system.
    • Should they ever wish to sell on Faire again, CX can easily reactivate their account
  • Deletion: This action will result in the account being permanently deleted and all personal customer data is wiped from our system. Once an account has been deleted, it cannot be reversed.
      • After deletion: Once the 7 days is up the system will delete all personal data connected to that account.
        • All personal data is removed including, brand email, payment information, phone number, addresses, full name of brand (First name and last name)
        • We will still have access to Payment History, Taxes, Order History.
    • Should the brand choose to come back to Faire in the future, they would need to re-apply as a brand and go through the onboarding process.

Issue Topic

  • Brand::My Account::Close account
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::Commission too high
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::Faire feature limitations
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::International fees too high
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::Localization limitation
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::Merge duplicate accounts
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::No longer pursuing wholesale
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::Not enough orders
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::Sales rep requirement
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::Transferring account ownership
  • Brand::My Account::Close account::Brand requested closure::Wrong account type


CX Internal Policy

  • Confirm Account Owner: When communicating with a brand about an account deactivation or deletion request, always ensure that you are speaking with the account owner (see guidelines in the process below).
    • If you are not speaking with the account owner, ask them to confirm the email associated with the account along with the account owner’s first and last name
    • Cannot Confirm Account Owner: If the account owner cannot be confirmed, escalate the ticket to the Risk.
  • Reportable orders: Do not deactivate brands that have reportable orders (Any order that a retailer can still report for missing or damaged items: order status: new, processing, shipped or delivered <14 days). We cannot deactivate their account until the orders have been fulfilled and/or canceled.
  • Account Deletion: In order to permanently delete their Faire account, brands will need to reach out to support. This action should only be completed by the Privacy Team.

Triage or Escalation

BPO AGENTS should NOT handle this ticket type

Brand Deactivations: If a brand requests to deactivate their account, these tickets should be handled by the in-house team only. To triage the ticket to the in-house team, change the assignee to EU speciality or NAM speciality, depending on where the brand is based, and submit the ticket as open.

Account (Data) Deletion: If the brand wants their data fully removed from the platform this action should only be completed by the Privacy Team only.

Triage the ticket by changing the Assignee to “Privacy” , adding the “privacy” tag, and submitting the ticket as “Open”


  1. Check Admin to verify that the customer’s name and email listed on their Faire account matches the name and email listed in Zendesk
    1. Confirming Account Owner Policy: Always ensure that you are speaking with the account owner
    2. On Zendesk, the name and email address will be listed under the “User Data” section on the right hand side of their email message
    3. On Admin, this information is located under the “Profile” tab under “login email” and the “Contact first/last name” fields

  2. Does the information listed in Admin match the customer information on Zendesk?
    1. Yes > Proceed to step 3
    2. No > Confirm Account Owner: If you are not speaking with the account owner, ask them to confirm:
        1. The email associated with the account along
        2. The account owner’s first and last name
        3. Their phone number OR zip code
          1. If they can provide this information, proceed to Step 3
          2. If they cannot provide this information, this ticket should be escalated to Verifications.
            1. Escalate to the Risk queue
  3. Next, check to see if it is a Maker Growth account or if the account has a Brand Success Manager assigned
    1. This information is listed on the homepage of the customer’s Admin profile under the “Owner” category.
      1. Brand Success Manager: If there is a name listed under “owner”, that is the brand success manager assigned to that brand
      2. BP Outside Book of Business = Maker's Growth
        1. If the account has an assigned BSM, CC them in all Zendesk correspondence about the account deactivation request. To CC the BSM, enter their Faire email address in the CCs field on Zendesk
          1. If you are on a chat ticket, Triage Chat to Email and cc the BSM on the email
      3. Maker Growth: If the owner says “maker growth” then the brand does not have a brand success manager assigned to their account
        1. If it is a Maker Growth account, no additional individuals will need to be CC’d
  4. Ask the brand if they have a reason for deactivations and if they would like to deactivate their account temporarily or delete their account permanently. Use the macro: EMAIL::BRAND::Close account::Deactivate Account First Touch
      1. Edit this macro if the brand already provided a reason
      2. Delete Account: This action will result in the account being permanently deleted and all customer data is wiped from our system. Once an account has been deleted, it cannot be reversed..
        1. Should the brand choose to come back to Faire in the future, they would need to re-apply as a brand and go through the onboarding process.
      3. Deactivate Account: Temporarily deactivating a brand’s account means that their shop is no longer visible to retailers on Faire, but the brand’s information is saved in our system.
        1. Should they ever wish to sell on Faire again, CX can easily reactivate their account in admin
  5. Does the brand want to delete their data permanently or deactivate their account ?
      1. The brand wants their data fully removed. Proceed to Step 6
      2. The brand wants to deactivate their account. Jump to Step 7
  6. Account (Data) Deletion: The brand wants their data fully removed from the platform
      1. Account (Data) Deletion: In order to permanently delete their Faire account, this action should only be completed by the Privacy Team.
      2. Triage the ticket by changing the Assignee to “Privacy” and adding a “Privacy” tag. Submit the ticket as “Open”
  7. Account Deactivation: If the brand wants to deactivate their account, open their admin and check their orders tab to see if they have active orders that “reportable”Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 9.57.56 AM.png
    1. Reportable orders: Do not deactivate brands that have reportable orders (order status: new, processing, shipped or delivered within 14 days). They will not be able to deactivate their account until the orders have been fulfilled and/or canceled.
    2. Move forward with deactivating their account if the brand has:
      1. No orders
      2. All orders delivered for longer than 1 month OR all orders have been in shipped status for over a year
      3. Requested to cancel any pending orders AND has no reportable orders.
  8. Does the brand have reportable orders?
    1. Yes > Let the brand know we're unable to proceed with deactivation until all orders are fulfilled and outside of the reporting window. Once that criteria is met, can proceed with the deactivation as requested!
      1. Use the macro EMAIL::BRAND::Brand requested closure::Unable to deactivate due to reportable orders
      2. Solve ticket
    2. No > Proceed to Step 9
  9. From the brand’s admin page, un-toggle the Active pill on admin (to gray)
  10. Select “Brand Requested“ as the Reason for Deactivation
  11. Leave a note that includes the ZD ticket number and acknowledge the action before clicking on the button Deactivate
    Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 4.38.29 PM.png
  12. Let the brand know that we’ve deactivated their account by using the macro EMAIL::BRAND::Close account::Deactivate Account Confirmation
    1. Solve ticket


  • EMAIL::BRAND::Close account::Deactivate Account First Touch
  • EMAIL::BRAND::Close account::Deactivate Account Confirmation
  • EMAIL::BRAND::Brand requested closure::Unable to deactivate due to reportable orders

Additional Resources

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.