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Template: Sales Enablement Charter

Use this template to provide an overview of your team's mission and ensure alignment and buy in.

Mission Statement:

📄A clear description of the purpose of your enablement strategy, who will be the champion, and the expected outcomes. This mission statement should address questions such as:

  • Who will this enablement strategy affect / support?

  • What are the specific expectations of every team with a stake in this program?

  • What are going to be the specific, scalable, and trackable efforts of your enablement strategy?

  • What changes can the exec suite expect to see?

  • Note: It can also be beneficial to outline what does not fall under the purview of your enablement efforts, this will alleviate any false output expectations at the outset.

Key Stakeholders:

👩🏽‍💻Document exactly which key stakeholders are expected to be involved in your strategy. This section of the charter should highlight their responsibilities and establish a communication system that keeps them informed and involved throughout the process.

Program Funding:

💰What is the proposed financial investment for this program? Where is the funding going to be allocated from? A quick breakdown of where resources will be going.

Measurable Outcomes:

📊What do your success benchmarks look like? Define your metrics and how exactly you’ll measure the outcomes. Compile all this information and then translate it to whatever format is best suited for your company.

Check out Guru's full Sales Enablement Guide for more information.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.