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Issues with Payment Plan


This card reviews how to handle cases where a retailer informs us that there is an issue with their payment plan, such as:

  • Retailer is double charged on payment plan
  • How payment plans impact their terms or that they cannot access terms while on their plan
  • How returns and issue reports impact their payment plan
  • Retailer wants to make extra payments/pay off their payment plan
  • Retailer is unable to view payment plan

To quickly see a summary of the retailer's payment plan, review the Payment Plan Summary section on Admin. This section provides insight into:

  • Total Amount Currently Enrolled in Plans: This large, bolded number represents the total dollar amount currently enrolled in payment plans.
  • Lapsing Amount: Displays the total amount for any plan whose most recent payment attempt was unsuccessful.
  • Days Since Last Payment: Shows the number of days since the last successful payment was made on any plan.
  • Max Days Lapsing: Indicates the maximum number of days a payment plan has been lapsing. If multiple plans are lapsing, this will display the highest value.
  • Plan Blocking Terms: Provides clarity if any payment plan is currently blocked from using their terms due to payment issues.

If any plan is lapsed the box will show in red to indicate there is an issue:

Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 3.09.19 PM.png

Issue Topic

  • Invoices & payments::Payment plans::Payments failed on a payment plan::Why they were charged twice in one week
  • Invoices & payments::Payment plans::Inquired about their net terms while in a payment plan::Retailer is not past due
  • Invoices & payments::Payment plans::Returned or D/M on a payment plan
  • Invoices & payments::Payment plans::Unavailable on mobile
  • Invoices & payments::Payment plans::Requested to make additional payments to their payment plan
  • Invoices & payments::Payment plans::Requested to make additional payments to their payment plan::Requested to payoff::Plan is not past due
  • Invoices & payments::Payment plans::Payments failed on a payment plan::Why their net terms are blocked


  • Payment plan option only available when payment fails: The option for a retailer to enroll in a payment plan is only available when a retailer’s invoice becomes past due and the initial charge failed
  • Payment Plan Availability: USA, Canada, AUS, NZ and Europe & UK can enroll in payment plans. Retailers can self-enroll into 1 payment plan (as of March 24th, 2022) and all additional plans will need to be created by a recovery agent.
  • Retailer asking about their payment plan: Specific questions about active payment plans and inability to pay invoices should be directed to our Recovery Team. In these instances, follow the steps to triage to Recovery using the macro EMAIL::CX TEAM::Triage::Internal triage to Recovery team

Triage or Escalation

The following situations must be escalated to Recovery:

Payment Plan Modifications

  • Inquiries about modifications on active payment plans, enrolling into additional plans, or inability to pay invoices should be escalated directly to Recovery


  • When a retailer claims that they are planning to file for bankruptcy, and we request their filing once it becomes available
  • When a retailer claims that they are bankrupt, and we request their filing
  • Any other mention of bankruptcy or business closure


  • When a retailer disputes an order(s) that they intended to return
  • When a retailer files a dispute due to them not being aware of alternative payment methods being auto-charged on past due orders

Legal Threats

  • Any time a retailer threatens to sue Faire, involve their attorney, or report us to a government agency
  • Any time a retailer feels they’ve been discriminated against based on our credit decision and threaten further action

To escalate to Recovery, follow the steps here:

  • Use the macro EMAIL::CX TEAM::Triage::Internal triage to Recovery team
      • This macro updates the following ticket fields:
        • Assign to Verifications/Recovery
        • Set Form to [Faire] Risk Request
        • Set Ticket Form (custom) to [Faire] Risk Request
        • Update Risk Ticket Type to Underwriting
  • Submit ticket as open


  1. If a retailer writes in about their current payment plan, identify the issue below:
    1. Retailer claims they were double charged on their payment plan > Proceed to Step 2
    2. Retailer asks how payment plans impact their terms > Jump to Step 3
    3. Retailer wants to return or report D/M orders that are being paid for via a payment plan > Jump to Step 4
    4. Retailer wants to make extra payments/pay off their payment plan > Jump to Step 5
    5. Retailer is unable to view their payment plan > Jump to Step 6
  2. Retailer claims they were double charged on their payment plan
    1. Open admin and check the retailer’s payment plan tab
    2. From here, you can see the history of charges towards their plan. If a charge failed, Faire will reattempt payment
    3. If you see a previous failed payment in the History of tried cards section, send the macro EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Payment Plan Double Charge
    4. Solve ticket
  3. Retailer asks how payment plans impact their terms
    1. First, check their Payment Plans tab to see if they have the ‘Is Blocking Net Terms’ pill on any active payment plan
      Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 11.10.38 AM.png
    2. Yes, they have the Is Blocking Net Terms on an active payment plan
      1. If they are past due and blocked from terms, EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment terms::Recovery Payment Terms Blocked Due to Failed Payments in Payment Plan
    3. No, they do no have the Is Blocking Net Terms on an active payment plan
      1. use the macro EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment terms::Recovery Payment Terms Limit on Payment Plan
        1. Solve ticket
  4. Retailer wants to return or report D/M orders that are being paid for via a payment plan
    1. Use the macro EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Returned or D/M on a Payment Plan
    2. Solve ticket
  5. Retailer wants to make extra payments/pay off their payment plan
    1. If the retailer wants to make an extra payment in addition to their weekly installment
      1. Use macro: EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Extra Payments on Plan
      2. Solve ticket
    2. If the retailer wants to pay off their payment plan entirely
      1. Use macro: EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Pay Remaining Payment Plan Amount
      2. Solve Ticket
  6. Retailer is unable to view their payment plan
    1. If a retailer is unable to view their payment plan, first check to see if they actively enrolled in a plan from their Payment Plans tab
    2. Are they enrolled in an active plan?
      1. Yes > Proceed to 6 c.
      2. No > Inform the retailer they are not currently enrolled. Review the process in Payment Plan Request
    3. Confirm how the retailer is trying to view their plan, on their mobile device or desktop
    4. Payment plans are currently not available on mobile devices
      1. If retailer is on their mobile device, guide them to use their desktop to view their payment plan
      2. Use macro EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Payment Plan Unavailable on Mobile
        1. Solve ticket


  • EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Payment Plan Double Charge
  • EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment terms::Recovery Payment Terms Blocked Due to Failed Payments in Payment Plan
  • EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment terms::Recovery Payment Terms Limit on Payment Plan
  • EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Returned or D/M on a Payment Plan
  • EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Extra Payments on Plan
  • EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Pay Remaining Payment Plan Amount
  • EMAIL::RETAILER::Payment plans::Recovery Payment Plan Unavailable on Mobile

Additional Resources

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.