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Entering the Grade Level of Achievement (GLA) Assessment in PowerTeacher Pro

*The Grade Level of Achievement assessment only applies to Math and Language Arts classes from grades 1 to 9.

*NOTE: The Grade Level of Achievement assessment should be the LAST assessment in your grade book. This allows parents and students to more easily find it within the Parent/Student Portal.

  1. Login to PowerTeacher Pro and navigate to your Grade 1 to 9 Math or Language Arts class.
  2. Enter a new assignment titled Grade Level of Achievement.
  3. Set the Category field to Summative.
    (if you are not using the Summative category in your gradebook, you may choose a different category).
  4. Set the Due Date to the last day of the final term applied to the course (so that it shows up last in the gradebook).
    Hint: the days are listed in the term drop down menu:
  5. Set the Score Type to Collected Only and ensure the box is "unchecked" for Count in Traditional Final Grade.
  6. Paste the following text into the Description field:
    Grade Level of Achievement - As required by Alberta Education, teachers in Grades 1-9 shall ensure that information is effectively communicated to parents about the grade level(s) the child has achieved in relation to provincial programs of study for language arts and mathematics.
  7. So far, the setup of the assignment should look similar to this.
  8. NEXT, click on the Standards tab at the top of the window and check the box for the GLA.MAT or GLA.ELA standard that applies to your course.
  9. NEXT click on the Publish tab at the top of the window. Select when you want the GLA grades to be published (visible in the Parent/Student portal).
  10. Click Save and Close at the bottom of the window.
  11. From within the gradebook, you can now enter the assessment into the GLA.MAT or GLA.ELA column. You will have four options to choose from: AT, ABOVE, BELOW, NA.

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